why is this held in such high regards?
episode 7 running and i dont get it. its okay but nowhere near the hype.
why is this held in such high regards?
episode 7 running and i dont get it. its okay but nowhere near the hype.
Are you watching one episode per week as you should?
about every second day.
i get its this 25 minutes plot of the week type of show.
Then maybe it's just not for you. Who knows?
Probably just not your type of show, man. No shame in that.
It's not awful but it's nowhere near as good as self-proclaimed anime "connoisseurs" like to pretend
The OST is pretty damn good though. Overall it's a pretty good watch but yeah it's got to be one of the most overrated shows out there
>why is this held in such high regards?
Baby's first anime.
>nowhere near the hype.
Nothing is. If you give in to the hype you are doomed to be disappointed.
Most things as popular as bebop don't really live up to the hype. I was drawn in by the nice animation and great music, so I was pleasantly surprised with how much I liked it.
that would be evangelion
>not naruto and dbz
good one
>not naruto and dbz
I've read dozens of people telling the same story:
>I thought all anime was gay shit like DBZ/SM/etc. but then I saw Mongolian Firefly on adult swim...
It was better at the time. It's also misadvertised, so people go in expecting something else.
First time I watched I was a battle anime-only kid who had no idea about jazz, westerns or feeling feelings. Only appreciated it after rewatching years later.
Bebop is overrated shounen-tier trash. Unironically.
Agree, it's 7/10 at best
Bebop is a mostly solid episodic with occasional forays into a plot, but once you hit the home stretch, it all pulls together into a genuinely good story.
The best episodes are all around the end. The Jupiter, Fey and the Mars arcs are what I remember best. Some of the comedy episodes are good, but they don't hold up as well.
Space Dandy is better
Space Dandy isn't real though.
>why is this held in such high regards?
Because it has international appeal, as in the normies don't see it as being too-Japanese-y, which gives it a lot more exposure than usual. There's also a heavy element of Exorcist/Seinfeld syndrome, where its significance has lost weight due to what it did being copied over and over again. It was quite experimental and a very high quality production for its time, and even now the characters and stories are still good.
Hello, crossboarder.
It's very good, but the show really isn't for everyone. I'm not sure why it's so popular.
Some people prefer other themes, styles or genre. You don't like to like everything, but it is vox populi that this is a great piece of anime.
Are you enjoying your stay?
Still better
anime isn't real
Not funny.
Yeah it's alright. Ended up reading Alice in Borderland because of some people talking about it in another thread and that was a great read, so overall I'm pretty happy.
I think that the characters are boring, with the exception of Ed and Ein. That's why I only enjoyed episode 17.
Ma Brother
>not relating to spike
I think anyone who doesn't see why Bebop is considered so brilliant has a fundamental lack of understanding of the art of direction. Especially in the context of anime, Bebop is so mind-blowingly well directed that the average anime churned out today, hell, the average anime churned out in it's time, all seem flat out static and soulless by comparison. If you don't really like it then that's one thing, everyone has different tastes, but to deny that Cowboy Bebop was a unique product of it's era brought about by a nearly perfect execution of multiple factors like Shinichiro Watanabe being an artistic genius, a once great studio bringing it's A game, incredible animation quality, iconic and objectively amazing music, an English dub so well executed the creator considers it superior to the original, and a well fleshed out story that neither dragged on too long nor ended too early, a lot of different things have gone into it here that you may not be considering.
While you're at it you should maybe give Outlaw Star and Trigun a shot as well, if you're only just now getting to Cowbot Bebop you probably haven't already seen those staples of the 90's that most everyone else watched when we were like 10.