One heartbreaking article that will make you say "wow fuck having borders and laws and shit"
I am outraged.
How did it take ICE 30 fucking years to find this criminal?
"Mexican sent home after 30 years hiding in the US" fixed
wheres is the fucking wall Frumpf?, i'm still have the money in my piggy bank and its getting more a more each day it passes.
Sorry it took 30 years.
>after 30 years in US
So? Is that supposed to tug at my heartstrings or what? Literally the same as
>Detroit man deported
Wow it’s fucking nothing
ok seriously it's been like 3 days and about 60 threads on this beaner. nobody cares and if they did care a little bit then they don't anymore. I hope he gets chopped up into pieces and dumped on the highway. fuck all shills in the ass
he's a felon
his wife is an American, the only plausible reason he doesn't have citizenship is because he's a felon
> These.
30 years of no taxes and bucking the system. Fuck em. I envy your current administration.
>a non leaf post by a leaf
My day has started well.
He had 30 years to get his shit in order fuck him
>man sentenced for crime he committed continually for 30 years
If only there were a way he could apply for citizenship, this could have been prevented.
I masturbate to this sort of news! Good stuff, keep it coming!!!
I am out raged as well…
They should’ve deported his entire family.
So he broke the law for 30 fucking years so that makes it ok?
If I steal for 10 months straight should it become legal?
>30 years
LOL 1 year too late for the Reagan amnesty, and just thought we’d let more spics stay forever on welfare. Too arrogant to bother to become legal or start the process to become legal. This is why we need the wall and to end amnesty and birthright citizenship.
this user knows de wey
You have no idea the torment of being a leaf in todays world.
We cannot even defend ourselves without risking prosecution. Our options if threatened are run or get assaulted.
let me guess
>meme flag
>1 post
>anti US
checks out.
>one post by this ID
>meme flag
I have been saying this for weeks. They are getting smarter and are now stopped trying to shill. they are just gathering evidence with obvious (bait, but not Sup Forums bait) threads designed to expose our ruthlessness in order to try and shut us down
gib that moni paco
Gay. Why would a redneck flag care about this faggotry?
sorry for being so late Paco
now get in the van
"Mexican man breaks world record at hide-n-seek"
Detroit had a head start on becoming a shithole.
Idk Detroit is probably worse than mexico
we really gotta give these illegals a bill for their existence as well as the cost of deporting them
Seems like kind of a weaksauce plan. We've been collectively known as the internet hate machine for more than a decade now. We wear our ruthlessness on our sleeves. if that was what they were going to cite to shut us down you'd think they'd have more than ample evidence of it by now.
Good for him. As the left have been saying all week, America is the real shithole. He should be much happier in the utopia he's going to.
Mexico has a nationalized oil industry, universal healthcare, and strict gun control laws. And it's diverse. It should be an utter paradise for him.
The beaner can even move in with Fred Reed
30 Years a Beaner
The needs of the many outweighs the needs of the few. Or the one ;)
Whats the problem, its not like mexico is a shithole country.
Shit like this makes me keenly aware of all the shit I got in for neglecting to fill taxes three years in a row.
He entered into a contractual agreement with the United States over 30 years ago and did not meet his end of the deal.
He should not only be deported but also face civil penalties.
> Detroit man procrastinates for30 years on getting legal residency/cotizenship; whines when deported
Get fucked illegals
Redditors found his felony conviction for drug trafficking in like 1995. Kept getting deleted by mods for "some reason"
Wtf i love borders and laws and shit.
>career criminal finally arrested after his 30-year crime spree
I'm not from the US, but I would guess they don't look as hard in the north as they do in the south.
You’re fucking delusional if you honestly think I’ll ever be sorry for enforcing laws, having borders, or wanting illegal immigrants here.
>fuck them boardas n shiet
>Detroit man
That's a nice way to say nigger
His wife is an US citizen, how he can be deported?
is this just a media op?
Damn, this makes me want to not vote republican and start holding irresponsible views on border control like the democrats...
Fuckin retard what’s wrong with you? An illegal idiot did nothing for 30 yrs to be legalize and you think it’s ok? Fuck you asshole.
Fuck him, good he’s getting deported, let him blame himself for being an asshole of a person.
>Detroit to Mexico
If you’re here illegally, they’re coming for you. I live in NY, we deport illegals by by dozen DAILY. tick Tock nig nog
>criminal hides for 30 years
>get caught, finally
>you want us to feel sorry for him
Fuck you faggot
Being married doesn't make you a U.S. citizen dumbass. It makes the process easier to become one, because you are married to someone with a track record already.
It's no different than having a credit score, the more information they have, the easier it is to get credit.
This. Should be happy he's going from one shithole to a better shithole
beaner deported back to mejico after parasiting off U.S. for 30 years
This showed up TODAY in my hometown. Fuck your illegal future Democrat voters
Part of my family came through Ellis Island ~80 years ago. Why couldn't you do the legal process?
You would think he would be grateful.
You mean to tell me that during his 30 years in this country he couldn’t have at least started the process of becoming a naturalized citizen?
Good riddance. He deserves to be sent back to his spic shithole country.
I'm sorry that it took 30 years to get rid of him.
ayy source me I want to read this
I’m sorry he had to spend thirty years in detroit. Nobody deserves that.
Great work, finally got him!
Seriously if you live somewhere that long why can't you just become legal?
And I am outraged it took a whopping 30 years to do.
30 years to find the guy? The feds have some efficiency problems.
wow f*ck having borders and laws and sh*t.
>make no attempt to become a legal citizen of the country you've lived in for 30 years
Mexico is an improvement compared to detroit though.
He should be thanking us for giving him a better life.
that fucker is over 40
Bait thread to make you upset
Wait, wait. He was living in Detroit? He should be overjoyed. That's the one city in the US that is actually worse than Mexico.
No problem, check it out.
Thing is though, nobody's confirmed that it's the same guy. "Jorge Garcia" is the Mexican equivalent of "George Smith" in Anglo naming, and the dates seem kind of wonky.
One less spic in BLACKED detroit(82% btw).