What's the fastest way to kill yourself?


Dumb sissy German boi.

probably bullet to the head but youre a europoor so you dont have access to guns

spontaneous combustion.

mooslem peesis LOL xD

>Not posting the original
Checks flag, and so it begins

Snapping your brain stem.

Old age

reading the bhagavad gita

kill merkel and get suicided by eu army

u ok user?

no, that's why I want to kill myself

Put some chest on your chest faggot , its gonna be a bumpy ride

It's really not fucking worth it, my man.

life is not worth it and when im gone nothing will matter

We need your kraut blood

Mix strong alcohols caffeine and paracetamol.
Effective liver poisoning will take care.
Otherwise seek strong branch and some proper rope.

You hang yourself, using your little brother's belt you took from his closet.

That's how my brother did it.

YOU matter user...that's all that matters

Do it slowly with alcohol

God damn.. I am sorry..

Helium is probably the least painful and most peaceful way that comes to my mind.

If you are white, you are obligated to have 2 white children first.

if you're gonna take your life away, at least kill some infidel beforehand


Convert to Jizzlam.

I thought about helium, do you have any specific instructions?

Actually Nitrous. They will find your corpse with a big ole shit eating grin on your face

Don't forget about cigaretes