

I thought this character was fanart of that character at first.

Do you trust her Sup Forums?

As much as I can close my fingers around those fat ears of hers.


Except Marcille is actually a character instead of being a trope.
Drunkard oni best girl.

>Around elves, watch yourselves!

1000 hours in paint

I really hope Kabru gets his smug ass BTFO

Did she ever tried to rape a 14 year old shota? If yes, then yeah.

>performs dark magic


It was forbidden magic.


Dungeon meshi threads were more fun before you appeared.

I don't recognize this, is this from the same elf eats manga?

Yep. I do enjoy the chapters with them since they do end getting fucked in the end, but he does need a bitch slap.

How about you post another fucking picture of Marcille, OP?

I'm starving for more DM.

Even if you get more, it's just going to be more Cabron chapters.


Nigger a shit.

i want this turned into an anime already so i can see cute marcille animted

Disgusting. Purge yourself from the earth.

i want my hair to be like her's. will it be socially acceptable or will everyone just stare at me and call me a creep


I'd like an anime too, but I'm scared about shitty adaptations and studios.
Bones would be perfect but they are too busy with Boku no Money Academia.

Source? It reminds me of a few gag manga like bomber grape's stuff.

Fuck that, I don't want more cancer.


Who's ready for another chapter of the murder hobo team?

I'm fine with both team. Of course i want Laius and the other madmen back, but i'm interested in seeing where the Kabru thing will go.
I trust the author with this.

>You're a retard, Kabru-san

Real talk, why are elves almost always the best girl in media?


Because they're not humans but at the same time are also humans, (depending on the elf) they got magic n shiet, breeding compatibility, touchable pointy ears for nibbling and the appeal of being another advance species like homo sapiens sapiens

But that's not cowgirl.

> it's another 10.000 years old that acts like a 15 years old

She just feels like waifubait. Marcille is an example of a good character. GS's elf is far from it.

Well, she's cute. But yeah, she's too much of a charicature to be anything more.

If you're a woman, people won't mind. You'll get looks if you're a dude. If you're some bizzare tumblr variant, I suspect your kind wants negative attention anyway, so just go for it.

>10,000 acting like a 5 year old
Considering the type of society elves stereotypically have, it makes sense for them to be spoiled; I think it's cute to be honest. The only uncute thing about it is you growing old and dying while she stays young and has to live with the burden of loss for the rest of her long life

if youre a woman or a man who looks like Thor you should be fine



If theres a will theres a way laddie

Elf isn't even the best girl in that picture.

New chapter when?

>That fucking doujin

> cute
She doesn't even have 1/10th of Marcille's cuteness. She's just a pseudo action girl moeblob that craves for the MC's dick. GS is fun thanks to GS himself but the girls in it are just as bad as the usual isekai harems.

Isn't the very question of whether you're moral or immoral for killing off a villain a bit pointless?

Ultimately, if you kill a murdering thief who was trying to survive, not because you think you're on some moral crusade, but rather because you're disgusted by murdering and thieving, then ultimately, what difference does it make?

If you manage to convince them that their actions aren't morally justified because morality and justice are subjective instead of objective, they wouldn't find what you do any less offensive and would still kill you.

Priestess > Cow Girl > Guild Girl > shit > Elf

This. What is this monthly?

Yeah monthly

Yes. Chapters are usually out around the 13-15th.

What is it about the elf/cape-cloak/shorts/boot thighhighs combo that's so delectable?

say that to my face motherfucker

Is Dungeon Meshi 5e?

>murdering villains is wrong, they might mellow out later
I know this is an ancient bait but that bit always gets me.

It's 1e/2e OSR shit.

What the hell is her arm doing in the third panel?

Woah just in time for lewd elves . Also not shilling but elf is cute.

You could tweak 3.5, 4, and 5 to fit it perfectly. Think /tg/ did a 3.5 version

>They have to wait for this shit every time they camp
I hope Laius eats her.

There's a mod somwhere around that will ban you for that pic.
I know from experience.


>New issue whenever they fucking feel like it
Lazy fucking nips

What the fuck are you talking about? It's a monthly serialization, not Tomo-chan haitus 2.0

It's not enough, that's what i'm fucking talking about you stupid faggot.

You should relearn English then faggot. The mangaka has never taken a break unless the magazine does.

>babbys only show


Read more manga, cunt

Completely missing the point, that making a single issue every month is just fucking lazy.

Do you know how much work it takes to produce 30 pages a month? Rushing shit will just make the quality suffer. This isn't your usual shitty weekly shonen series. Not to mention the business costs associated with publishing every week.

Keep apologizing for them you stupid fa/tg/uy.

posting elves should be banneable.

Posting elves should be promotable to a mod position

Are you retarded or something? Are you upset that a magazine doesn't pump out chapters at the pace you want? You call it lazy but really you just lack patience. Some magazines are weekly, some are monthly, hell I read a magazine that Quarterly. Find other things to read to fill your time if you need it that badly.

They're still lazy. Stop blaming me for their faults you stupid nigger faggot fanboy.

Go shit up some other thread user.

>"muh precious mangaka can take as long as they want to produce simplistic artwork
>"i will defend their right to be lazy and mediocre"
You're a fanboy, a nigger, and a faggot. Go back to /tg/.

>They're still lazy.
>Simplistic artwork
Yeah you're trolling. Unless you want to explain to me why every magazine should have a release schedule that fits your wants?

>this user

Don't feed the troll user. Let's talk about how Oni is best girl.


Moving the goalposts. All i'm saying is that if these stupid rice niggers take a full month to produce this, they should be out in the fields with a hoe. You dumb fucking idiot.
Just as long as you don't feed that thing anymore, /tg/ actually believes in the thicc meme lol.
I realize that even the Sup Forums moderation staff takes part in whalefucking, but at least they never tried to meme their way out of it.

It took you half an hour to evade your ban? Pathetic.

I wasn't banned. Even if i were, i've been here long enough to not be stupid enough to get baited like that.
Lazy faggot.

>Moving the goalposts

>They're lazy
>Anons posts reasonable justification for release schedules
>B-but they're still lazy

Face it, the author isn't at fault here. You're just lack patience. Now go cry some more about goal post moving and board game boogeymen.


I think it goes more along the line of a 'moralfag' not recognizing that someone they see as a villian may have had reasonable cause for whatever action they took and don't neccesarily deserve to die for it. They just think "This person did X, so they must be 'evil.'"

I mean, he knows that Laius's group has stolen food from them, and thus thinks they're evil, without considering WHY they may have stolen his food. The situation is made worse by the fact that they think Laius's group also killed them the first time, but that's just through their lacking knowledge of dungeons.

It's even made somewhat worse for Kabru since he made the logical conclusion that Laius's party is going to fight the red dragon in order to save Farlyn, yet he still doesn't make the connection that they may have been desperate for food when they found Kabru's party dead both times, he just stays with the assumption that they're 'evil' with no real reason.

New chapter this week, right?


that's even worse, user.

>it's bad because it's forbidden
>not because it's bad
Authority-fag please go.

>all this shit talking about mods
>actually deleted his post

what is that pic of?


it's a picture from the manga, rotated 90 degrees

It's when they end up in a trap room, she was trying to not get crushed by the wall.

he probably got banned/warned, shit talking the moderation is a bannable offense

Of course