Should he sacrifice the dyke?
Shingeki no Kyojin
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Who is most hansamu~ shingeki?
Armin will sacrifice her
Endgame right here, brother.
evil armin soon
Hisu = biggest victim of SNK
She deserves to live comfy high class privileged life with Ymir at her side acting as her bodyguard and fucktoy.
Eren loves Hisu. He would never ever harm her.
she deserves best boy
No, but it's Shitren and he is retarded.
>yfw Historia wins the Erenbowl
Eren's not gonna sacrifice her. Mikasa will just kill her.
Historia doesn't even want to win the rageturd.
the look on mikasa's face says it all.
if historia and eren hook up mikasa will kill her. without a second thought. maybe right in front of eren.
Can't they just turn her into a titan and feed her Annie?
She'll still get shortened lifespan but it's not that bad of a deal if they can control the coordinate.
Looks more like she will kill Eren for talking to her waifu. She constantly protects Hisu, while stopped caring about Eren. See how she just walks away with her waifu, leaving Eren behind?
They could, if they know how the get her out of the crystal. I don't think the military will wait for that to happen.
You mean this best boy and not shitren.
When does he make the face on the bottom right again?
Why is this even a plot point? Zeke has royal blood and he's obviously an antagonist so why does Eren think eating Zeke wouldnt give him control over the coordinate?
Easier to eat Historia.
When he suggests killing innocent people and blame it on the MP.
Good thing Ymir stayed with Hisu to protect her. Oh right she actually abandoned her to protect fucking birp and madman Reiner.
Historia is obviously the easier way, while capturing Zeke is far more difficult.
Eren isn't going to eat her. She has to be a titan.
I unironically like Levi the manlet
How is it the easier way? Would the government sell out their queen that easily? She's an important figurehead for the Wall eldians
>Ymirfags still this delusional
She/he's dead. It never even cared about Historia. It just wanted to present Historia to the Marley so they will spare it's life.
The best way would be to turn her into a shifter desu. Having her as a shifter would make coordinate usage easier for Eren.
>if they can control the coordinate.
in theory wouldn't it work if he ate Zeke I don't remember why it has to be Historia its not confirmed that he'll see the Kings memories too if he eats her shouldn't that be the other way around?
>It just wanted to present Historia to the Marley so they will spare it's life.
Even Connie is smarter than you. He even spelled it out, so retarded people like you will get it. Even without him saying it, it's not that hard to understand the situation, if you actually payed attention to the previous chapter.
Saying to eat a royal was a mistake corrected by Isayama on his blog.
Also SL dont know Zeke is a royal.
>Never cared about Historia
>Every characters in this shit say she only thinks about protecting Historia
>Even the rageturd say that
I'm not a shitty YHfags/shipperfags but stop be denial about the fact Ymir was deeply in love with the autistic queen and YH are not a thing.
>Would the government sell out their queen that easily?
In exchange to be able to control the strongest weapon? I'm pretty sure they will.
was not*
Translation for the games subtitle?
For somebody not a shipperfag you sure do love screeching about how they were in love.
Did eren not see his fathers memories so he knows that Dina was his fathers wife but not that Zeke is their son?
>Saying to eat a royal was a mistake corrected by Isayama on his blog.
then what is it exactly
how do you feel about SNK being first normie's anime these days
He probably knows who Dina is now, and also, Isayama said the royal has to be a titan.
>literally two pictures of two different
Fucking kek. Typically EHFags.
Historia's pic is from a moment she talks to JAR. She is pretty much saying the same thing she did in the manga during the FT arc. In Eren's pic Historia was just asking if he has seen her hairclip and he says no. Before that Mikasa went full autism as well, when Sasha asked him a question.
Then it's even more of a reason for Eren to eat Zeke over Historia.
different context*
Never bitch.
He won't eat Zeke or Historia. He just has to touch them in titan form.
he knows
>Isayama said the royal has to be a titan.
so no problem with zeke right
I just want Ymir to hold me in her strong arms
We know, Hisu.
Oh yes!
Armin is my favorite.
I think making him the Colossal Titan was really cool.
greatest character assassination of our time
Me too.
If they were retarded, yes
>Eren eats Historia
>turns out whatever the Will of the First King is is inherited the same way Titan Powers are
>Eren resets everything and everyone loses
Omly turbomanlet and Mankasa left to remember.
Alright, let's say for some unknown reason, Eren ends up eating Galliard and inherits Ymir's memories and feeling. How would people react if this new Ymir/Eren entity ends up with Historia?
Then Eren already loves Carla and Dina. He wouldn't have room for 3 women.
that's the endgame
But who technically won the Historia-bowl?
Ymir loves Reiner.
So wouldn't that technically be an orgy?
Hey now, he also has the memories of Frieda, which mean he has incestual yuri feelings toward Historia as well.
Eren could fall in love with Mikasa and Historia due to all the personalities he has inside of him.
Then there's also Uri so he probably wants that Ackerman dick too.
Uri only wanted Kenny.
Uri was attracted to Kenny's autistic Ackerman genes.
You've got mommy issues.
SNK is based in the book "The Eternal Champion", and the characters seem to have references to characters in the book in this way:
Erekose (Protagonist) = Eren (They both swore "kill them all", and they are gonna die soon for a curse, they wanna be normal guys)
Iolinda (Human princess) = Mikasa (They are both very jealousy and both accuse the protagonist of sympathizing with the enemy, remember Annie)
Ermizhad (Eldren princess... yeah her race is called Eldren and The Eternal Lover) = Historia (They are both blondes and have blue eyes, both had a sibling who had the key to unlock the ancient power of the Eldren people, remember Frieda)
Erekose reincarnates to be the savior of mankind and has dreams in which he can see his past and future lives (as the user of the coordinate can see his previous and future users). In addition he is stuck in a battle between two sides, humanity and the "Eldren", the Eldren have an old power that almost destroyed the world and its ruler has decided not to use it even if that means the extinction of its species -the 145th king-
He is destined to commit genocide of some kind, and at some point says "I swear I would kill them all"
Erekose sounds a bit like Eren
Erekose marries Ermizhad, an Eldren princess who is described as a blond woman with blue eyes.
John Daker/Erekose carries the burden of remembering every incarnation he has ever had/ the coordinate.
Prince Arjavh is a stand in for both the 145h king and Armin.
No it's based on Naruto.
Hey guys I'm from Sup Forums(came from the_donald !) and i have just got caught up i the manga and discoevered Sup Forums, wondering what the reaction was like when the choice between Erwin and Armin issue came out?
You know what, I'm going to give this one to you.
Good find, Sup Forumsnon.
you have to go back
But I thought that's it's Eren that has the coordinate. Feeding Annie to Historia will do nothing in that regard.
My reaction is kill yourself
>Armin makes half assed strategical suggestion any retard could come up with in the real world
This is the most laughable thing about SNK desu
Ok which one of you faggots did this?
"I swear I shall kill all the Eldren."
"Every single Eldren life."
"You will spare none?"
"None! None! I want it to be over. And the only way I can finish it is to kill them all. Then it will be over—only then!"
"Including Prince Arjavh and his sister?"
"Including them!"
"You swear this? You swear it?"
"I swear it. And when the last Eldren dies, when the whole world is ours, then I will bring it to you and we shall be married."
delet this
>both accuse the protagonist of sympathizing with the enemy
Eren never sympathized with Annie. He didn't even know what she had suffered with. Just saw her cry and didn't ate her. No one even saw that. Never even sympathized with BR and just wanted Armin to eat Bert.
I gotta say when your pairing doesn't have enough content you guys using stuff from other love stories to prove yours is kinda sad. Grish/Dina, that pairing from Before the Fall and now this. Next thing you know your going to use Baldr and his blonde wife from Norse Mythology. Just accept that Eren is ending up alone.
>Just saw her cry and didn't ate her.
animeonlyfag pls go.
I have no idea what you're talking about but I love you.
wow isayama is a plagiarist
They are doomed now, the dogs.
now that Eren's been able to harden for over 3 years now why haven't they gotten Annie out of the crystal yet? Eren's hardness should be able to penetrate her since its made of the same material
Witcher/Shingeki crossover when?
oh my god someone else knows Moorcock, I love you so much.
I think Isayama just inherited Moorcock's memories.
You know it baby.
We all want some Moorcock.
NO until Coum\Berserk
I love them.
>ywn force bathe Hange
We have been talking about EC since two weeks ago.
Wasn't Ereköse a cool nigga?
No, this is very gay.
Fuck you.
I want this to be posted in every single thread.
You mean Eren is going to kill Eldian, Marleys and the entire humanity.
I keep misreading Erekose as Erekuri
What is his endgame?