Why does nobody talk about digibro anymore

Why does nobody talk about digibro anymore.

no fun allowed

We talk about Digibro all the time Sup Forums love digibro

cause he is a fugging dumb fgt
and now fuck of with your unrelated content

Digi get off Sup Forums

Friendly reminder that the report button does in fact work.

Sage and report garbage threads.


Only keion fags care about this shitface.

Not Sup Forums related

Let's see how long they take.

>why don't you talk about ME
Get /out/ and stay /out/, faggot.

Fat hobo hope he overdoses soon.

I love this meme.
Even if the button works you still need mods that actually care.

If that's him then it's not surprising. No one wants to listen to the contrived opinions of an unkempt neckbeard.

Hey fuck you. Stop sending actual garbage to /out/ already.

is where it's at.

But /out/ is for outdoors and it's full of trash.

Because he's a horsefucker who likes Moeshit
ThatAnimeSnob is better

How the hell do this many people know who this person is?

Because shitposters keep spamming this shit here.

He keeps shilling himself here

I like Digibro but e-celeb shit doesn't belong on Sup Forums.

I'll take digicuck over Sup Forumsermin like you anyday.