Is Ryuko a well written character?

Is Ryuko a well written character?

>Is Ryuko a well written character?
Does Trigger even write scripts? From what I've seen they just draw whatever they feel like drawing at the moment.

You need to stop making this thread my friend, haven't we given you an answer the last ten times you made this exact thread?
Am i falling for a copy-pasta?

Nakashima is a renowed screenwriter that usually works for theatre and live television, the lead writer of LWA is an industry veteran with dozens of series since the 70s under his belt.

>I've always hated my dad
>I'll go through hell to avenge his death
Ryuko is cool and all but what motivates her doesn't make any sense.

Her objective wasn't really avenging him, but knowing him better.
But thats only for the first part of the series anyway.

And why can't you determine this for yourself again?

The only thing i remember about her is that yeast infection pasta

Mary sue

that's why nothing happend in LWA

still like it

>does nothing right for 90% of the series
>Mary Sue

For like the first half of the show yeah

I forgot that she's actually a woman.
But she mostly worked on WMT series and was even series composer for Before the Green Gables, so that's probably why they went with her for a western-feeling show like LWA.

And then what?

Second half of the show her motivations and ideals are grossly inconsistent just all over the place.

Maybe if you weren't paying attention. Her whole arc between episodes 13 and 22 is all about her motivations, or lack of thereof.

She didn't hate her dad, she resented the fact that they didn't have a proper relationship. Her revenge quest is an attempt to find closure as to why she was effectively denied a family. She then finds family in the form of the Mankanshokus.

Was it well written?

Didn't they just make up the second half as they went? I vaguely recall reading that somewhere, and it sure felt that they were setting things up that got dropped.

Yeah she's great.

>Didn't they just make up the second half as they went?

Speaking of yeast infections how about a pasta where she bakes you bread using her vagina yeast?

No, triggernigger.
