What does Sup Forums think of these froggy fucks?

What does Sup Forums think of these froggy fucks?

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They're the best, obviously.

PS: Remember that the Frenchies helped the young US of A against the Brits to free the young American Republic. Most of the powder used by the brave American soldiers was financed by the King of France and, among others, the battle of Yorktown was especially decisive.

Rochambeau and Lafayette, French, are also among the Founding Fathers of the American Republic.

They are cute
I want a twink bf who moans in french

Their Sun King will liberate Europe.

In order of european cuckoldry, the 1st place is for Sweden. In 2nd, comes Germany. The 3rd place belongs to France.

The far left and far right are playing the game of who's the biggest cuck to the point that a rotschild backed centrist seems to be a reasonnable choice for governing this joke of a country

they’ve been the source of many good habbenings


Stop lying to yourself we are beyond fucked , Germany will destroy Europe again and this time there will be no one to put them in their place because for each year Europe became more and more irrevelant .
As for OP , we are the one who open the pandora box of the leftism and for that we are doomed

I think they had it coming.

>to the point that a rotschild backed centrist seems to be a reasonnable choice for governing this joke of a country
I feel you bro.

Just why? It's not like Catalogne was something relevant here.


Best allies
Best friends
Best european nation

In the cold Scandinavia,
The Hero's name resounds.
Suddenly enslaved Poland,
Rises up for Napoleon.
He had broken the fetters
Of these friends of the French people.
And France amongst its braves
Counted the Polish lancers.
And France amongst its braves
Counted the Polish lancers.

being gay is haram in your culture

WTF we fucking create you and you speak like that ! No wonder Spain are so tired of you fucking leftist

I don't like them, but I respect them.

You cut off the heads of the men who funded us. It isn't the same thing.

ahah a low-life scum from algeria has no chance, except, maybe, if your intellectual level and income level income is sufficient, which is are among dumb moslem sandniggers

also you'll only the ugly WE have the most beautiful

go back fuck a goat and pray and fuck a goat and pray and...

Really quite a shame. Its fallen so far. Have friends and relatives there and I cancelled my visit a while back because the terrorism was getting too bad. And they, being heavily brainwashed cucks, even admitted that. If you think the brainwashing in America is bad I would say it is equal if not worse in France.

Macron is kicking the immigrants' butts though, like Valls did.

Meanwhile Merkel in Germania...

Not so cuckhol really.

Great culture, good cars (except diesels), great cuisine. Only french i met tho were non whites tho, but they we're pretty all right.

Actually I support Catalonia in this battle, but don't try to steal some clay to us or we'll send the Mother Bomb to your home.

Don't worry, this is still widely taught in American schools.

It has not been forgotten.

My wife comes from a town named after Lafayette.

Good people. Lafayette was a great man. We held him in such high regard he got honorary United States citizenship. Thank you France!

They could have chosen a more original flag

Lost their light and fighting spirit after disposing of their nobility. Love the language though, I don't think modern France deserves the language.

It sucks because a lot of the French nobility were naval officers, and after they were murdered in the revolution, France pretty much self-castrated themselves, leaving the eternal anglo to have total dominion over the seas, which in turn was bad news for the world, as Britons are gullible greedy fuckheads, who would go on to act like Jews in China and South Africa.

The world really needed Napoleon to triumph to off-set the eternal anglo.

weaklings, cowards, immorals, deserve islamisation

You're a cunt, I hope Spain destroy you

Don't worry, Pierre, we haven't forgotten

It's a bunch of socialists and alcoholics, with Arabs and Niggers now as the cherry on the cake. Nuke it pls

It wasn't for you but for the catalonian .France don't create you just set you free more like a adoptive father , the USA really have in some aspect the best of France and UK

ah forgot to mention: also assuming and ignorant

Charles de Gaulle helped the Polish Army to fight the Soviets after the WWI. decouvrir.charles-de-gaulle.org/les-deux-sejours-du-commandant-de-gaulle-en-pologne-1919-1920/

Though I fail to see the enthusiasm from Poland for France : the Versailles Treaty imposed difficulties upon Poland and France failed to help in 1939, though I understand historically the strong historical links between the two countries.

I just feel it is not as reciprocal as it should be. Most French ignore what Poland meant to France.

Here in France, I meet a lot of friends, etc. who really want with Brexit to take revenge on the UK.... Germany is the enemy to me and this is quite disturbing. I appreciate very much the Brits!

Kinda gay desu

Isn't France more nigger than anything else yet? Send them back. Then I might respect France

Any frenchs user tired of politics and actually want to start the cleaning ?

Terrorism checks are fucking annoying but if you depart a bit from the big city, life's is undisturbed really... Cities are the best and the worse. You are 100% safe if you avoid Paris, not that it's dangerous... I work here and live in the posh West, it's nice!

>who really want with Brexit to take revenge on the UK
>who really want with Brexit
>who really want with

A once great country, now they're getting fucked by the globalists and immigration. I hope they can turn it around and save their culture.

Ideology is to France what religious fanaticism is to the USA. Every idea, every concept has been tried out in France (if not born therein), often with bloody consequences.
Our political mental landscape is blown out like the religious landscape of 19th century America was "burned-over", saturated and used like an aging prostitute's anal prolapse.
This makes life in modern day France extremely worrisome, that there is no collective aim but the war of each against the other.
But this anarchical spirit, very close to French core psychology in fact, is what makes it a fun and powerful experience. Finding like-minded individuals and a sense of community is like an initiatory experience in our rotten society (think late Rome).
What keeps us going, I think, is our pagan, tribal, anarchical roots which are very close to the surface. No idealist dogmatic, no Germanic or Semitic fanatic will ever guilt-trip a Frenchman into renouncing his wine, his pork saucisse, his love of sex, his cigarettes etc. The Frenchman is guided by his senses, his intuition, his gut-feeling ("tripes") as opposed to some elevated Apollonian Weltanschaung - be that organized religion, communism, or that very dogmatic plague of social justice and feminism.
This comforts me in the idea that the eternal, glorious France will forever live, though probably tattered and bruised, beaten and bloody, as it always was. At heart, I believe we are the good guys.

French are b a s e d
especially in the countryside
the country is cucked unfortunately but so are all white countries


The french are already tired of politics for sometimes now look at the abstention ( white vote )

Horizontal-fag btfo!

Just like the entire west, it's not just us.

Thank you. France is bipolar regarding America. When Obama was in charge, 95% love. Trump won? 95% hate. Even Le Pen supporters thought he was crazy, America turning Nazi or something... In discussion I made the case for Trump, used much rhetorics, worked a bit... It was quite borderline but I did OK. People are so PC, when you think a bit different, you "play the game of the fascists", etc.


The country side is definitely the best no doubt. Paris is an insufferable shit hole. What you pay for an apartment there is equivalent to renting a three story house in some towns. Missing maman's cuisses de grenouille desu. The crazy thing was I was supposed to be in Nice during the attack.

Why is it with the Dutch and their mild hatred for France? Most of the Dutch I met were despondent with me and my country. I never get it.

Arab and afrikans

There like are little fuck doll.

We rape them over and over for there money resorces .

They just lie there take it like little bitch they are.

Trying suck up to use by throwing there white knickers at use.

>WE have the most beautiful
I know that
Post your ass senpai


French are bros, also the greatest allies with impressive cultural and military heritage. I have many french nat-soc bros and fellow NSBM scene maniacs. The current sad state of this beautiful land is due the kike subversion that has been tormenting the french people like a cancer for the last 100 years.

However, I do believe that France will rise again! Here's to you brothers in blood & arms!

>He plays on console and not PC
I feel bad for you

I'll never forget the day a load of French students came to our school. When they were leaving one of my friends stood out in front of a massive crowd of us who were waving them off as they left on the coach and proceeded to do the nazi salute.

Don't forget though that the nobility before the Revolution was heavily indebted and wanted to get free from the King, recovering feudal power, etc.

Revolution was an immense bloodbath but it was like an impasse and the worst happened... History is tragic.

I mean we all know we can't change our future with vote and politics... so you see where I'm coming to.

So it's a no I guess? I play on PC too but i spend most of my gaming time on my shit console.

Thanks John!

*haie d'honneur, sabre tendu*

I don't know, I've never met one. Every time I approach one they throw up a white flag and run away.

fuck off kike

They did that for their own interests not because they felt sorry for Americans

Start getting guns like me, it's time to stop doing nothing.



Froggies smoke more than the coal rollers here in the South. Also it has turned into Europe's designated shitting state, especially in the Paris area.

They still teach about this at school, bros for life.

Real French are pretty cool.
Canadian French are hit and miss. And the arrogant faggots like the ones that post here give them all a bad name.

the best european state, they have been relevant in the world for 1000 years and culturally influenced it insanely. only england can claim the same.

Surprisingly, Macron is taking care of that by enforcing controls and stopping them at the borders... But yeah too many already there, unemployed, violent, uneducated, stupid... It's like people here wants to copy the US in everything and wants the ghettos now! Crazy.


Their equality bullshit is the reason we're in this mess.

>niggers are equal, let them in!

Any Merican know a gunstore that sell bumpstocks to Europe ? It's for sciences

Gonna be hard considering the PC culture... so I guess we better control the borders and force the illegals out and then incentivize the others to depart... in their shithole countries though. Not easy.

The eternal France was fundamentally traditionalistic in its values, meaning as diametrically opposed as can be from the everyday beauf de France you describe. I wish more French people would remember that they once prospered precisely because they lived according to transcendental values, instead of being proud of acting like the base animals you incense so hard, a behaviour that began to become mainstream at the same time France began its irreversible decline..

Destroy yourself.

Really wonder what bothers you but, anyway, the EU commissionaire of Brexit is French and took a hard line against the UK and wants to make as painful as possible. A lot of French agree, like a revenge against ancestral Perfide Albion.

Pretty sure it's just for show to get some right wing love. Migrants will keep coming, no doubt about it.

death to communists

Sexiest people on earth.

What the hell Algeria....

Bien dit l'ami...

Need to get rid of their muslims.

No trying to offend you but it's already lost. There is no solving this peacefully. Macro said it : he won't surrender to nationalists. The government will keep theirs Marxist agenda. So we don't have a choice. Just look at lepen, I wasn't a fan of here but she even tried to suck the zionists cock and it didn't work. No, what we need and we all know it, is a coup.

White vote indeed! kek

Vive la France!
But why do you eat snails and frogs?

Nice gif. Merci.

>glorious France will forever live

Of course it will.
It will always have friends to count on to give a helping hand in the worst jams, like WW2, or power through it with sheer nerve and impudence, like Joan of Arc in the 100 years war.

You see why I hate the Germans. Get a life Kraut and go make some children instead of Sportswagen.

We have the technology in France, we know how to make babies, we can help you, Eunuchland.

They're cool.
And they also build some nice frigates.

favorite European nation
seems to be turning to shit though

Last french people I met were agressive coalburners, fat proud bitchs,ugly blacks and arrogant arabs. Even tugas are leaving France these days. I hate Frangerie.

I wish we have a new nationalist moment and put in prison those traitors in charge... They'll later be paid in euros while the country get back to the Franc.

Dieu Et Mon Droit

they should have genocided the eternal a*glo off the face of the earth when they had a chance after the Norman invasion

Ally of turk is always an enemy.

>that girl on the right

Holly molly

I love France. I lived in Paris for two years when I was LARPing as a writer. The French are the superego to our ego. (the Brits are our id)

Not only. Lafayette, Rochambeau, etc. were animated also by a spirit of the Enlightenment.

Remember that the "investment" in the American War of Independence heavily indebted the country and pushed toward the Revolution... It was more than just tactics!

The only good thing the french ever made is Croissants. Everything else is shit. Including baguettes. Prove me wrong. You can't.