I see this ideology praised on this board quite a bit and I was hoping we can talk about its merits and shortcomings. Why do you like it? How did it help Germany? And how can one explain or justify some of the contradictions?
Let's talk about National Socialism
Other urls found in this thread:
It's quite simple OP.
The site you are currently browsing is infested with NEETs who try to be as edgy as humanly possible. Many of these "people", if you can even classify them as human, are so disgusted with their degeneracy and lack of purpose that they turn to ideologies that attract attention from others. Hitler is generally considered the edgiest, historical persons of recent history, hence Sup Forums's cuckery towards NatSoc.
Why does Sup Forums like National Socialism? Because this board is plagued by contrarian weebs that like feeling different from "normies".
National Socialism is a political practice that directly combats degeneracy. It encourages everyone to work together for the better of our race, and our race is our nation. It is like regular socialism but it doesn't gibs to the garbage people that make our nation a worse place to live, its about reaching a races full potential. not just whites, blacks could practice national socialism in their own nations and see an increase in their quality of life.
How much time have you spend on this board?
Unfortunately, you don't have to be on Sup Forums to experience its influence on other boards.
see op this is a kike a reddit user or a feminist or any bullshit that is out there that came here to fight a cause he does not understand he does not understand what is going on around the world and doesn't know how to survive alone some times I wonder why these people even come here. It's just a hit and run
>It encourages everyone to work together for the better of our race
You mean the white race? Well Nazis were actually very prejudiced against Slavs. You say it's to better your race but how would you explain the Nazis looking down on a large sector of the white race? Seems a bit cuck-ish to follow an ideology that looks down on your kind wouldn't you agree?
Why are you not finding any redpill thread and start from there in the archive it has all the answers you seek
>Immediately labels opposition as kike/redditor
How will I ever recover?
Stormfags have ruined this board
lmao I've seen almost every Sup Forums JPG my man. I've been on this board for years, I'm well aware of the appeal of NatSoc I just can't seem to get answers for questions like
I am not a National Socialist, though it is the historical movement from which I draw the most inspiration.
>Why do you like it?
It is in opposition to capitalism for reasons that I agree with and it is in opposition to communism for reasons I agree with. It favors the elimination of the distinction between classes and it favors the improvement of a nation's people over all else.
>How did it help Germany?
It ended unemployment, it put the money changers and speculators in concentration camps, and allowed Germany to go from a debt-ridden cesspool to the most powerful nation in Europe in under a decade.
>And how can one explain or justify some of the contradictions?
I do not know of which contradictions you speak, can you elaborate?
>trust me, i know what im talking about
>im the voice of reason
>everyone is a virgin except me!
Here's a decent well-edited 12:00 video of George Lincoln Rockwell discussing American National Socialism (with visuals and whatnot).
It's hard for me to sit here and type an entire thesis on the merits of national socialism; it would be easier if you had a specific question or we focused on just one of its aspects. For example, what do you mean by:
>some of the contradictions?
Forgot link: youtube.com
Well the answer to your question is simple to make the Germans fight they told them that Slavs are subhumans and that they should be the ones that free them from bolshevism and stop it from ever happening again. There is a lot of bullshit like they thought them as idiots or something like that once they had prisoners they realised they were just as human as them so they allowed every civilian in their retreat to come with them so millions were saved from the communist massacre that happened after the war that killed 2-3 million German war prisoners while the germans killed how many soviet prisoners ? yea I have never seen that number. Also if you really think natsoc really believe that slavs are subhumans you are an idiot.
>I do not know of which contradictions you speak, can you elaborate?
Well outside of things like I find the idea of an Aryan to be very convoluted and weak. Outside of things like "honorary Aryans" which already did much to damage to the term as it become something much more all encompassing than what it should be. I find the definition to be very weak. Aryan people were considered to have certain features such as blonde hair yet the highest concentration of R1a, the halo group most responsible for such features, occurs in Belorussian. Aryan as a term just seems very half hearted and as a result weakens the ideology as a whole
>Nazis were actually very prejudiced against Slavs
Politically. They didn't really believe slavs were subhuman. They just didn't like slavs because at the time, many slavs were commies. They may have even made propaganda that said slavs are subhuman but the actual marriage laws of the Reich and some of the personal relationships of some high-ranking Third Reich officials tells a different story.
Trips of golden dawn, truth truth truth
Aryans are just a meme and jewish propaganda get over it offcourse you will say to your people they are the best how else will they fight against everyone what will you tell them you are shitskins so you don't fight
>There is a lot of bullshit like they thought them as idiots or something like that once they had prisoners they realised they were just as human as them
>while the germans killed how many soviet prisoners ?
That's wrong my man:
>By February 1942, 2,000,000 of the 3,300,000 Soviet soldiers in German custody up to that point had died from starvation, exposure, disease, or shooting.
Russian POWs were treated inhumanely. They were made to suffer which is right in line with Nazi idealogy in regards to Slavs.
>Also if you really think natsoc really believe that slavs are subhumans you are an idiot.
You should read Mein Kempf, Hitler implies that the Austrian Slavs weren't even human
Slavs aren't white dipshit.
The Biological World-View - Povl H. Riis-Knudsen
Fifty Things That People Should Know About Adolf Hitler and National Socialism
If Hitler Had Won World War II We'd Have A Better, More Just World Today - James Miller
In Hoc Signo Vinces - George Lincoln Rockwell
Living in Hitler's Germany - Hans Schmidt
National Socialism FAQ
The National Socialist Way of Life - Walter Gross
The Twenty-Five Point Program of the NSDAP (National Socialist German Workers Party)
What is National Socialism - Dale Peterson
Hitler’s Revolution by Richard Tedor can answer most of your questions on what National Socialism actually is. It’s a great redpilled book, explains everything from specific economic policies to motives for invading other countries.
>Democratic court historians, especially in post-war Germany, attribute the Russian campaign to Hitler's ambition to gain Lebensraum, or living space, in the East. The theory rests on a tenuous assumption: Namely, that deadlocked in the fight against Britain and practically at war with the United States, Hitler launched a colonial expedition against one of the world's most powerful empires, the principle supplier of natural resources vital to Germany's wartime economy, in order to secure surplus land for future German settlers. In truth, the Reich was short a million laborers in 1939, and the government offered incentives to foreign workers, especially Czechs, to migrate to Germany to fill vacancies in industry. After conquering Poland, Hitler told Mussolini that newly recovered German provinces like Posen would require 40-50 years to resettle and fully integrate into the economy. Where would Hitler find colonists to export to Russia?
-Hitler's Revolution by Richard Tedor, pages 155-156
>They didn't really believe slavs were subhuman
Really? Hitler implies that Austrian Slavs weren't even human in Mein Kempf
>the actual marriage laws of the Reich and some of the personal relationships of some high-ranking Third Reich officials tells a different story.
I actually heard otherwise but you think I can get a source? Genuinely curious
>Aryans are just a meme and jewish propaganda
lmao What? Are you familiar with National Socialism? The racial hierarchies are key to the entire ideology. It is after all an ethnic nationalist movement
Mein Kampf (My Struggle) ~ Adolf Hitler
And Time Rolls On - R.G. Fowler
Defiance - Savitri Devi
For My Legionaries - Corneliu Codreanu
Germany Speaks - Twenty-One Leading Members of Party and State
Gold in the Furnace - Savitri Devi
Hitler's Priestess - Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke
Hitler's Revolution - Richard Tedor
Ich Kämpfe (I Fight)
The Lightning and the Sun - Savitri Devi
My Part in Germany's Fight - Joseph Goebbels
National Socialism: Vanguard of the Future - Colin Jordan
The SS Family: Procedure for Conducting Family Celebrations - Fritz Weitzel
Witness to History - Michael Walsh
The Words of Adolf Hitler
This Time the World - George Lincoln Rockwell
White Power - George Lincoln Rockwell
The Young Hitler I Knew - August Kubizek
Zweites Buch (Second Book) - Adolf Hitler
Then explain how Belorussia has a higher concentration of R1a, the halo group most responsible for Aryan features, than Germany.
>50.98 (nearly 51) percent of Belarusian men possess the R1a Y-DNA haplogroup and its offshoots. This genetic type spread throughout many areas of eastern Europe with the migration of members of the Indo-Europeans from the Ukrainian-Russian steppe. A significant version is R1a1. R1a-Z280 is an especially common branch among the Belarusians. R1a-M458 is most often found among Belarusians living in western and southwestern Belarus.
Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told ~ Dennis Wise
Adolf Hitler: Closing Speech in Triumph of the Will
Adolf Hitler Explains His Reasons for Invading Soviet Union
Adolf Hitler: National Socialist Foreign Policy
Adolf Hitler - The Untold True Story
Adolf Hitler vs. The Jew World Order
Adolf Hitler's First Proclamation as Fuhrer
Babylon Before Hitler
Der Untergang (The Downfall)
Epic: The Story of the Waffen SS
George Lincoln Rockwell: American National Socialism
George Lincoln Rockwell: American National Socialist Pioneer
Hitler's War: What the Historians Neglect to Mention
In the Service of the Führer: Hitler's Shadow
The National Socialist Revolution
Our Movement, Our Struggle, Our Cause
Triumph des Willens (Triumph of the Will)
The Twenty-Five Demands of National Socialism Explained
What is National Socialism?
Why National Socialism?
You don't get it do you can you even see who wrote the source for that 2 million russians please. Also don't tell me again that mein kampf said about aryan heirarchy
TGSNT is a great beginner redpill but isn’t worth much beyond that. It makes a ton of bad arguments if you ask me. I’ve seen it twice (been redpilled for nearly two years now)
"As a National Socialist, how would you define the difference between a National Socialist and a Communist?" - Rocky J. Suhayda
The Differences Between Socialism and National Socialism
How National Socialism is Different from Marxist Socialism
>Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told
People should be warned this is extremely biased and parrots debunked propaganda. It's a comfy little flick but I wouldn't take it as an objective account by a long shot
As a german who spoke to my grandparents about that time i can tell you this. I will never forgot this what they said about hitler
He had some good/bad ideas and maybe was an asshole in the end. But i tell you this never have i seen people more united under one leader. When everyone was shitting on germany for ww1 he stand up and said no we do not let us get treated like shit we fight back. If hitler wouldn't have done the holocaust and have won the war he would be praised as a hero. No better or worse than churchill or stalin.
In my opinion it was a mistake to go to war with germany. USA and Europe should have fought together against stalin and his communist regime first. Then todays eastern europe wouldn't be so fucked up by communism.
>how did it help germany
this nigga serious?
The arguments against the Holocaust are terrible. Dennis Wise could’ve read the books on the Holocaust Handbooks site instead of recycling old denier garbage found on YouTube. His justification of the invasion of Poland is also bad. It’s highly unlikely that the Danzig Massacres happened, and if they did, we don’t have much evidence to prove it. Hitler’s Revolution has some great arguments justifying the invasion of Poland. I cant emphasize enough how good of a book that is
>It makes a ton of bad arguments if you ask me
Even though it's all sourced?
>People should be warned this is extremely biased
And the "Hitler's Death Camps" on the History Channel isn't extremely biased?
>and parrots debunked propaganda.
"Debunked" by whom? The Jews? The anti-Whites?
I find it interesting how posting the link immediately brings out two different user's that claim (without evidence) that "no one should ever take that one documentary seriously"
What a cohencidence.
>you even see who wrote the source for that 2 million Russians please
Accounts vary of course but the number of Russian POW dead is corroborated by a number of sources:
>Peter Calvocoressi, Guy Wint, Total War:
>"The total number of prisoners taken by the German armies in the USSR was in the region of 5.5 million. Of these, the astounding number of 3.5 million or more had been lost by the middle of 1944 and the assumption must be that they were either deliberately killed or done to death by criminal negligence. Nearly two million of them died in camps and close on another million disappeared while in military custody either in the USSR or in rear areas; a further quarter of a million disappeared or died in transit between the front and destinations in the rear; another 473,000 died or were killed in military custody in Germany or Poland." They add, "This slaughter of prisoners cannot be accounted for by the peculiar chaos of the war in the east. ... The true cause was the inhuman policy of the Nazis towards the Russians as a people and the acquiescence of army commanders in attitudes and conditions which amounted to a sentence of death on their prisoners."
>Also don't tell me again that mein kampf said about aryan heirarchy
Mein Kempf talks about the inferiority of Slavs and Aryan racial hierarchy yes.
So you know the Russians would have attacked in 3 months if Hitler didn't attack first?
Mein Kampf (My Struggle) ~ Adolf Hitler
>Book: Ford Translation
>Book: Murphy Translation
>Book: Reynal and Hitchcock Translation
>Book: Dugdale Translation
>Book: Stalag Translation
>Audiobook: Murphy Translation
>Book: German Language
And Time Rolls On: The Savitri Devi Interviews - R.G. Fowler
Defiance - Savitri Devi
For My Legionaries - Corneliu Codreanu
Germany Speaks - Twenty-One Leading Members of Party and State
Gold in the Furnace - Savitri Devi
Hitler: Memoirs of a Confidant - Otto Wegener
Hitler's Priestess - Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke
Hitler's Revolution - Richard Tedor
Ich Kämpfe (I Fight)
The Lightning and the Sun - Savitri Devi
My Part in Germany's Fight - Joseph Goebbels
>I see this ideology praised on this board quite a bit and I was hoping we can talk about its merits and shortcomings. Why do you like it? How did it help Germany? And how can one explain or justify some of the contradictions?
A few of those videos have been deleted. I think that is what really convinced me that you guys are right. The side that is getting censored and banned must have some kind of 'dangerous truth' to it. Those Elsa/Disney videos stay up for months but things about Hitler will get deleted in days or hours. Really shows that what we see is being actively manipulated to ensure we think a certain way.
Can you prove the Danzig Massacres against German civilians in Poland happened?
National Socialism: Vanguard of the Future - Colin Jordan
The Order of the Death's Head - Heinz Hohne
The SS Family: Procedure for Conducting Family Celebrations - Fritz Weitzel
To Aryan Youth - Walter Gross
~Not freely available online~
Witness to History - Michael Walsh
The Words of Adolf Hitler
This Time the World - George Lincoln Rockwell
White Power - George Lincoln Rockwell
The Young Hitler I Knew - August Kubizek
Zweites Buch (Second Book) - Adolf Hitler
>And the "Hitler's Death Camps" on the History Channel isn't extremely biased?
Never claimed it wasn't
>"Debunked" by whom? The Jews? The anti-Whites?
Debunked by historical fact, the Danzig Massacres for instance were entirely made up by Nazi leadership as justification for invasion of Poland. It's things like this which show the glaring bias of this documentary and leads me to not take it all too serious
>I find it interesting how posting the link immediately brings out two different user's that claim (without evidence) that "no one should ever take that one documentary seriously"
I just wanna warn people man that's all. I don't want someone really impressionable taking the documentary as gospel
>Can you prove the Danzig Massacres against German civilians in Poland happened?
I can give you what evidence I've been able to collect. If you accept it or not is on you though.
The Forced War ~ David Hoggan
Adolf Hitler Explains Reasons for Invading Poland
Death in Poland: The Fate of the Ethnic Germans - Edwin Erich Dwinger
The Gleiwitz "False Flag" Incident is Pure Fiction - Carolyn Yeager
The Heretics' Hour: The False Story of the Gleiwitz "False Flag" Incident
Poland and Falsifications of Polish History - Else Löser
Polish Atrocities Against the German Minority in Poland
The True Reason Why Germany Invaded Poland
The Unknown History of the 1939 German-Polish Conflict - W. R.
They captured millions of Soviet POWs during the war within two years. That’s a fuckton of people. Do you actually think they could’ve easily fed and clothed all of them while they’re in a multi-front war against multiple global superpowers? It wouldn’t surprise me if over a million Soviet prisoners died
>A few of those videos have been deleted.
Yeah I apologize about that. I haven't gone through the list in several months to update such links.
>So you know the Russians would have attacked in 3 months if Hitler didn't attack first?
Incorrect, no concrete evidence to suggest Stalin was planning offensive maneuvers against Germany
Meh you still don't get it that brainwash is too deep into your head some people accept some others don't that's what I see. Russian POW what a joke most of them died in the hands of Russians not Germans. Germans did execute some not only some but a lot but 3 million yea it's just as close as my 6 gorillion chosen people. I want a german source oh wait there is none
>Do you actually think they could’ve easily fed and clothed all of them while they’re in a multi-front war against multiple global superpowers?
Whatever your justification for it is man. I still find it pretty reprehensible personally.
Hitler literally wrote about Aryans in Mein Kampf you fucking retard. It sucks because I've become more open to the idea of National Socialism and always read these threads to learn more about it. Yet a large majority of Nazi posters type like an illiterate and an easily-impressionable 6th grade edgelord who watched a few clips on YouTube and thinks he's red-pilled.
>Never claimed it wasn't
And yet we're supposed to dismiss TGSNT because its biased?
Of course the only person who'll treat the NSDAP, National Socialism, Hitler and WW2 in a fair manner is someone who is pro-White.
>Debunked by historical fact,
...According to the anti-Whites that manipulate history.
The "Holocaust" is "historical fact" as well. Yet we all know that the Holocaust did not happen.
>I just wanna warn people man that's all.
You want to warn them against watching a pro-White documentary that tells the truth.
>I don't want someone really impressionable taking the documentary as gospel
But you want them taking what you say as gospel...
lol sure buddy he wanted to spread communism across europe. Just look at how stalin and the sowjets acted after ww2
WTF ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT THERE IS A FUCKING AUDIO OF HITLER SAYING IT HIMSELF here you fucker you people are fucking idiots I swear Hitler Meets Mannerheim Monologue (Subtitles) - YouTube
I have the Carolyn Yeager source and the wintersonnenwende one as well as many others. Those two are probably the only legit sources there. What evidence is there for the massacres? Yes, Hitler talked about them, but does that prove they happened? Can you prove that the claimed amount of Germans actually died? Most of those sources just show pics of mutilated bodies. How do we know the bodies are German or even from Danzig? As a Holocaust revisionist, there’s no way I can look at the Danzig Massacres and believe them 100%. If you accept revisionist evidence that the Holocaust is greatly exaggerated, there’s no way you can believe the Danzig Massacres are true. If you want good justifications for the invasion of Poland, read Hitler’s Revolution
Oh my, you still think race is about appearance.
The real important features are cranial capacity and not being a filthy slav.
Adolf Hitler and the German Economic Miracle
Adolf Hitler's Economic Reform
Against the Mainstream: Nazi Privatization in 1930s Germany - Germà Bel
The Economic Plan of the NSDAP - Rodney Martin
Fascist Economics and Socialism of Duty [How National Socialism is Different from Marxist Socialism]
The German State on a National and Socialist Foundation - Gottfried Feder
Hitler's Coup: The German War Against Globalism
Hitler's Economic Miracle
How Hitler Tackled Unemployment and Revived Germany's Economy
How Hitler Tackled Unemployment and Revived Germany's Economy - Mark Weber
Manifesto for the Abolition of Interest-Slavery - Gottfried Feder
National Socialist Economics
National Socialist German Economic Policy - William Finck
The Program of the NSDAP the National Socialist Workers' Party and its General Conceptions - Gottfried Feder
There's a lot of political propaganda in Mein Kampf. It was meant for the public.
Goebbels had a Slavic girlfriend for two years. The Nuremberg laws only applied to semites, niggers and gypsies.
>Meh you still don't get it that brainwash is too deep into your head some people accept some others don't that's what I see
lmao that's such a cop out dude. Claiming I'm "just brainwashed" is an easy way out when cornered. Explain what I said was wrong and why, it would be much more productive
>Russian POW what a joke most of them died in the hands of Russians not Germans
The source I posted talks about Soviet POWs in the hands of the Germans specifically
>I want a german source oh wait there is none
>I want a source
>I want a non-Jewish source
>I want a German source
You keep moving goalposts man, is it really so hard to accept the Soviets were not treated all that well by the Germans?
The Role of Private Property in Nazi Germany - Jonas Scherner
Social Welfare in Germany - Werner Reher
Terramare Publications #11 - German Economic Policy - Wilhem Baur
It's fairly difficult not to look down on slavs. They would have had it much better under NatSoc German rule than they did under soviet rule though.
whatever lets you sleep at night
I agree they cannot understand the true meaning of natsoc but still why can't the jews just change the book and put all these words on it will somebody notice or fight back. No cause they will go to jail
Here is a source proving Operation Barbarossa was preemptive:
You were right, Stalin had plans to invade Europe. Hitler tried to stop him
Again, I've given you all the information on the subject I've been able to collect.
I know the issue is also addressed in TGSNT.
You can either accept or dismiss the evidence. That's on you.
I choose to side with Hitler and the NSDAP as I know how much the allies love to lie about and distort the truth of the matter based on their lies on all other subjects.
How World War II Came About - Kenneth McKilliam
The Jewish Hand in the World Wars - Thomas Dalton
The Jews Declared War - Against Germany! - Lorraine Day
Judea Declares War on Germany - Fredrick Toben
Important Quotations for a Better Understanding of World War II
The Myth of German Culpability - Michael Walsh
President Roosevelt's Campaign to Incite War in Europe: The Secret Polish Documents - Mark Weber
Roosevelt's Campaign to Incite War in Europe - William Finck
Stalin's Secret War Plans - Richard Tedor
There Was No Need for World War II - Alex S. Perry Jr.
What Started World War II: The Real Cause - William Pierce
The Zionist Jewish Role in Causing World War II
>Why do you like it?
It's a relatively untested political theory.
Communism and democracy have been tried. Communism collapses if it doesn't continuously expand, democracy collapses when the people become fractured and marginalized by demographic engineering. NatSoc is the "third way" which had less than ten years to prove itself.
>How did it help Germany?
The economic benefits were obvious. There was a near-instant turnaround in manufacturing, agriculture, and various other sectors of the economy, with unemployment dropping at a steady rate until close to nil. NatSoc promises work for those who seek it, but very limited benefits for those who don't. This is a rather harsh way of handling the populace (rather zero-sum) but it motivates productivity. Working benefits were also quite generous, providing the proverbial "carrot and the stick" at the same time.
Most of the rapid economic growth in devastated Germany was spurred on by nationalistic appeal, the idea that your labor benefits your people. Patriotism in a democratic country is a decayed concept at this point, no more adequate than cheering on a sports team. The reason German patriotism was so potent was because it was directly linked to their ethnicity and common history, providing a moral and cultural bedrock upon which to base their nationalism. Thus, when the nationalists said laboring for the benefit of the people, they actually meant it, it actually was as thus, and the people dropped their cynicism and wholeheartedly embraced the movement. Such a powerful force was precisely why international bankers tried to shut it down. Germany absolved itself of any debts, and those debts could not be called in, because the German people were too productive for them to have any sting.
>And how can one explain or justify some of the contradictions?
You'll have to be more specific.
>And yet we're supposed to dismiss TGSNT because its biased?
I never said you should dismiss it, just don't treat as an objective take on history. Which I think is pretty fair
>Of course the only person who'll treat the NSDAP, National Socialism, Hitler and WW2 in a fair manner is someone who is pro-White.
Personally I think everyone is a bit bias at least but you don't have to be pro-white to attempt an objective look at history which in my opinion TGSNT does not strive to do
>...According to the anti-Whites that manipulate history.
If you can find any evidence of the Danzig Massacre having taken place I'm all ears. I can only seem to find literal Nazi Propaganda as far as any evidence goes.
>You want to warn them against watching a pro-White documentary that tells the truth.
I wanna warm them that it's bias. You'd have to be pretty intellectually dishonest to suggest TGSNT isn't extremely biased
>But you want them taking what you say as gospel...
lol no, I have never claimed this
But don’t you see how the other side could use a similar arguments against you?
>Hitler said he hated Jews. He was a hateful person. I trust modern historians that the Holocaust did indeed happen.
I seriously think you should re-evaluate the evidence you have gathered and think about how you determine truth from falsehoods.
Did you read my reply or did your brain stop functioning somewhere I never said they were treated well. But as I have seen if 90k men surrender to 10k men who are marching and also most of thr 90k men are wounded. They shouldn't have water to give them I am pretty sure about that. Also I already talked about the slavs just accept them in the ethnostate and be done with just no gypsies
/nsg/ thread up. Fresh bread:
You don't think Hitler would be a bit of a biased or unreliable source in regards to the Soviets?
Im german and take the word from my grandparents. They told me
The holocaust did happen but was hidden from most of the civilian population. Also they mention that the holocaust was blown out of propotion after the war to shame germans.
>Also I already talked about the slavs just accept them in the ethnostate and be done with just no gypsies
Yea too bad Hitler didn't see it that way. Also the point stands that 3 million Soviet POWs were killed under German supervision.
>just don't treat as an objective take on history.
There is no objective take on history when it comes to this time period.
> but you don't have to be pro-white to attempt an objective look at history
You can either look at WW2 related history either through a pro-White lens or an anti-White lens. Because those are the only two lenses available.
>If you can find any evidence of the Danzig Massacre having taken place I'm all ears.
I've already posted what evidence in regard to Poland that I've been able to find. You can either accept or dismiss it.
>I can only seem to find literal Nazi Propaganda as far as any evidence goes.
Did you ever think that's because the "Nazi's" are the only ones attempting to tell the truth? It's not like the Jews in their total control of the media would allow the truth to get out on the subject after all.
>I wanna warm them that it's bias.
Amazing how that only seems to happen with pro-NatSoc viewpoints.
>You'd have to be pretty intellectually dishonest to suggest TGSNT isn't extremely biased
Of course it's biased. That doesn't mean it's not telling the truth.
>lol no, I have never claimed this
But you've offered no evidence to back up your claims. I at least am posting hundreds of links backing up what I say.
Are you serious it's a private talk of him and the Finnish prime minister it's all real just go watch it
There is debate over whether Stalin planned to attack as early as 1941, but almost no one disagrees that he prepared for an eventual war against Germany.
>Authors, such as historian Viktor Suvorov, argue that Stalin's plan was to attack Hitler in the rear while Germany fought the Allies.
>In the 1980s Vladimir Rezun, a former officer of the Soviet military intelligence and a defector to the UK, reiterated and explored this claim in his 1987 book Icebreaker: Who Started the Second World War
>He argued that Soviet ground-forces were extremely well organized, and were mobilizing en masse along the German-Soviet frontier for a Soviet invasion of Europe slated for Sunday, July 6, 1941, but they were totally unprepared for defensive operations on their own territory.
>One of Suvorov's pieces of evidence favoring the theory of an impending Soviet attack was his claim regarding the maps and phrasebooks issued to Soviet troops. Military topographic maps, unlike other military supplies, are strictly local and cannot be used elsewhere than in the intended operational area. Suvorov claims Soviet units were issued with maps of Germany and German-occupied territory, and phrasebooks including questions about SA offices — SA offices were found only in German territory proper. In contrast, maps of Soviet territory were scarce.
>Suvorov offers as another piece of evidence the extensive effort Stalin took to conceal general mobilization by manipulating the laws setting the conscription age.
>according to supporters of the Soviet Union Offensive Plans Theory, the Red Army had to enter a war by 1 September 1941 or the drafted soldiers would have to be released from service.
>most agree that Stalin made extensive preparations for an eventual war and exploited the military conflict in Europe to his advantage
>They would have had it much better under NatSoc German rule than they did under soviet rule though.
lmao Ever hear of Generalplan Ost?
Sure And 4 million Germans died under Russian supervision and 850k under American supervision I win
>But don’t you see how the other side could use a similar arguments against you?
My purpose is to counter their lies though.
>Hitler said he hated Jews.
>He was a hateful person.
>I trust modern historians that the Holocaust did indeed happen.
Even though they offer no real evidence proving it.
And if you disagree with it, you're imprisoned or otherwise have your life ruined.
Or if you're in academia, your professional life is ruined.
>I seriously think you should re-evaluate the evidence you have gathered and think about how you determine truth from falsehoods.
The difference being, the mainstream attempts to destroy anyone that relays or creates this evidence.
Yes, read these links and enlighten yourself on why it wasn’t real.
>The economic benefits were obvious
As I understand this was due to ridiculous loans the Reich took out which skyrocketed their debt. These loans and mass rearmament was largely responsible for the "Nazi Economic Miracle" as its now known. In fact, it was these outstanding debts that drove some of the Imperialist ambition of the Reich:
>Starting in 1934 German began to issue MEFO bills. They were similar to a 6 month bond but they were off the official register and could be rolled over indefinitely. We don’t even know how many were issued as they were specifically designed to obfuscate German spending but its been estimated that they were eventually issued at up to 300% of the total GNP per year. And those were on top of normal taxes and bonds.
>While this is a hot topic of debate there is a reasonably well laid out argument that Hitler was forced to invade Poland because the German economy was set to melt down in 1941. We know that Germany had banned most imports in the mid 30’s and had mandatory exports of machinery and consumer goods. Furthermore a cornerstone of the 1939 treaty with the Soviet Union was a complex system of credits that guaranteed German imports from the Soviet Union while guaranteeing Soviet purchases of finished German goods. Both the Germans and the Soviets spoke of the coming partitioning of Poland in economic terms.
>The holocaust did happen
Then how come there's no evidence proving it?
Holocaust Handbooks and Holocaust Documentaries
>lmao Ever hear of Generalplan Ost?
Lies and exaggerations mixed with some actual policies, like the establishment of the Reichskommissariate.
Slavs would not have had the same rights (and obligations) as Germans and would have been a kind of second class citizens, but even animals in Germany were treated better than people in the USSR.
And if you ever take power, don’t you think that people may begin to see through the lies you used to get them on your side? That’s not any different from modern lying democratic politicians
>You can either look at WW2 related history either through a pro-White lens or an anti-White lens. Because those are the only two lenses available.
That's a pretty narrow world view in my opinion man
>I've already posted what evidence in regard to Poland that I've been able to find. You can either accept or dismiss it.
Almost none of what you posted was related to Danzig, could you please post the specific link? I might have missed it
>Did you ever think that's because the "Nazi's" are the only ones attempting to tell the truth?
Well literal Propaganda tends to be pretty unreliable
>Amazing how that only seems to happen with pro-NatSoc viewpoints.
I'd warn people against History Channel documentaries all the same
>But you've offered no evidence to back up your claims
I've been posting evidence throughout the whole thread what are you talking about?
>don’t you think that people may begin to see through the lies you used to get them on your side?
But we're not lying.
>That’s not any different from modern lying democratic politicians
Both parties are Jewish and anti-White so of course they're liars.
What is your source? I want to read this.
Dude Hitler was at war with the Soviets and as a result was pretty biased against them. He is not a reliable source in regards to Soviet Offensive plans. If what he said was true it would've been corroborated by third party evidence which it never was.
> let’s talk about tribal communism for the gorillionth time
It‘s socialism, but instead of using the word bourgeoise, they use jew. Everything else is the same.
If you’re not lying, then why do you promote the Danzig Massacres, which you have yet to prove to be true?
Hitlers bodyguard Rochus Misch expressed some doubt about the authenticity of this recording, but even if it is a forgery, it's a very good one and the kind of thing Hitler would have said.
>He is speaking normally, but I'm having problems with the tone; the intonation isn't quite right. Sometimes it seems okay, but at other points not. I have the feeling it's someone mimicking Hitler... It really sounds as if someone 'is' mimicking him.
>but almost no one disagrees that he prepared for an eventual war against Germany.
No that's far from the truth. Stalin was very much into the realist school of political science. Ideology is something you use to get masses of idiots on your side; what really matters is power and security. That's why, you know, he didn't really try to export socialism without also making sure any country so exported to would be anything but a Soviet vassal.
His mistake was assuming that Hitler reasoned the same way, and that his song and dance was just a show for the German people, instead of something he actually believed in himself.