It is the way
How do we get this US black enthostate thing rolling
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tell them bald people in mozambique have gold in their skull
and buy them a one way ticket
Here's a blackpill (kek) niggers will keep saying that a nigger-only society is utopia and will never actually GTFO whitey
Black Panther is going to be a great movie about justice and the natural order of things.
Amazon is launching a new series called "Black America" based on an alternate history where slaves were given territory after the Civil War as reparations. They take land from Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana to form an ethnostate called New Colonia. As you can imagine, the idea has taken off among the kangs and is being used to bash HBO's "Confederate" series.
Can we meme New Calonia into existence and send all the Blacks there?
Blacks in the US demand 15% of the land of the US to settle and live without the interference of Whites as reparations for all the slavery and misery they have been put through.
Blacks can come and go but whites cannot claim benefits when living there.
We have to pay them to leave.
We are supporting them anyway, we may as well pay them while they voluntarily leave our neighborhoods.
we wouldnt even need to send them, just having the option of keeping the white out of an area will totally change the conversation. Concede a small point and win the argument. Thats the high ground
They will probably find a way to blame the welfare as a white trick. Not sure if its best to pay them or not for most effectiveness.
>we built it we earned it
>copy pastes over a promotional picture for a shitty children's movie
not even sure if they are being ironically ironic or ironic ironically
your ethnostate is right over there in africa
hows it working out?
It would exactly like Liberia, or Haiti, or any black-run shithole. And we'd hear from kikes in NYC about how it's white people's fault and the goyim need to fund gibs for them
Black Panther noes de wae. Follow my brudduhs.
We could give them the best, most fertile land we have, and they would still fuck it up and claim we gave them bad land.
give them commifornia, then
Not enough rivers, they'll say it's too dry
How do we show dem?
>we built it, we earned it
So...basically, Europe earned Africa?
Just give California to Black Americans.
If that's the experiment you really want to play, then do it there.
Take California, see how you do with a blacks-only Nation-State.
You can't claim it's a bullshit place you were given, because it has a brilliant economy.
unironicly work together with WN
They're not joking. I see it on every trailer. Dumb retards with a victim complex proclaiming that a fictional nation built on a surplus of a fictional alien metal led by a dude with superpowers wwho can talk to the dead would exist if not for whitey.
What y'all niggers gonna do without whiteys gibs? Worthless subhumans.
You can't win.
Unless you give them a state AND subsidise the everliving shit out of it to the point it CAN'T fail (like western oil money propping up Saudi Arabia), then they will autistic screech that it's unfair because somehow whitey stacked the cards against them or something.
There's just no way of giving these people what they want, because they want independence without any of the shit that comes with independence...
show me
.I was debating on this
should ethno go tk haiti to learn?
Seriously, this Black Panther movie is a subversive redpill...
Just imagine the tables are turned and white people act that way - people would screech racism all day.
I find it funny. Literally the only shit that blacks can be "proud" of is often the most impossible forms(s) of fiction
If your going to haiti
ill join you okay!?
Lets Make Uganda Great Again
My fellow anons we are hitting levels of irony that shouldn't even be possible!!
You could give them the whole state but none of their lazy asses would go there. Even if it was a pipeline of "sign black name, get bus ticket and address, show up in Cali, success," no niggers would do it. They KNOW the only success they have is dependent on whites. Pointless gesturing.
Even if some go, there are blacks with jobs and shit on the east coast or mid west, they won't fucking go away. We need some clause that says you "HAVE" to go, but that dog won't hunt. Can't go, won't go, whatever it is, America is at the beck and call of the African.
we'll deed U all the KFC franchises for UR KANGdom
Alabama here
Everything south of Tuscaloosa and Montgomery is monkeytown already. Fuck off out of the north including Birmingham thx
You do not know da way.
>nigger farmers
>da oshun
You know it'll happen
Roll tide. If we could get rid of the nigger infestation this place would be almost perfect