
Even the government accepts everything she says. How does she do it?

Other urls found in this thread: yusa

Her speech and cuteness skills are maxed out.

I'll never not be amused by this

How does this austere reserved young lady have such a big obnoxious mouth?

I can't wait Meteora's hybrid theories to be proven wrong.

>She's in the center
Makes you wonder why she didn't get advertised as heavily as Selesia and Hime did. I think something is going to happen to her soon.

>expect a battle royale anime
>it's actually an anime about how a jrpg npc works her way up the ranks of the government until she's elected prime minister

Through the power of being a Mary Sue.


Magic Google

Were there supposed to be an extra episode this week or what?

Some nips got to see episode 6 early yesterday but they aren't posting spoilers.
Someone posted some in a previous thread but no source was given, so we'll have to wait until the PV or the episode itself.


There was a pre-screening of episode 6 at machi asobi.

Those spoilers were obvious bullshit though.

The power of a mary sue.

A cute girl from a video game is the prime minister Japan deserves.


She already is prime minister

>all those old men
If Hime had summoned a slut from some h-manga she would have been able to conquer the world just like that.


You know now that youve mentioned it it seems so.

Why is Souta there. Why do they bother bringing him anywhere, he doesn't talk, he's useless and he isn't even a creator.

Anyone else find the idea of an old man with a revolver flying around hilarious? I mean yeah this means he can hold his own against people like Yuya and Selesia but I expected him to be more normal.

Books said she wouldn't talk to them if they didn't take everyone together.



>Aoki is actually trying to save the show form the original script
Can't make this shit up.

Makes you wonder why they didn't just make this a light novel and adapt it later.

I mean why bother bringing him with them to meet the new creation at all. He gave them lodging once but he's still completely useless in that situation. And he goes to school, what nip kid has time for this?

Yeah, It really looks like Hiroe pitched a LN but the suits told him: "nope, straight to anime or nothing"

He's so perfect

She's a College of Lore Bard with double proficiency in persuasion.

Hey, I've seen that AV.

Watching like this not knowing anything is a lot more fun. It would be pretty obnoxious if someone shat on these threads with spoilers and all.
He can't have an altitude disadvantage. But it makes me think whether Yuya and sharkteeth are like him or not. Rui at least has his robot and everyone else can take flight.

>trying to save
They should have cut some parts then or made more characters talk.

I still think Meteora's theorising adds nothing to the plot if she's right, the truth could have been revealed slowly.

why does he need to fly if he has a gun

cutest boy(female)

But that's literally the same as the anime.

>They should have cut some parts then
That's what they did. Meteora was supposed to talk for another 10 minutes before JSDF showed up. Also she's apparentely the leader of their gang according to Selesia.

In the anime she just made a bad joke and that was it.


>Side effect of getting hit by Mamika's friendship blasts

I want Celesia's lewd doujins! yusa

>In the anime she just made a bad joke and that was it.
Are we talking about the same scene? The one you posted was the exposition dump about the fate of the world/her creator/Great D. It's not any different to what we got in the anime. Difference is they go meet Rui right after.


Author self-insert.

It would have been 10 times cooler if he didn't fly nor had any special abilities save for sharpshooting. Just a really skilled old drunktard holding his ground against various supernatural cunts.

No, the one I posted was supposed to happen in episode 5 at Fatty's house after Rui shut himself in another room. They were supposed to talk about Great D and Hime agian until the JSDF assault.

>yfw meteora is actually the true mastermind

>not full

That would've been cool, but this show is bad and cool things are not allowed.

>Aoki trying to save anything
That man hasn't directed a half decent anime in his life

How are we even sure he flies? given how meta the story is maybe he just jumps really high and they assumed he flies because all the incidents involved people in the air.

japan was taught a lesson on what happens if you piss off a superior power

He is a steampunk bounty hunter with gravity bullets, I'm surprised people are surprised he has a pair of anti-gravity boots. And in the OP he even appears on the top of a building.

At least being at the top of a building passes as a commissioner Gordon reference.

>yfw Meteora is mad because she's a bad background character with no personality
>yfw she actually killed her creator

>Meteora also pushed Setsuna in front of the train, and she meant last work as in she was going to college and wouldn't have time to draw anymore.

Welp I missed the 5/9 update. Time to shave my head. Seems Rui was a lot more defenseless in this version since Selesia helped him.

By being the best girl on the show.

Because if you were in a new world the first thing you would do is try to establish connections, regularity and normality. It's not unusual they would want to spend time with one of the first people they have met and one of the few who knows their story in and out.

The way he floated away just looked really lame.

>actually killed her creator
Wouldn't be all that surprised at this point

>yaaa gomen gomen

>post yfw Meteora FUCKING DIES



She got the first nendroid.

>post yfw she fakes her own death in order to manipulate the show from the shadows


They have a magic book, Marine and Matsubara who both have connections to various people in the industry. Meteora played the game herself and Matsubara is a creator who knows Selesia's world in and out. No matter how you slice it the "mc" is startlingly useless. All he can do now is tell them Hime's creator is already dead.

>reveal episode where she's alive
>gets to expo dump about how she managed to make it look real and survive hidden all this time

>"Go away we don't need you"

I want her to be revealed as the true antagonist.

>no matter how you slice it
Actually I sliced it just fine. You're being retarded, like a 'if I were shinji I'd get in the robot AND fuck both girls.' poster.


I'm assuming he's going to be thematically relevant as the show continues. He is really boring and useless right now, but that describes most of the characters, honestly.


With the exact profile they probably gave of the military uniform princess appearance the government will probably find her quickly, and setsuna used her real name as username so they wouldn't even have to ask not-niconico to reveal her info.

Before they both didn't realize she was the mastermind and only had some blurry pictures.

Is she popular with the nips?

but then maybe the show will get interesting instead of having her spout her stupid theories that she hasn't tested in any way.


I want Selesia to have a shower scene!

Not really.


They had the perfect opportunity to ditch him when Marine took them in. He even excused himself but they said "Oh no we need you here because fate". You know you've fucked up when the only way to keep a character around is to vaguely break the fourth wall. They couldn't even claim they like hanging out with him because he doesn't do or say anything.

Hime is the only really popular character.

>all these people wanting this cute little thing to die
You will all regret it one day.

Shit taste as usual then

But what does Marine's anus smell like?


>'if I were shinji I'd get in the robot AND fuck both girls.
What the fuck does this have to do with anything?
He is not even remotely comparable to Shinji. Shinji was actually the mc of his show. Souta's relevance is not beyond being in promo posters for some unfathomable reason. You're only argument is that "well they met him first so of course they need to include him in everything they do from now on" but the girls are clearly enjoying time with Marine more and have access to finding other people through those adults they have met. Souta is nothing.

Fucking finally

Meteora is cute!!!


What I am saying is that you lack empathy.
>t-they'd just ignore him
No they wouldn't. They've been ripped from their world. They know next to no one. Their entire lives to this point have been orchestrated and one of the few people they share ANY meaningful experience with is expected to be shunted off?

Either you lack empathy or you're replete with autism

I love Altair.


huh, now that you say it, her character arc did get resolved pretty quickly. What with her coming to terms with her creator being dead. And having no creator to play off.
