Spain is the european country with more military tradition. We have been at almost constant war for 2500 years...

Spain is the european country with more military tradition. We have been at almost constant war for 2500 years, we evolved to be perfect soldiers. Not warriors, not fighters, but soldiers. Think about it, the we have had "peace" during the last 70 years and even during that time we had permanent terrorist activity.

Okay, we are lazy, brown, dirty, uneducated and useless for pretty much everything. But put us in the middle of a battle and as a whole we will perform magnificent. Only the portuguese can compare with us.

The only reason we ever lost any war was because of our leaders, but the whole world fears spanish soldiers.

Other urls found in this thread:ía_de_España_durante_la_autarquía_franquista

the Eternal Conquistadores


Do Spaniards remember Franco fondly?

Is that guy in the photo a Civil War veteran?

>the whole world fears spanish soldiers.

>perfect soldiers
yeah it takes a perfect soldier to mercilessly bash in an octogenarian's skull

>Mooslim rape babies
>hurr durr muh traditions

Yeah, Islam sure is cultural and full of traditions.

>No pasaran

franco come back pls

>the whole world fears spanish soldiers.
How's Gibraltar lad hahahahahha

Sorry, but context for the song?

>Dat native music

it isnt called a portuguese man of war for nothin'

Didn't we kick your empires ass and take your colonies?

When fascism won the war. They came into Madrid singing that song in response to some slogan of the soviets who said that "They will not pass".

>Spain is the european country with more military tradition
You coulda fooled me

catalonia has a flag? isn't that against EU law?

Juncker and Merggl are going to go apeshit about this if they hear that...


>""""""""fascists"""""""" win the civil war against the """"""""commies""""""""
>Franco proceeds to establish the closest thing to communism imaginable
>everything is controlled by the state
>companies are nationalized
>prices are regulated
>the regime literally promotes that people don't think for themselves but leave the thinking to the govt ("Don't worry, the little light in the Pardo palace [Franco's residence] will look after everything."
>to this day the most right-wing parties that are heirs to the francoist regime proclaim openly that they're "huge supporters of public services and big government"
[pottery intensifies]

Pretty sure the french invaded you and we had to drive them out for you, had to do it for Portugal too you fucking mongrels

How does it feel knowing federal spain is going to make you eat shit

>Islam sure is cultural and full of traditions.
Indeed. For instance see here the most precious of muslim traditions, getting their faggot heads cut off by superior Iberian Christians

imagine being this much of a butthurt historical revisionist commie, wew

>federal spain
no such thing.

>It's true because i said so.

>we evolved to be perfect soldiers
doesn't take part in operation barbarossa

you can choose it. it's a meme flag.


>getting this triggered

>doesn't take part in operation barbarossa

Geraldo sem pavor
mata os mouros por favor

Franco should have joined the Axis in the war

Of Spanish descent, my great grandfather and great uncles fought in the civil war for Franco. Just got done living in Spain for 4 months. Barcelona is pozzed, Catalonians =shit. Literally all of the rest of Spain is good (ie Spanish, proud, Catholic). Spain = America of Europe (self described by people in Andalusia).

Spain America superfriends

Would being conquered by Arabs count as losing a war? Also after that maybe nobody invaded you because nobody cares about Spain.

Biggest EU army is France/UK.

>La política industrial del gobierno fue fuertemente intervencionista, y en ella destacan las siguientes medidas:

>Sujeción de las inversiones industriales de cualquier clase a un régimen de autorización previa, marcado en el Decreto de 8 de septiembre de 1939. Este decreto exigía autorización del Ministerio de Industria para la instalación, ampliación o traslado de fábricas así como intervención en la concesión de cupos de materias primas.12
>Concesión de un conjunto de privilegios y estímulos a las denominadas "industrias de interés de nacional", que suponían una reducción impositiva, facultad de expropiación forzosa a favor de las empresas acogidas, garantía de rendimiento mínimo del 4 % del capital invertido, disminución o exención de derechos de Aduanas y posibilidad de declarar los productos de estas empresas de obligado consumo para la industria nacional.
>Propósito de nacionalizar el sector industrial de la economía, a través del máximo control de la inversión extranjera.
>Creación del Instituto Nacional de Industria con el objeto de propulsar y financiarla creación y "resurgimiento" de las industrias.

This is a description of francoist industrial policies:
>Industrial investments subject to previous authorization by the ministry of industry for instalation, enlargement, or moving of factories or intervention in the concession of prime material
>concession of a series of privileges and stimulus to "industries of national interest"
>intention of nationalizing the industrial sector of the economy, through the full control of foreign investment
>creation of the national institute of industry to create and finance the "resurgence" of industries
literally soviet-tier planned economy and state capitalism.ía_de_España_durante_la_autarquía_franquista

so he to could also lose everything and have his country occupied by Am*ricans?

Cuando reviviremos la gloria de la Armada Española?????

Those are some swarthy lookin soldiers.

Lol so funny to see muricans validating every day the mutt meme
>Muh 1/8 spanish

You not going to mention that one time you let Napoleon's army get away because you slept in?

Catalonians are the byproduct of syphilitic Frenchies who didn't think as the children of gypsy whores that you were good enough to bring back to France. Eat shit and die pitufo

We don't even have a federation,they are a integral part that can only decide on how local power they can grab in exchange for short term political power,meanwhile they are like commie fornia the richest and most endebted region but they have more pressing issues like wanting more migrants or how spain is backwards.
I would have unironically voted for independence if it wasn't because commies just want independence to have a country to fuck up,and in same fashion as commie China or commie russia destroyed their native cultures so would commies destroy catalonian culture if given power and since no real right wing party exists in catalonia (spain is fascist and evil,we good cucks)i am against independence for their own sake...

Here's a partial list of state enterprises that were privatized starting in the mid 1980's. Virtually all of them businesses that had been nationalized during the francoist regime to prevent bankrupcy. ie the same that the soviet union did, the state kept the business afloat regardless of wether it was profitable or not.

Then why aren't we talking about Spanish colonialism and the Spanish empire? Oh yeah that's right, the British did it better.

>we wuz gr8 warriors
>pic rel
>battle ended literally after 3 charges from polish imperial uhlans
>3 charges
>it only took 3 charges to break 20 000 men

So much for "military tradition"

Remember that time we took Florida from you without a fight just by showing up and demanding it?

Better to be a mutt than be repeatedly cucked in every war you've participated in.

>get btfo
>sperg out

Maybe not now, but in the modern era the Tercios soldiers were the best of the best. The only way to beat them was to hire better and more Tercios.

You'll be honorary Aryans if you reconquer Latin America and take all these Mexicans back.

Like Vietnam?

>Muh we we're winning the war but muh politics

that's because we were a small country, so we couldn't have a giant navy we built the most powerful war ships in that time, even a small fleet of would be destroyed if engaged a man of war so big and powerfull

talk shit get hit.

We would have been a hindrance,our youth were either killed or maimed or had literally just surrendered short time ago so needed to be policed,there even was some resistance still fighting and most of the true fighters of the french resistance were spanish republicans that formed the core as they were vet fighters.
We needed those few available men to feed our population and rebuild our infrastructure that was utterly destroyed,that's why Franco kept talking about resources and food and shit like that.
We would have been invaded by a sea landing without being able to properly counterattack due to fucked up infrastructure and from there the anglos and brits could have opened another front.
Instead you got a neutral friendly pace to refuel and have intelligence over ship movements in the med

These plaques are still very common around spain. They're from the Ministry of Housing and indicate that those apartments are subject to regulated rent prices which can't ever be raised as long as the tenant lives there. To this day there's old people paying a tiny fraction of what the market price would be on their apartment because of that francoist-era regulation still being in effect.

so by now I've proven to you that there was
>govt regulation and intervention of industry
>systematic nationalisation of unprofitable businesses
>govt regulation of housing prices
whoopsiedaisy looks like you're just another delusional francoist LARPer you cuck

>starting in the mid 1980's
Francoist Spain died in the 70's

Yeah, I hear communists and lefties don't take kindly to people with different political opinions.
A better version.
The good and decent spaniards yes.
Probably not, maybe a Sidi Ifni veteran.
Those are cops, not soldiers :^)
Grab a book mutt, there was a blood clensing after the Reconquista and several expulsions of jews.
More white than london with all those llanitos
Wut? Pic related
Yes, invade gibraltar, cut british ship lines and check what the fuck are the retarded italians doing now and show them to do it better.

In the 1980's those businesses were PRIVATIZED you illiterate retard. The govt inherited a shitload of pointless state enterprises and what they did after the francoist regime died was getting rid of them
jfc it's not that hard

My mistake.

Pal, they are aryans, spanish, italians, portuguese, french are white europeans, and historically much more and with more glory than your country ever had

1 Loss in 350 years of existence.

Stay mad, Lothar.

We French destroyed Tercios.

Hail Victory!

>b-but Sup Forums t-told me to hate dark haired people durr

I don't hate dark haired people.

Read this article from 1992, have google translate it, you'll make enough sense. It's called "Was Franco a leftist?" Brotip, the guy who wrote that article is anything but a leftist and even shits on leftist policies in the article. Well worth a read to get redpilled on Franco.

It's pretty lame how " "latin""american countries basically stole Spains entire identity

Thank you. I have read it.

Ah, yes. White Southern Europeans.


Why is it always Russians who have the most disdain for southern euros?

All my relatives of portuguese ancestry are scumbags, and I've learned that to be true of the vast majority of portuguese descendents around here. Their king emptied the coffins to run away from Napoleon for fucks sake. Then he emptied the BR coffins to go back to Portugal. How is that, in any capacity, a soldier?
I don't like the Portuguese, at least not the ones who came to Brazil, which were a lot. To top it off, my portuguese descended father managed to nearly erase the traits I'd get from the german side of my family, of which I'm very fond. So I'm not seen as family with the people I care the most about.Needless to say the portuguese side of the family are scum. Every time a portuguese does something he fucks up. That's not a soldier.

Or with Cavalry.

The good old days.

shut up you monkey, the king was a coward yes because thats what you get when a few generations have born with full vaults and nothing else to do and fight, but he owned both lands and he had the right to do whatever he wanted with the gold because was his gold. Now you cant talk compare the king with portuguese soldiers who fucked every attempt from the baguette army, who already had conquered almost all europe,to occupy portugal.

Are you black or indian mixed? you seem too much buthurted about the "evil white colonialist"- portugese, spanish or whatever.

You'd know from experience, immigrationist commieshit.
>implying I don't know how your pitiful province vote.


Mighty Spain!
Been around for hundreds of years, and had a global empire.
Get's their asses handed to them by a country a little over a century old.

Honestly true manolo. I am Sanchez and prior to conlonizing the new world my ancestors kept a long tradition of military service. Every male up until my grandfather (who was Italian and introduced tolerance and patience which ultimately destroyed my family) was a stone cold killer.

I must say at least one of the commie votes was ironical and to stir shit up ; )


can you please leave that racist, hateful community out of this conversation? Thank you.

Hey Jesus, didn't something happen in 1812 too?

he was too soft on that commie old bag...

Channelled the enemy into a killing zone, good tactics.

>he had the right to do whatever he wanted with the gold
Good logic you got going there. I'd suppose you'd say then the jews have all the right to fuck Europe in the ass, after all they own the banks, they can do whatever the fuck they want with it, correct? Let's also not pretend only the king's generation was scum. Portugal dumped scum around these lands for 500 years, it's only logical to assume you had lots of scum. For 500 years.

I said part of my family is Portuguese and part German, what do you think? I'm not going muh evil white colonialist. I wish they were all like the Germans who came to the south. Australia probably doesn't mind having been colonized by England, ever wonder why? Scum was also sent to Australia, but anglo culture made it work. Hard work and family are valued. The portuguese in Brazil only came for quick wealth and fucking niggers/natives. Quite a difference there.
And if the above wasn't enough there are the damn genes. All men in the german side of my family are total chads. All it took was one portuguese manlet to throw it all away. Again, I look like a random stranger when side by side with the chads

Way better: look at their king's dynastic name. Now look at Louis XIV's, the Sun King, one. You'll laugh so hard at such cuckery. Von Habsburg BTFO.

Watching that felt really fucking good.

God bless you, Spain!

dont worry son, there are allot of monkey's there so if you are having trouble getting pussy its on you, you self loathing piece of shit

But you got conquered and occupied by niggers for centuries.

Don't get me wrong, I like Spain, I was actually thinking about some specific (non-nigger) Spanish history today when I should have been more focused on driving my huge fucking truck and literally endangered human lives with my love of Spain...but getting forcibly enriched is a pretty huge black mark.

I realize there's a degree of irony to me saying this as my nation (as yours) allows non-white and muslim foreigners to move here, but since you're discussing your military prowess, our deliberate domestic policies do not really apply.
Niggers kicked in your front door, took you over, and fucked you for centuries in the name of their smelly moon demon for like 800 years.

I don't actually have any real point, I just like bringing this fact up, I think it's funny.

My life doesn't center around muh dick, and that wasn't my argument in any moment anyway. Feel free to tackle any of the points I did make though. Until you actually provide an argument, I have no reason to rephrase any of my points. The German and Italian immigrants(and those of other nations as well, I mention both of them because they were the majority) were far, FAR better than Portuguese immigrants. They came here to work, not to be crypto kikes

>All men in the german side of my family are total chads
> I look like a random stranger when side by side with the chads

It must suck to be you, faggot

>the Peninsular War
>gets btfo by cheese-eating surender monkies
Yeah you're the best Spain

We won the War of 1812. All of our demands were met. Looks like you fell for Anglo propaganda.

>the perfect soldiers
BTFO by a portuguese woman baker


>good soldiers
And yet you had to import muslim moors to fight for you and rape the population. But muh based Franco ofc.