Have you fuckers read Siege lately?
Have you fuckers read Siege lately?
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Read fuckin SIEGE mate, what're you a faggot?
3rd thread I have seen about this siege thing
You gotta read SIEGE by James Mason
READ SIEGE by James Mason
I read siege daily
sounds like you better read SIEGE then user
What's it about?
that mega-dump full of e-books has it, but the pdf is full of cancerous conspiracy site banners
Killing your local mailman
It's the answer to fighting the jews and saving the white race.
SIEGE by James Mason
how to create a true white ethnostate (no more brother wars) in the glorious USA!!!
I read SIEGE everyday
you could be a bit friendlier mate, i didnt knew the book.
also an OP should contain a Link
>fixed for you
k then
There is also an audio version.
Thanks now I can fap while listening to SIEGE by JAMES MASON
>pic related
SIEGE by James Mason. A book that essentially gives tactics for National Socialists and Fascists to achieve power in the modern world. It was promoted by IronMarch and ropeculture before both were taken down. SIEGE is most known for discouraging against the use of mass movements that attract “lemmings” (the average individual in society who won’t sacrifice comfort for truth) such as the Alt Right. It also advocates the use of violence and terrorism to gain power since James Mason believed that the System (government, media, banks, etc.) were rigged against Fascists, so they needed to kick the whole game table over instead of playing by the rules. Correct me if I’m wrong on any of this, I’ve only read the first 40 pages or so.
SIEGE by James Mason
i aint clickin dat shit nigga
No, why are those writings recommended so strongly?
brb reading thread
Because it kills the ZOG
instead of thread you should read SIEGE by JAMES MASON
oh no its the siegefags.
wow best fashwave I've seen ever
Is this some shitty scheme by leftypol again?
Post PDFs LARPshillfaggot
oh man me too, read siege tho
Vague people need to be exterminated.
>worked fine 80 years ago
You’ve clearly never read SIEGE. The only reason things have gotten so bad over time is because the System is inherently flawed. Democracy only works in small groups of people (like a Greek city-state where everyone knows each other, minimizing the number of potential corrupt politicians). Democracy cannot work in this decadent age. What SIEGE desires is a complete demolishing and rebuilding of society. Western Civilization is unable to be salvaged.
Is SIEGE by James Mason a good book?
Yes. Yes it is. You should read it now.
Read the Brigade
Lucy knows what book you need to read
>still thinking siege has a monopoly on revolutionary thinking
>siegeposting on Sup Forums
>the system
Find one instance of the word "democracy" in the US constitution, you lefty larping faggot. The "system" isn't inherently flawed; the left purposefully broke it.
Fuck yourself and die.
Maybe, maybe not. Something can be 90% truth, but only 10% poison to be black propaganda. He does seem like a super legit guy. I think the reason everyone is being vague is cause Mason was honest about the nature of violence in revolution and none of us want to be associated with domestic terrorism.
Literally this.
So our government isn’t based on democracy then? We’re not a democratic republic? And if the System is that susceptible to leftist subversion, then it is inherently flawed.
Constitution is based on enlightenment values which are ANATHEMA to the Universal Order of nature.
this thread looks like FBI trying to meme another Waco
Remember when Pierce and Rockwell killed their mailmen? Neither do i.
SIEGE is about safe activism.
Never forget that Waco happened. That's the extent to which the enemy will go.
Somehow the Alt-Right thinks it can win through elections when they're ready to kill; SIEGE is a better alternative.
>how to be white but act like a nog that thinks he's smart
That "book" is absolute trash.
Don't you have Iron Gates and satanic literature to shill as well? It's already required reading at your little shitskin-lover clubhouse.
No, I've been reading about blood magick runes
>posting inferior version
>he doesn't read siege every day after waking up and before going to bed
Shitskins detected.
BASED Polish man demolishing the inner contradictions of Siege
Yes they have a fuckton of satanic literature and almost their entire org has been exposed as being satanic trash
read below for useful info and a lot of screencaps incl stuff they've deleted
Read fucking POTTER mate, what're you a muggle?
I rate this version an 8/8. Will save and replace.
Checked. Yeah, I mean, the two figures I respect most in the Alt-Right are Anglin and Varg (not that he'd consider himself part of it...) and neither of them are saying that we need violence to win. I appreciate Mason's perspective but Varg has been successful in applying only the non-violent parts of his strategy (starving the beast), and as for Anglin the proof is in the pudding. No reason to fix what ain't broke.
Direct action against the system, doesn't necessarily mean blowing up the government. you can influence government even if you don't have that much number, like SJWs did.
Pierce still seemed to liked the idea of terrorism based on his book
I'll just leave this here:
Why is this shilled so hard? You’re trying to communicate to people who don’t understand basics. Start with pierce, rockwell, and oliver, and move on from there.
>based on his book
Which he written pretty much to vent his frustration, not much more. Compare it to the actual stuff he made with his movement.
why is terrorism wrong though if it's for the essential cause?
what a shitty thread. op you're a fag
>starting with people like Rockwell to move to a wallmart worker for which writting a crappy wish fullfilment novel was a high point of his career
Mason is like Pierce if Pierce didn't have those pesky atributes like inteligence, leadership skills, vision and knowlege what the fuck is he even talking about.
No but seriously though, what's with ultra far-right racialists inevitably being involved in satanic black magic bullshit?
Does it all stem from roots in the black metal scene?
Yeah, the bit in siege where mason was talking about almost killing his principle in middle school was absurd.
>women don't have agenc-
Terrorism is wrong if it doesn't work. Blowing shit up makes you feel cool but it doesn't get shit done. Start shit like that now and we end up with another years of lead.
Sadly "feeling cool" seems to be only motivation behind grups like AWD.
They aren't "ultra far right racialists", they're sad people without anything worth living for and so they attach themselves to a doctrine which they believe will result in some sweeping, cleansing of the earth giving them the excuse to rationalise their desire to murder people.
Remember that in the Third Reich everything including the Einsatzgruppen (i.e partisan removal squads) was legal and performed in accordance with decent standards. These people besmirch the names of Rockwell and Pierce by associating their degenerate agenda with those mens work.
They just want to be as edgy as possible. Both satanism and "far-right" are concider edgy by society at large. Just look at their propaganda and compare it for example with those used by actual nationalist movements.
Those guys don't want to fix the world. THey are just getting hard at a though of killing people.
AWD started on fucking deviantart of all places for fucks sake.
reminder of what actually ends up happening with these types of people
>Reminder that Mason was a total nobody Walmart security guard until he was rediscovered. Meanwhile TrS gets hundreds of thousands of listeners and Daily Stormer gets even more readers
The last Daily Shoah had a good discussion on this, we have to stop following shit that doesn't work, fuck James Mason
Maybe it's too acquire women. Ladies will never go for race realism, but they do like weird magic shit.
>Walmart security guard
I'm gaining more and more respect for varg. Say about you want about that crazy motherfucker but he would rather gave himself a viking burial alive than work at fucking walmart.
More this. It's pretty nineties, but on. I have half an idea to start a comic on it, if I can get the old man's permission.
No, I read Mein Kampf
It's a reaction against Christianity, the problem is that when paganism has been entirely subsumed or destroyed by the religion, there's nowhere else to go except Atheism, Satanism, maybe Islam, or just have a diffuse hodgepodge of beliefs with no solid foundation (like New Age).
"Old Man"
Is that a "The Brigade" reference?
HAC, the author.
"The Old Man" in the books is his author self-insert.
Its amazing to what lenghts will some pseudo-intellectuals go to justify their cowardice and faggotry
I've only just started reading HAC's books. It's a very good read so far. (The Brigade)
This is some terminally advanced metastatic degeneracy here.
There is no argument against SIEGE. Those who are against it are only against those who promote it. They attack the people, but cannot attack the ideas.
Read SIEGE. There are things within it that cannot be explained easily, you will just have to read it for yourself to find out.
Hello this is MI5
Do you even know what that meme means?
>Hello this is MI5