Ash Ketchum

>Ash Ketchum
>Ash Catch'Em

Other urls found in this thread:
It took you only 20 years.

Ass Ketchup

holy fuck lol. just got it now.

His name is Ash outside of Japan because of the legend in the second movie. His original name is Satoshi like the creator of Pokemon. You are welcome.

>Ash Check'Em

Are you two literally retarded?


>'Pallet' Town
>All the cities are named after colors
Is this new to you too?

And guess what? Tails name is a pun on mph.

Except nobody knows his full name except for furry autistic faggots.

You furry autistic faggot.

Is Mozart still alive?

Trick question, fuck off back to /vp/ you faggot.

Ash Ketchup

Am I gay for recognizing that Image?

Furries are Sup Forums-related now.

It is to me

A shame, but in the end it had to be this way.

No, you were probably gay before that

Yiff in hell.

It just popped up on Sup Forums once, I swear



>peek at you
>uses thunder element
mind = blown

This thread gave me health problems.

I don't get it.



Literally first result in Google for NGE congratulations.

>implying you didn't have AIDS already.


>never actually caught em all

Is there a more cucked mc?

>Pocket Monster
How did I not notice this until now?

Does Ash ever actually like any of the girls he's with?

He's too much into bestiality.

You joke, but his pikachu actually likes ketchup.

Is PM fansubs dead ?

He's eternally ten. You don't like girls as a ten-year-old

His name is Ash outside of Japan because the dub was done by 4kids and they always Americanized names. Same reason Shigeru became Gary.

I did when I was ten

we both know the truth

I'm telling mom

would you give sauce? for science

They've just been really slow lately.They put out one episode every 10 days. It's a shame because I'm dying to see the Litten episode.

Well, you don't like them romantically. Not really, not unless you have a very early onset puberty. It just doesn't work like that. But I get what you mean.

>Main character is named Takao Kinomiya
>Manga author is named Takao Aoki

I'll give you a hint, its a nice story about a man and his wife's son

The second movie wasn't out when 4Kids started dubbing the TV series. The "turn to Ash" play on words was thought up later.

Also, he's Ash because sAtoSHi.

i already liked girls when i was 6, childhood crushes are a thing user

Some circumstances they haven't divulged have caused a delay. They're still working on stuff.

Really made me think.

My friend's uncle who used to work for Nintendo told me that Pokemon mean Pocket Monster.

that doesn't help much, user, sauce, p-p-please

But his name is Tyson.

I actually gave you 2 hints with another hint already in the OP picture, giving you a total of 3 hints

if you can't find it with that help you are hopeless


he Always be tyson for me.

Otousan no Onna ni Natta Boku | I Became My Stepdad’s Girlfriend


Oh, huh, my bad. I thought I clicked on Sup Forums, not /v-hey wait a minute...

thank you, user

Maybe is Papa kiss in the dark.

>Lelouch vi Britannia
>Lelouch means deciever

>MC is called Yugi
>manga is called 遊戯王
>Game King
>Known as the King of Games in the show

holy shit

>Mew's clone is called Mewtwo
>Mew Two
>A second Mew

>Furries are Sup Forums-related now.
Always have been


>it's named that way since they won the civil war