Well boys, even a slimmer of hope is dead now that Oscar Perez is dead. It's literally just commies and their champagne socialist enablers in the opposition now, plus drugdealing generals. What the fuck would you do ?
Venezuela General - No Hope edition
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Let me out of this shit hole AAAAAAAAAA
Fuck off, this is a pro-Maduro board.
Socialism does more harm to a country than war
Bolívia is going the same way. Worse part is that the commies get food first so we don't even get to see these fuckers suffering
Hopefully Jair Bolsomememan gets his hands on those crafty Gripen fighters by next year and we have a proper South American happening.
Only one way out now. Day of reckoning when?
omg i love communism now wtf
ourguy's last vids
Don't worry user. True communism has never been tried before. This time it'll be different im sure of it. Also congratulations on being the PROUD NEW OWNER of the means of production in your NEW GLORIOUS commietopia.
daily reminder that the venezuelan commies and their shit military literally control a fucking cartel now, the Cartel de los Soles
just get out of there man, cross the border while you have time. It's only going to get worse
We told you and you didnt listen, now your only hope is to make colombia great again.
This. It is so fucking easy to sneak into Brazil. Even 65 IQ Haitians can do it.
Not that it would improve his situation a lot, thought.
>ever being good
>south america ever being good
>being implied
spics really are the worst
Was Oscar Perez a fascist? Or a libtard?
R.I.P. this courageous man
Don't worry user, once the capitalists stop sabotaging the system you'll be well on your way to become North Korea 2.0!
this dude looks like he came out of a cartoon, thought it was someone attwhoring
it was announced from the moment he did that shit
and the worst is that he didnt even kill anyone LOL
Colombia was great once you fucking ignorant leaf
And i know there is a chance i can get mugged every day i go out, if i cross the wrong person i might get killed, but at least i would die happy to not live in a fucking degenerate fag enabler nation with a fuccboi as president.
thats what you get for wanting free gibs
Entirely self-inflicted, I have no empathy for those people.
This is what socialism gives you, always and without exception.
he literally didnt kill anyone, but his defiance was enough to trigger maduro
They had arab nation quality gibs, many colombians went there during the bad times, but they fucked up hard by giving too much power to the commies.
You haven't come close to true communism yet. Just wait it out. Equality is on the way.
well at least he'd have toilet paper, food and wouldn't be shot in the streets like a dog for nothing
Before or after everyone has starved to death?
Im guessing the last part depends on where he ends up going?
Now your getting it! Death is the point where real equality manifests! Isn't it beautiful!
Really makes me think
He'd be shot for his cellphone, not "for nothing"
Seriously though RIP Oscar Perez, Legend of Sup Forums
Well, communists on twitter are glad he's dead. I guess I should probably like him.
He did what people here LARP about doing
Civil War When?
Is there evidence that he's dead? Or do they have him locked away getting tortured for months on end?
The likely other combatant just died, so it's literally the Government, GNB, Military, drugdealers (some of these also members of the previous 3 groups), collectivos (pro-government militias armed partly with guns the commies took from civilians "for their safety") and fucking Cuban agents (+FARC), aided and abbetted by the cuckposition vs the people
On Twitter there are government ministers, bureaucrats and even a RT journalist mocking Perez. You may not have guns but surely you guys still have rope?
6 free venezuelans died with him.
6 truly free people wanting change for his countrymen from evil opressor
6 so called rebels.
Next time it will be 100 rebels, then 10,000 and then 100,000 venezuelan freedom fighters
Sounds like the downtrodden outer party members from 1984 embodied in a shitpost. You should check out 1984 or is that communism poison?
the fuck happening right here?
Sten guns shouldn't be hard to make, Venezuelabros. I guess the harder part would be making ammo
>spics really are the worst
The guy you responded to might be a bit over optimistic but based on your flag there is a ~70% chance your are a poo, chink or arab, you cannot criticise anyone subhuman
Pic related, also his buddies and famiy say he's dead, and died after surrendering (so he was executed), and apparently the opposition helped find him, they're a fabian disgrace.
Allegedly they'll cremate his body to avoid people making his grave a big thing
>that gasmask
>freedom fallen
>happy commies in the background
Jesus this picture deserves a statue after the revolution
There's a vid of his last moments above.
He's ourmartyr now
haha good, fuck that faggot
>NGOs with a few million budget vs a government that uses the entire administrative body and media as a propaganda system
>US funded ‘thugs’ protesting with signs and megaphones vs colectivos armed by the government
>US funded ‘destabilisation’ vs the Venezuelan government raping the national oil company for gibs and forcing all private businesses into bankruptcy with price controls
You guys deserve to be slowly hung on DOTR
so is venezuela going to be a commie shithole forever like North Korea? press F
Worse, they're a Cuban colony by now
What good is our military power, if we do not use it to protect the stability of this hemisphere? That is our greatest historical priority. We need to depose that insane bus driver crook and restore a sound government. Not just for our benefit but clearly for the benefit of suffering Venezuelans.
Use an antifa strategy
>tear down statues of the virgin Bolivar
>raise statues of the chad Perez
Do it USA, everything red should be dead
of course. just stay clear from everything north of são paulo and you're fine. in fact, never step into a favela or display a cellphone in public unless you're deep in the south.
there's so many people the US should fuck up in Latin America that it's hard to guess where to start
I guess you guys are still afraid of Russia to fuck up the original commies in Cuba (if they weren't there, literally no other country would go commie), but Venezuela has no problems.
Even those central american shitholes that should be easy to fix are kept as commies
>What good is our military power, if we do not use it to protect the stability of this hemisphere
The problem is the niggers in the favelas are the only ones with guns. The former middle class are few and each year less as they go to Canada, USA and Colombia. Invade, and the niggers take up arms against the formerly middle class Venezuelans. The only solution is to slowly turn up the heat until the regime melts and also attack ministers with sanctions as Trump is doing.
True anticom hero and real human bean.
>the regime melts
the entire regime is crooked, including the military
What fucked Venezuela is that even the military was full of commies. In other countries the military would just topple the commies and kill the last reds, but in Venezuela they got fucked
>america fixing something
Kek. Kill yourself.
Sleep well, sweet prince. There is no communism now, you are free. F.
It worked pretty good with us. Help them, burger bro.
Where is the food coming from?
What's the priority of whose getting the best access to food and consumables?
Somebody has to be the weak link
there's still some food from before (not every farmer is dead, etc) and there are food smugglers who bring it from Colombia, Brazil, etc.
The people in the army and GNB eat first, and I guess they also feed the collectivos and shit, so its like NK in this sense, if you're not faithful to commies you get fucked and don't eat
People literally go to jail for selling food
I'm so pumped to root out the gommies guys, lets take the whole NATO and go full Iraqi Freedom on dem
Hardest part is finding food
You did it yourselves because your military has a based prussian history and wasn't infested with gommies. Venezuela's army is all fucking reds and CIA can't do shit.
are you a qt with big tits and ass?
in this vid you can see him surrendering without barely shooting back, than he gets shot anyway
Call the coalition
He died like a true hero, taking out as much commies as he could. This will only motivate freedom fighters.
What countries near Venezuela are not leftist shitholes? Colombia? Panama? Let's do this guys. JDAMs vs. AMX 30s... not a chance!
i mean he had experience with arms and flying helicopters, and guns and still died
the average venezuelan cant do shit, only criminals have guns and they're with the government, besides they're criminals
best country to invade it from would be Colombia, I guess
Most of their borders are thick jungle
Go Fuck Yourself
Precisely because it's CIA but returned venezuelans are a diffrent history, that's why we pander to them.
But that conflicts with the CIA objectives, tough choice.
You have been visited by Commie Remover B-2
Stealthy removal of commies and plenty of food and liberty will come to you only if you reply THANK YOU CUTE LITTLE SPIRIT
Well the (((Maduro's))) already have taken over our government...
Venezuelans, in your country people are facing food shortages, giving birth to deformed babies (from lack of food and medicine) and living in cities that have higher homicide rates than Syrian war zones. Despite this, the opposition parties are continually BTFO. Are they just inept or do the people of the favelas know they are jewish agents?
>best country to invade it from would be Colombia, I guess
You fucking nigger. How are 100-200000 troops going to take over a country with a population of 30 million, where there is minimal to zero popular support for an opposition or alternative government? By the way most the borders with Colombia are not jungle you can drive over with a freedom tank.
>He died like a true hero, taking out as much commies as he could. This will only motivate freedom fighters.
A rare white Canadian has been spotted
T-The fire rises?
thats why its better to invade from colombia, they have a large section of border that isnt jungle, unlike most venezuelan neighbors
also they use soros machines in their elections, so its all rigged
RIP hero.
It's sad that a fascist group can't just spring up as a backlash against the communist tyranny. If Germany/Italy can do it, why can't a spic country?
Are they really that low iq tier that the average citizen can't take up arms and instead take it up the ass instead? It's scary thinking that when evil comes, there won't always be a backlash to stop it.What if US slowly turns communism and it goes out in a whimper? Scary...
>tfw the throwing commies out of helicopters meme failed you
Godspeed user, join the ranks and hang every last fucking traitor in your government.
In 2007 a bunch of far left activists in Australia invited Chavez to Australia, thanking him for the "great effort that your government has taken to improve the living standards of the majority of Venezuelans" and noting "our shared ideals of social justice and democracy".'
Signatories included many among the elite ranks of Australian unions, university professors, the ABC and various Islamic bodies. Full list of these traitors below. Point is, every country has a massive population in positions of power that seek to send our countries to hell and leave us without food, fucking stab wounds of prisoners in jail.
In Australia the average middle class person has their own home or one day aspires to have one. Sadly in Venezuela the jew millionaire class had left a large and receptive population of people living in poverty just waiting for idiots like Chavez and Maduro to promise them the world.
this anons are right, abandon the ship, it will be decades before venezuela is "ok" again
you can also board a plane and blend in any other country
a single sane person for every thousands
did they get you, user?
Yea, instead you'll just die, and sooner than someone living in the first world nation you're so irate of. Keep sending the white powder over and maybe we'll give you some pesos.
democracy fighter
All Venezuelans need to be hanged for living in a socialist country.
Communists have a right to sovereignity and to keep law and order in their countries
>Oy vey, Maduro and Kim don't let their citizens enjoy Bank of America and BurgerKing, we need to free them ASAP!!!
>mfw stormnigger trumpfags think it's OK to act like antifa terrorist niggers in a country just because it's communist and their rich masters told them so
fuck off we're full
they protested because there was no ham for christmas. So maduro bought a shitload of it from Portugal and they had to pass it through here cause Uncle Sam gets all bitchy if they ship it directly
>when you protest because there's no ham for christmas while your country is in an absolute state of chaos
>implying i was suggesting your shithole
>he can easily blend in in any latam nation and avoid immigration forever
>implying any selfrespecting latino will allow cuckropeans to associate them with muslims