Now that the series has been gone to a conclusion, explain your thoughts, likings, and/or criticism of the manga series? Who is best girl? Did the long upload delay from the scanlators made you forget what was going on? Did you find the ending satisfying? And lastly, did you manage to waifu/dayghteru a character from the series?
World Embryo
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It was forgettable.
This, by the time I realized chapter 96 came out from the scanlators, I forgot what the fuck was going on. Took me a while to adjust my nogging a bit and remember what happened.
Nene is still best girl and daughteru
This I don;t even remember anything besides the girl being cute as fuck.
Needs more commissions
I really liked how Riku in his Jinki form looked like he was related to Neene.
That one page with Neene kissing him and calling him papa got me so confused I had to see what the manga was all about.
>Did the long upload delay from the scanlators made you forget what was going on?
Yes. By the end I couldn't remember if any of the mysteries or twist actually got resolved.
That's because Neene was raised by Riku ever since she """hatched""""" from that cocoon. Same goes with Rena being called mama.
Checked. Yeah, took nearly one or two years, but the ending and the extra pages have been released 5 months, and 3 days ago to be exact. According to the new group, there's like a few more chapters but I have my doubts considering that chapter 97 (or 97.5) ended the series.
I meant that literally. They both had those fox ear things on their heads, which really made them look like siblings or father and daughter.
Well yeah, that was the point user. To further connect the dots, Neene was made in the image of his closest aunt that went missing
Would you go as far as any means necessary to protect her smile Sup Forums?
daisuke's art is top tier and it was not forgettable as other people put it. Ending was meh good compare to other bad manga ends. Character struggle seems to be the biggest part about this manga.
don't get me started on how she was one of the coffin princess
Why doesn't he start another series?
Trust me, I know. Her lewd approaches when she was all grown up made me blushed
I don't know user, I don't know. I wonder if he ever left a message behind if he'll ever do more works or not like Toriyama did in the one shot manga Kowa!
let's recap the story:
-a long time ago, an inter-dimension alien race migrant to the human world
-they are micro-organism life form that lives insides human
-they start with an island in Japan called hatsumi island
-they kinda fucked up that the host went ape shit as soon as the life form lives inside them so their leader (the three coffin princess) chose a human pantheon to fix the problem for them
-still the alien life form spread far and wide to every corner on earth. Human kinda changed forever, so instead, the pantheon use the power of the princess to suppress the human from being mutated into monsters.
-some times later, the pantheon leaves each princess to a family, hoping they could "rebirth" the princess and suppress the alien life form that lives inside them
-in early 20th century, one of the princess went missing, but nobody gave a shit because of the memory shenanigan associate with their power
-things went really bad when a telephone corporation laid an eye on the princess living on the island and they send operators to get them
-glasses guy (one of the antagonist) is the director's bastard son who is in love with one of the twin sisters was chosen for the mission
-he got in contact with the local kid who held a princess who he "rebirth" to resembles his mother
-he got one of the twins killed but was able to get the "embryo" needed to rebirth the princess. Full of regret, he use the embryo's power to rebirth the princess that resembles the dead twins sister.
-betrayed by his young partner in crime, glasses guy fucked up the entire island by using the pricness' power, awaken the alien life form lives inside each human on the island. The awakened monster devour humans and stuff, killing people.
-the local boy feel really bad so he his princess' power to stop the madness by went duel with glasses guy's princess
-the giant embryo (the alien space ship that carried the aliens to the human world) awakened during the duel
he already taking request for yoko taro's edgy manga.
Sounds about right
Wew, what a waste. How much is he barely gonna make from all those pages?
depends on how much neet bucks yoko taro got from his fanboy on Sup Forums. Don't worry, daisuke is a good artist who shares the same character suffering fetish with yoko taro.
>daisuke is a good artist who shares the same character suffering fetish with yoko taro.
Now that I think about it, he did implemented the suffering alot in world embryo. A-at least the ending was happy
suffering and character struggling is what makes a story interesting.