We should have more girls like Nikuko and her mother, they are cute

We should have more girls like Nikuko and her mother, they are cute.

>they are fucking disgusting
Fixed your post.

hippos aren't girls

Is Nikumom also a speed demon?


Read Elf-san wa Yaserarenai.

Did this get only the one OVA or were there more just with no subs?

Just one.
Here's hoping we get a S2 announcement soon.


The girls in that aren't big enough.

Weaponized thiccness


You mean as in there needs to be more fat chicks in anime/manga?

Yeah, more variety is good.

As long as it is a fetish thing and not that fat acceptance bullshit.

I accept that it's a fetish of mine. Does that count?


Sweet. Thanks my dude.

She looks like she has mental problems.

But Nikuko is literally a healthy genki girl.

She is also half russian.

Hence her thick constitution. Nikuko is love, Nikuko is life.



>fat bitches
yes please
>wearing glasses
no thank you

>no girl in Elf-san will ever be as big as Meth's Nagato
This saddens me.


Your taste couldn't be any shittier.