Why did WMT have to die?
Why did WMT have to die?
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Honestly, Miyazaki should just go back to that.
The most Miyazaki ever did for WMT were the backgrounds in Marco.
Kids these days, they don't know.
At least she's back on TV.
They nailed the uggo
Jesus Christ those teeth.
>Haha wo Tazunete Sanzenri
>Ie Naki Ko Remi
>Romeo no Aoi Sora
>Perrine Monogatari
These are the WTM I have on my computer right now, where can I download more now since even Bakabt is dead?
She just had a fuckhuge head
did smug wendy's get an anime?
He was a key figure on Heidi, Marco and Anne.
>all that underage drinking in Marco and Perrine
I'm surprised it didn't get censored.
I thought there was a new WMT release just a few years ago. Before Green Gables, I think it was.
>a few years ago
2009. Eight years ago.
Comparison being the hiatus from Remi on 1996 to Cosette on 2006.
He quit Anne after like 15 episodes
Thats the OP and was 8 years ago.
>tfw no Great Expectation adaptation for the ultimate tsundere
That's probably why they hired her. The story takes place in a time before braces.
I'll bet the casting director took one look at dem teef and shouted, "hire her!"
It's fucking weird how with all the literally whos novels adapted Dickens was so ignored.
Is there a chart/power ranking for all the WMT series? I know the Takahata-directed ones are considered essential, but I don't know shit about the rest of it.
To be fair, Dickens' novels usually have their kid characters grow up in the middle of the story. Exception being Little Nell, which in retrospect would be great for a tearjerker WMT. Though I really want them to nail the dark humor of Dickens, so they can't adapt it like they did with Sara.
I think they did a good job with the evil husband and wife in Cosette for that kind of writing.
>he doesn't know that there are infightings between fanboys of different series
Popularity poll is out there though.
Because they are really fucking expensive to make.
Just watch everything in production order.
Without forgetting essential not-WMTs like Dezaki's Remi and Treasure Island.
True. They could only be supported by ads.
Watch whatever caught your fancy.
I just want my cute historical lolis. Is it too much to ask?
Is there a list of those?
Nippon Animation still does a lot of fancy stuff (the Sinbad trilogy, which is in amazon prime if I'm not mistaken), and other lots of things are directly inspired by WMT, like the absolutely FANTASTIC show Kemono no Souja Erin.
What I miss is the direct work with european networks... Is TV too cool for Heidi nowadays?
Just watch animation from the 70s/80s that is inspired by western work. Or, hell, just watch things from the 70s/80s.