Are White-Arab relationships okay so long as she's secular?

Are White-Arab relationships okay so long as she's secular?

I met this qt Saracen girl and I wanna conquer her holy land and free her gardens of babylon, navigate her Euphrates, climb her pyramids, cross her Sinai, invade her Persian Gulf, occupy her West Bank, disengage her Gaza if you know what I'm saying.

How do I make this work? I absolutely adore her.

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The beautiful ones are basically made for you to convert. You will eventually convert and end up joining ISIS or something.

All minority women that are pretty also look white. Just go out with a white woman

Don't listen to Sup Forums autists and go for it as long as she's not from some low class family.
Most of them will also convert to Christianity if you're not some cuck.

>Just go out with a white woman
white women here are all about "muh stronk inapendent womyn" lifestyle

This girl could be a home maker and would love doing it

This is her, her dad is some wealthy business man in Jordan

looks whiter than the average mutt
also looks like a roastie though
pump n dump

Is she Christian? She doesn't look Muslim.

If you would be okay with every white woman marrying a non secular arab, go right ahead.

Why do you want to destroy the white race?

Trump has killed this place

parents were Sunni Bathists that feld Iraq for Jordan in 2003

whites did this to themselves by being servants of Israel.

Just do it. Most Arabs are Caucasian converts anyway.

Don't lie. Gamergate and reddit ruined Sup Forums. Sup Forums was still shit long before the election happened

>Sunni Baathists
you better watch out m8

just marry a fuck8ng white girl, faggot. is not race mixing really that hard? theirs 100 million fish in the sea. find one.

White women actually suck. In Canada they're all leftists, and want independence.

This girl I got drunk with a few days ago and we talked about the evils of World Jewry for an hour and laughed most of the time. It was beautiful

If I convert to Islam do I get a free loli waifu?

>thinking that white male + non-white is even closely as bad as white female + non white
You're either retarted or a soyboy.
Especially regarding that she's as "white" as most Italians or Spaniards.

The Based Non-White that wants to live in our homelands meme came about during the Trump election and you know it

Marriage = Monogamy = You not producing any white children. It's the exact fucking thing. He's not talking about just having sex with the girl, he's talking about marriage.

The chances for him having white children with that girl are nearly 100% if he's actually white.

Nigger, the term "based" came from a fucking rapper and has been around and used to describe people for fucking years.
When fucking Dorner went on his rampage almost 5 years ago people were calling him based.

I'm Canadian of English decent

>Negroid reading comprehension

Yes. My girlfriend is persian, but atheist so not really muslim. Her best friend is a christian and I am too so we are pushing her every dad.

You wouldn't get me to touch a white woman with a pole wtf, have you guys no shame for yourselves? Do you want a divorce in two years and one homosexual son as your family?

The point is that the "based black man" meme wasn't popularized because of the election you stupid newfuck.

>When fucking Dorner went on his rampage almost 5 years ago people were calling him based
yea except people did it unironically then now its just a phrase used to rightfully mock the alt lite


what does her dad think?

how are Iranians in your country? I have yet to hear of anything regarding Iranian immigrants in Europe.

Nvm OP go right ahead the less english bastards we have in the world the better


>no hijab
>no burqa
>dyed hair
Does she even believe in the quran?
If I had to get a stupid Islamic slut i'd at least want to treat them like my property.

He is totally fine with it. None of them are practising anyway, they are all highly educated and super integrated.

I've yet to meet one I didn't like. The ones you meet here are usually those that had to flee the Islamic revolution, which means they were probably high educated/monarchist/pro america/socialist

Hell even the more recent ones like to integrate well. I asked my coworker why he was eating pork during ramadan and he said "I spit on that bullshit religion". The family of my gfs best friend, who is also persian, were so eager to convert when they came here that they became Jehovas initially just because they were the first ones to knock on their house haha. Now they are baptist or something

By far the best middle eastern immigrants

Race mixing is bad, you canadians are part chinks tho, so there's no problem with asians.

Where are you bud?

the capital


I'd rather Beijing be my capital rather than Abuja

Fair enough.

>This is her, her dad is some wealthy business man in Jordan

Yeah bro. Jordan is np imo. especially being upper class pushes those white epigenetics to the forefront.

just ask yourself if she thinks like a white person. order, honor, fatherland etc.

all that aside, she's pretty young. if you're a standard white boy, you're probably not looking to have kids yet, so its not really an issue if you just want to plow her.

if she's not really white she'll start to annoy you fairly quickly.

lol me too, there really are a ton of arabs here

the middle east is pretty ethnically diverse ( so really it depends

It's absolutely okay. I'm of Iranian and Irish descent. Unless you asked, you'd never know I had non-European blood.
I almost wanna call you a faggot for letting KHV (the vulgar ones) dictate your life, but as a father of 2, aged 27, I'll just say, if the interests and attraction is reciprocal, pursue it.
