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how can white boys even compete
Full and complete diversity with race mixing is the only way out of the mess we're in.
>One world
>One race
>One Love
>One heart
come to jamaica and
all rightt
its OK to be jewish
mfw the jews were right this whole time
nigger pills
So Hitler was a Weeabo?
The lottery is a tool used to catch time travelers.
All societies at all times in history functioned on a version of Master and Slaves. Master and Slaves (or Boss and Workers) is extremely efficient way to run a business and society. It creates clear structure and minimizes preparation for the work day so that more work can be accomplished. This is why Mass Immigration/Cheap Labor/Slave Labor is so critical to the plans for a New World Order. The Elite can not afford to pay everyone decent wages. Decent wages makes work expensive and slows down development.
I am so glad i read this
Women are the driving force for monogamy, and the sexual standards only slip when males stop controlling their impulses. The sexual revolution is completely males responsibility.
Jews are the communist/globalists that want to destroy western civilization and europeans and replace them with a mixed mongrelized race and kill all the smart ones so that the jews are the only smart ones left. The primary target for this is europeans, asians are secondary. Rest the jews are not worried about, since they have too low intelligence to be a threat. youtube.com
80 million casualties on all sides in wwII, the jewish communists started the bolshevik revolution in russia, hitler was afraid they would do same to germany as with russia. Every single death camp inspected by the allies turned out to be a work camp, only those inspected by russians is the current claim of death camps. the official number of jews that got 'massmurdered' went from 6 to little over 1 million after the war. False post war narrative was constructed that all europeans and european based nations were evil and should race mix and become minority in their nations to achieve peace. Eventhough 99% of the casualties of wwII on all sides were europeans.
Orthodox are fine. They’re not the ones that run Hollywood
After WWII jews spearheaded mass immigration into western nations, starting with the immigration act of 1965 in the US and also similar things in places in all european nations. It did not matter if you were of the allies or part of axis powers, if your nation is based on european ancestry (US, canada, new zealand australia, european countries) your country was target. Jews granted themselves immunity from being critiqued claiming 6 million jews had been genocided eventhough official number went down from 6 million to little over 1 million officially but they still call it 6 million jews in public eventhough it's not true. They did not care that about 80 million europeans on all sides had lost their lives or that several million german civilians were starved on purpose by orders of allied command after the war (see the documentary called hellstorm). youtube.com
except job standards will be lowered like never before because if you don't take the job some starving immigrant from Africa will.
They want immigration to lower the middle and lower classes, they don't give a fuck about you or the niggers.
This immigrant/refugee loving shit is just a front to bring in new slaves that will work for much less.
You will be lucky in the future if you have Saturday as a day off. Corporate bosses wouldn't mind showing up to their fancy office on Saturday, they don't do jack shit.
From my experience i worked for years in a hypermarket as tech guy and the owner (who looked like a jew really) rarely showed up and the superiors also had many benefits and sometimes didn't do shit while the lower people who actually worked were brought down mentally if they made mistakes.
>unironically study politics and globalism for 10 years
>it’s the jews
Humanity is a meme
Just dropping the final redpill
A study on different political systems showed that ethnocentrism was the most efficient
never forget
Northwestern European universalism resulting from medieval bipartite manorialism is the underlying cause behind Europe's cuckery.
Sup Forums is controlled opposition
libertarianism was the only thing that was gonna save us from globalist scum and it has been over shadowed by the (((alt-right)))
Ron Paul was our last hope and we blew it.
There are other continent's the size of america unexplored.
Kallergi plan expanded. Notice all nations of european ancestry is targetted globally with mass immigration from africa middle east and south america and india and other places, to the point of risking becoming minorities in their own nations in the near future if nothing is done to halt this. Race mixing of europeans with everyone else heavily promoted by extensive media campaigns and in movies.
Holy fuck this genuinely activated my almonds.
all thought is mind-control. only present-moment awareness is freedom in which energy isn't wasted.
Ironically precisely the thing hitler feared and wanted to try and stop.
To be fair, a lot of the muslim "Conquest" battles were smaller raids without the intention of acually holding the land while the crusade battles were huge slaugtherings
I've been overdosing on redpills lately from watching alternative hypothesis on youtube. Want a race war 24/7 now
The vast majority of jews are atheist and possibly secret Moloch worshipers who drink baby blood. They've turned their back on God and religion. The Orthodox believe in God and religiously follow the laws of the Torah. They supported Trump at a higher rate than white people. Really turns the ol' crankshaft.
That picture "redpill" or not ?
This is the redpill that completely changed my life from ignorant bliss to cold reality...
Even my dreams and nightmares arn't even the fucking same anymore.
Pic related.
>Sup Forums hates jews
good meme dude
So the white European Christians were just better at it?
Does this mean that ol benny is /ourjew/ after all? I fucking knew it. I just knew all the shapiro haters were globalists shills.
Japanese are white
Classic. I couldn't believe it but yes those pdfs confirm it.
Without an understanding of the central workings of the Bolshevik regime these statistics are nearly useless. Is there anyone an expert on their operations?
>85% of soviet union government members were jews
>t. Putin
There's wavelengths of communication that can be read over, walked over, where you can literally leave this world behind if you learn how or are invited, or taken against or with your will. Information can be given to you against your will. Human expressions can be transmitted against the will of the human being. Human motor control and inputs can in some circumstances be remote controlled. Who or what controls these wavelengths is beyond my understanding or allowed knowledge. Maybe I'm making it up. I've dreamed and thought of some... strange things.
>niggers are monkeys
>jews run the world
Give me something I didnt already know
>Maybe I'm making it up
I think actually trying to attribute mind control to fundamental physical processes is a mistake unless you're willing to provide evidence.
Fine, take the hebe pill.
Asia is only narcissistic and retarded
Europe is paranoid schizophrenic spiritually sexually emotionally and physically abusive to themselves first and others second
Reminder that we are a combination of the traitorous and humanitarian system.
I can't prove shit homie I'm not allowed by the protocols of the machine spirit to know that because I'd tell the world
>I've dreamed and thought of some... strange things.
Is it just me or are dreams actually becoming weirder and weirder? Lately I've been having some messed up dreams and quite frankly this has not happened to me before. I used not to even remember most dreams and now I get these vivid fractal patterns and number sequences that make sense when I'm dreaming but cannot comprehend while awake. The kind of shit people report seeing on the DMTpill.
Maybe it's just a brain tumor or the state grown weed fucking me up.
I think that looking for a hard physical mechanism is going down the wrong road.
>used not to even remember most dreams and now I get these vivid fractal patterns and number sequences that make sense when I'm dreaming but cannot comprehend while awake
you're seeing the world for what it is, without the jewish overlay. keep going.
Jews were instrumental in bringing african slaves to the US which was a pan european nation on purpose 80-90% till 1965. It had been near 98% european without the african american remnant after slavery brought over by the jews on purpose on jewish slave ships.
Hitler also remarked that the jews were instrumental in bringing negros to the rhineland in order to bastardize the european people which they hated since the jews could only ever rule over a bastardized/mongrelized people. Mass immigration and race mixing europeans and thereby lowering their iq has essentially been their plan all along.
When I finally wake up, there is no going back isnt it? I'm oddly comforted by the idea that this entire world is made up. Life isnt shit, it just seems like there is more to it than what we experience on a daily basis.
but what if I totally don't care about solid evidence and I have personal experiences that prove them true? like what am I a fucking nerd? what am I going to do carry gay little notebook and a camera and document everything only to be told I cant take a picture properly or accused of photoshop or that I am a reporter or God forbid a yelp reviewer? No I don't care about documenting anything with anything but my own memories.
How is Europe schizophrenic in those ways? To me it seems like everyone is spiritually dead here.
I have a couple of pillz, get lots of watuh niggas
yeah that's why Sup Forums loves him
open your eyes, padawon. see for the first time.
listen with your ears and hear what is to be heard.
go out and feel that world there before you.
the Earth has memories and they will speak to you. In them the stories of your people lay there in waiting for you to pick them up. When you die there in Europe your tales will be added to that soil you know. Taste it, the dirt. Know it. It holds knowledge.
is this schizophrenic enough for you?
higher iq
jew iq is a meme tho, to bad
There has been a long list of jews who claimed to be holochaust survivors recieving monthly compensation from the german government. but they either were in a normal work camp or they have been caught lying, here is a famous example of one herman rosenblatt who was on oprah and for a decade claimed he met his wife at a death camp. It was then later found out he had been lying his ass of, his explanation was that it was a lie but it was real in his mind so it wasn't a lie.
Here's another one who escaped being gassed because by some miracle water came out instead of the gas. youtube.com
>like what am I a fucking nerd?
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