Muttposting and BLACKEDposting are all organized efforts to demoralize Sup Forums users.
The people posting under non-Israel flags whist shilling for retarded Jew-tier ideas are JIDF with proxies.
The mods and janitors are in on the shilling; duplicate threads are not deleted, and obvious spam is left for hours
People responding positively to shill threads are samefagging.
Replying to spam threads with "DO NOT REPLY" is not helpful. Just report and hide.
Sup Forums is not the alt-right, and nobody should align with them.
Screencap this.
"kike on a stick" is a brainlet argument for children.
People under 18 can and already post on Sup Forums and this board.
Marrying a ethnic girl or a girl who isn't your race is not helpful. The "current state of wytewimmin" is an excuse for virgins.
There will be at least one muttpost after this thread gets posted. Will not happen immediately, but it will happen if the thread takes off.
Muttposting and BLACKEDposting are all organized efforts to demoralize Sup Forums users
Pic related
Bump. More people need to see this.
>people are posting things I don't like
>this means they're shills or a conspiracy
Op mad he can't handle getting trolled but still wants to troll others. Cry more, faggot.
This needs to be constantly brought up. Jewish privilege is FAR more egregious than white privilege. It needs to be entirely dismantled before anyone even thinks about white privilege.
>demoralize Sup Forums users
Why would it demoralize me? If you can't learn to laugh in the face of bait, you will always lose to them.
You know what actually demoralizes me? That a shadow government of sanctuary cities is derailing our standing president; running a conditioning campaign that subverts well meaning people into self destruction by utilizing shame, pity, and astroturfing. And the feds do nothing about it.
>10th amendment
Don't live in those states. If you aren't a failure your job isn't at risk.
10th amendment allows them to import foreigners against federal law, providing aid at the expense of citizens, to swing EC numbers?
Yep. The feds are the ones required to enforce federal law. States are under no obligation to comply.
If the FEC and FBI refuse to do their jobs, why should I follow the law?
Ask the real questions and the thread dies. That's the real problem here, not even the subliminal bait.
But bump, because OP is relevant.
They do enforce the laws. A stupid law doesn't get enforcement. Your desire to pour resources into a problem that only you see as one is not their issue. If you break a law people care about you'll get in trouble. If you download music off limewire nobody is coming for you.
But if I subvert the country, that isn't a crime? Noted. I will be destroying both parties.
Not what I said, but I understand it's hard for someone.... well, let's say like you, to get that. You think it's subversion. Most don't. Your views are laughable, hence they don't get humored.
Blackedposting is definitely some kind of psy-op.
Muttposting on the other hand is just an organically funny meme being spread on its own merits.
The fact that mentally ill Americans like you get so salty over it makes it even funnier.
You can call reality laughable all you want to, it doesn't change the state of things.
When the country collapses in 19 years, I want you to know the Bureau's coverups are what caused it.
>not just people trying to trigger you snowflakes
What's hard to grasp? You get triggered to shit and all someone has to do is post a le56 face or BLACKED picture? Seems like easy payoff.
>american reading comprehension
I agreed with your muttpost comment. But you stopped early and backed down for BLACKED posts. Hence I know you're a snowflake clearly triggered by an equally simple troll.
>a stupid law doesn't get enforced
>laws i think are stupid should not be enforced
>laws i like on the other hand...
>laws that overwhelming majority of population don't like don't get enforced
Fixed that for ya.