It's Tuesday in Japan already, where's the raws for 98?
Other urls found in this thread:
its not the 10th in japan
Dammit, how long until it's the 10th in Japan?
The tenth is in 16 hours.
And then you need to take the ripping time into account and if raw user will be around at exactly midnight.
1 day
Why is every living girl in his harem a shitty tsundere?
Shouldn't ripping be super easy? Or do they not sell digital ebook versions of mags in Japan and only publish to websites?
chain girl isnt
It's super easy if you can strip the DRM, but we can't for BW since the method is being kept a secret (if even one exists currently).
It exists and yes it is, for obvious reasons.
Last time it leaked they patched it out within days.
>Implying Takano is in the harem
She's going to become a lesbian for Kyouka and her chain Tsugumomo.
>almost gets penetrated
>basically in love with kazuya already
granted she'll probably be gone after this arc
Well, that is understandable. Too bad I'm way too unknown in the community to get my hands on it.
I just wrote raw user the alternative way to do it so it will take a bit longer.
I don't remember it being patched within days since I myself had been using it.
I knew of two methods, one by an user (which was patched quite fast, indeed) and another one by EEE which worked a bit longer.
Guess he shouldn't have posted it on that one forum.
She's going to be sticking with Kazuma for at least as long as he's at the Exorcist Academy, which should be 3 years of training. That's way longer than Manaka and Mutsuki, who only fell in love with Kazuya at the end of the shoe arc and never showed up ever again.
Fucking animefags should gas theselves.
Don't worry, it's a pain in the ass to use.
Really slow and requires the sacrifice of an account and possibly credit card and a VPN every time you use it.
It's really, really easy if you have a Kindle.
That sounds like a pain indeed, especially if you have a personal account which has accumulated a bunch of stuff already and it's in risk of being banned. Which is true over here.
Guess the good, old ways like an offline DeDRM tool will stay a dream for now.
How would you remove the DRM of something bought on BW with a Kindle?
Amazon and Kobo are well know for being extremely easy, which I know the methods for.
But BW is the only online portal which doesn't require any form of personal information, nor a credit card payment method that sells digital Japanese stuff to the west.
Don't buy from BW, buy from amazon.
Amazon's compression rate is atrocious in most cases.
But I guess we shouldn't talk about this here, it's a Tsugumomo thread after all.
Why a Kindle? Why doesn't Japan use something like a Panasonic Bonko or a Sony AiRead or other homegrown tech?
When I was a kid, playing 'house' always ended with both of us naked dry humping each other.
One time I persuaded all the neighbourhood girls to play 'house' in the attic. I wonder what the nanny was thinking when she burst into a small room with a naked boy being dry humped by 5 girls... I wonder if she ever told me parents...
Is that what Kazuya mean't when he said it was like playing 'house' again as a reference to the nurse office scene?
Yeah, it is. But the difference between BW and Amazon in tsugumomo's case isn't all that different.
Easier to get in the west.
I've ripped quite a few things from amazon. They've all been exactly the same as other digital vendors. Download the sample, it tells you out right what you're getting. You are using calibre set for tablet to rip it, right?
Check nyaa
You're a bad person.
Surely you mean TPB right?
Last ep was as good as I'd hoped, I liked the negative combo part.
Also wat
That looks like some shoujo artist drew it.
What day does the anime come out?
Why is kanaka so damn cute.
Evil and psychopatic but still cute
Gap moe
the blood of powerful aberrations keeps her young
I couldn't believe an ecchi battle harem gave me feels when you know WHAT happened, but it did.
Being mental is her only bad trait.
I'd play with her belly button
I hope, takano is a qtie and ready to receive the D at anytime.
Dammit, I guess I need to pay attention and find the threads on Sundays then.
She's not cute, she's a slut. A total slut. It's no wonder Kazuya is a manwhore with her genes.
Actually was drawn by some literal faggot yaoi artist.
Actually she's just a yuri slut. She only ever goes for 1 guy it seems. Kazuya definitely inherited her yuri sluttyness and skills though. Getting almost every female around him off as soon as he was walking. Could you imagine if he didn't have his memories sealed? There would totally be kids by now.
But it was a woman right?
Someone have the link to the archive when this happened ?
Well she's a damn cute whore
Always resolving everything with either her fists or fingers.
How will kazuya beat mommy, i want him to try the shoes, kicks are fukken cool
I feel like she would've fucked any man who didn't give up when confronted with Kiriha.
>Manaka and Mutsuki
Who are those again?
That doesn't help user can you spoon feed me please I'm on a phone in the middle of nowhere
I wonder if she ever fisted Kukuri and took her virginity.
Don't ever doubt it.
>Becomes a tsugumomo manwhore in addition to a normal manwhore
Oh god, how can he let that happen? He promised Kiriha he'd use her and only her. I'm sure that Kiriha will revive in the next 3 or 4 chapters so that he doesn't ever use Kyouka.
fucking speedreaders
These two.
Remember how a one-off line by Yuhata got twisted into Yuhata was a bisexual lesbian all along? Manaka basically said the same thing.
But it's been so long.
I completely forgot the shoes and the school days.
>bisexual lesbian
I liked the freckles girl that caused the hair monster, what a fuckable bitch
If memory serves Allez Cuisine!, didn't she only have a beauty spot?
Everyone was convinced, and it was pretty obvious, that Yuhata wanted to fuck the Nagate at first. It was only later that she decided to breed the Izana, after Izana became a woman and grew huge breasts.
??? What does batoto have to do with an archived thread of Sup Forums?
OH, that's what you wanted the archive for.
That was back in like, what, 2015? Does Desu go back that far?
Maybe this one?
I wonder how did the author have the guts to draw a scene of kukuri thinking about marrying kazuya in her adult form and then killing her few chapters later.
Marrying Kazuya? When was that?
I don't have my glasses on. When I saw the thumbnail in the catalogue I thought this was Rule 63 Griffith and Naraku. I am highly disappointed.
When she deactivates the barrier to defeat jobber house.
Damn i didn't know i need this
I dunno. She seems generally not interested in males. It wasn't shown at least. Kiriha chased off some, yeah. As she has shown though, if she wants to rape something she will.
Oh, that was just having sex, not marriage.
But why did she let some muggle impregnate her?
What do you think her endgame was then?
No that user.
But probably because he had a big dick.
He kept trying and trying and trying. Eventually she figured she'd give him a chance I guess? Maybe a pity lay or maybe she just wanted to try a guy for once. He seemed like a genuinely good guy anyway.
Having an adult relationship. She's a god, she can't marry a human.
She wanted a child that could fight her on equal terms. That's why she had Kazuya and his sister.
And he seems to be loyal even if kanaka kuked him with kiriha
yeah here
ch 70
ch 71
Honestly that does sound most likely. She probably was just a lesbian who decided her only way to achieve her goal was to actually breed.
He knew what he was getting into. Not like he ever got to be dominant in the relationship anyway. She molested any girl around her except for her daughter. It's just what she does. Got to really love it how every female around her just learns to accept it too.
I still can't believe Kiriha is fucking dead, man.
Kanaka deserves some proper punishment.
And they fucked at least twice.
Thanks family
Did Sup Forums only read this from volume rips?
do your penises hurt from all the yuri rape teasing
Actually, No.
You might have seen his works on sadpanda for quite a few times though.
Is it really teasing when it's pretty explicitly stated she raped most females daily?
but you don't get to see it.
>yfw revived Kiriha is outraged that Kazuya took ownership of nearly 20 other Tsukumogami
>yfw in order to prove that she's still special to him he finally fucks her
Was he in the right?
>And has baby
I really hope not though. I want Kazuya to have a harem.
Yep, he was right.
i don't even remember why are they having a tournament, i just want to see kazuya kill someone (hopefully that old faggot) and dick wolf mask.
I'm still waiting for Kazuyan to do like his mom and rape someone.
How did people react to him becoming Kiriha's master?
The tournament is how they decide who becomes president of the school and lets them assign the powerful Mayoigo tsugumomo to exorcists rather than just killing them.
He wont though. He has to much self control. So much so that flute in his body is overcome with lust.
Thinking about it though, there has been oddly no "skinship" interaction at all shown between Kazuya and his Mom. Yoshi obviously has no qualms about incest as his sister has been shown jacking his toddler self off among other things. Kind of strange that the most touchy-feely character has never been shown being close to her kids at all actually. I can kind of see the lesbian thing again so she doesn't molest Kazuya but she hasn't been shown touching his sister either.
who do you think will make it to the final of the tournament? bet on Kazuya and Oriobana if not Sunao