>be american
>get bitten by rabies bats
Seriously, should drumpfmerica even be considered a developed country at this point?
>be american
>get bitten by rabies bats
Seriously, should drumpfmerica even be considered a developed country at this point?
Other urls found in this thread:
Rabies is one of the most dangerous viruses out there. Kys sweede cuck
It's his parents' fault for not taking him to get a precautionary vaccine after being injured by a small animal.
>B...b....BUT MUH EBIL VACCINES THEY CAUSE AUTISMO (not parking my kid infront of the tv for 8 hours a day straight onv hahaha thats harmless)
Rabies exists everywhere, faggot.
FYI, my state has the first documented case on record of a girl who contracted rabies and survived with no treatment, she was fucked up for a while but came out okay, but apparently, that's pretty fucking rare.
And, before I forget, go prep the bull, Sven! Your bait sucks dog dick.
Are you guys updated on your rabies boosters? Better safe than sorry.
>get bit by a bit
>You nu-male dad looks up what to do on the internet
>wait 7 fucking days to take the kid to the hospital
Fuck, the kid never had a chance.
>be sweden
>get raped by muslims
>live in cuck shed
What a terrible existence it must be
>Thinking anyone in this country would not forcefully treat a child with rabies, like that's even an option legally.
ITT: Euros know fucking nothing about Rabies, how it works, how common it is, how effective it is on mammals etc.
Irony being that these are the same communist faggots that are going to tell us about socialized healthcare and education all day. Roll the fucking laugh track.
>be Australian, dip toes in ocean water
>come back with a stump
>be Swedish woman
>have a 25% chance of being raped going outside your home
>le epic trolle
>sageing with a pic
I'm sure it is as unavoidable as HIV
>Rabies exists everywhere, faggot.
fuck off it does
>be swedish
>go outside
>get raped and stabbed by peaceful immigrants
did they suck her blood out to find the cure?
>how common it is
Maybe in your 3rd world shithole.
also thread is fucking funny cuz last year sweden got hit by several diseases that has been extinct for decades.
wonder why
Rabies is virtually unknown in Asia and tropical regions.
Look at those beautiful little nipples
which is why they shoot you up with the vaccine in china if you're so much as scratched by a pet
doesn't matter if the pet was infected or not, they just vaccinate everyone
only places it's truly unknown are islands with functioning quarantine (so aus, nz, maybe uk? and all those pacific shitholes i guess)
There'sa spike in rabies in every suburb that enacted leash laws. Funny how that work.
>Rabies exists everywhere, faggot.
>Several countries in Europe have been designated rabies-free jurisdictions: Austria, United Kingdom, the Ireland, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, France, Switzerland, Portugal, Italy, Spain, Greece, Malta, Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Latvia, Estonia,[48] the Czech Republic, Iceland,[49] and the Republic of Cyprus.
We kinda knew about rabies when I was a kid but we thought if the animal wasn't foaming at the mouth like on cartoons then it was safe. Got bite by a few stray cats and a mouse and parents never took me to the hospital was just "keep an eye on it".
Shared a mcdonalds large fries with a raccoon that was super chill and just stood next to me with it's hands out waiting for more but I found out now they carry it the most
>Rabies bats
Fucking nuke this planet already
I think we have a lot more dumpster pandas than we used to.
>He was just a little baby boy...
No rabies here.
>be Swedish
>get gang raped by filthy foreigners
>get killed
Seriously, should syria v2 even be considered a developed country at this point?
In Europe we just vaccine everyone against rabies, you know.
At least, before your american based anti-white, anti-vaxx insanity started to spread
na, the kid cried about the chance of getting anti-rabies shots, thus didnt so he died
A shitload of diseases are "based" in bats.
It's related to the flying mammal metabolism and to the fact that they stick together.
They can treat full blown infection by inducing a hypothermia coma until the virus replicates itself to death, as is what happened in that girls case. She still has permanent nerve damage, though.
Yeah, the only animal disease that makes headlines in the UK, iirc, is hoof-and-mouth disease.
I was at a timeshare cabin and the racoons there are all super nice. I fed one a cheezit from my mouth, it took it with its mouth and not its hands.
Whiter than you Mohammed
You should get a rabbies vaccine instantly after being bitten or scratched by a wild animal.
Bats are known to be full of rabbies and are the most common source of infection.
Pity for the poor boy, it is a god-awful way to die.
Ehh rabies is one of the most lethal viruses you can get, if you start seeing the symptoms and haven't gotten treatment yet you are basically fucked at that point because its in your CNS
we have rabies, you have violent "refugee" muslims. comme ci comme ça. I think i'll stick with rabies, at least when that kills our children, it is not with a truck or knife.
>Which leads me to add one Remark: That the Number of purely white People in the World is proportionally very small. All Africa is black or tawny. Asia chiefly tawny. America (exclusive of the new Comers) wholly so. And in Europe, the Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion - Benjamin Franklin
wow the father is an absolute retard.
if you search got bitten by a bat or anything along those lines every single result is rabies. maybe he wanted his kid to die or something?
Rabies is a pretty bad way to go
They can possibly go Milwakee protocol but is like 1 chance out of 6 to get out.
If the symptoms appear you are fucked and is an horrible death.
3000x2000 miles. We can't kill everything.
I dunno, but sweden will soon be considered an official shithole.
If you contract rabies, and wait until symptoms occur before getting help, you will die. If the parents knew he was bitten then the blame is on them.
I got that reference! Cheers Morrowind pal! May your skies be clear and your skooma tasty!
Never seen any rabies around here, only tetanus
>Rabies is present in more than 150 countries and on all continents but Antarctica.
Try again, Ausfail.
There are 195 countries
Daily reminder that rabies mortality is over 99%
Hydrophobia is fucking scary
always vaccinate
>Several countries in Europe have been designated rabies-free jurisdictions:
I'm sure rabies will totally abide by this and never, ever come back to those lands, it's literally as effective as putting up a gun-free sign, WEW!
>Sheeit, said the rabid migratory creature, I better not cross that line!
You should go die somewhere now.
Your little island is on lockdown. North and South America are vast, there is no way we are ever going to eliminate rabies when it is native to our environment unless we basically destroy nature.
America doesn't have Televisions.
It really is. The father didn't take the kid in because getting shots scared the boy.
Well, he's dead now. Good fucking parenting.
A statistcal outlier does not an epidemic make. You're broken. Does that mean all Brits come to moronic conclusions when faced with statistically insignificant data?
Friendly reminder that 1 in 4 gay men have HIV.
>what is an island
Yep, and you could have rabies in your nation's animal population and be fortunate enough to not have had a case reported in a long time, still doesn't mean it can't be there.
Go out and play with rodents that bite, or, wander somewhere that bats tend to congregate during the warm seasons, see how your luck holds out!
How it's possible Brazil and Mexico are on par with Europe? I thought they are much more sexually open and drugs are commonplace. Was it all Sup Forums lies? Are they all good Catholics going to mass every week like my grandmother told me they are.
Old people in Poland love South America for it's Catholicism.
Poor kid, having such dumb people as parents.
No wonder you're all cucks.
>UK has 17 varieties of bats
The absolute state of bongistan, did they stop teaching you about how animals move about in your country? Did all migration recently cease due to constabulary proclamation?
>getting shots scared the boy
Wow, some father. He should have been teaching his son how to deal with things that are scary/uncomfortable as a life lesson. Now his son is going to die.
The kid went to the doctor almost 8 days after he was bitten obviously it wouldn’t work. Would antibiotics be able to cure the leg you lost to a flesh eating disease? No
A landmass to corner Anglos in and bomb them to death while they larp as real men shilling on Sup Forums for the Muslims fucking their would be wives and sons
bats are not birds
Actually, the most likely situation is that it's now illegal in the UK to declare a rabies outbreak as that would be offensive to the animals who carry it. After all, it's not their fault, you fucking speciesist!
Just like there's no rape problem in Sweden, after all, if you don't report it, it never happened!
Your country not only has rabies, it has ANOTHER type of rabies unique to the island!
>In December 2012 an eight-year-old boy was bitten or scratched by a bat in north Queensland. He became ill three weeks later, and died on 22 February 2013.
You disgust me.
>It's his parents' fault for not taking him to get a precautionary vaccine after being injured by a small animal.
Amerikan education at its finest.
And, since it can be carried by many species, there's never a guarantee that it cannot come back.
Again, any nation that believes itself impervious to a disease will eventually find it isn't.
Quick rundown for you dumbfaggots from someone who actually studies the disease
>Rabies makes you foam at the mouth and unable to drunk due to having severe aquaphobia, you also foam at the mouth because you're dehydrated, this is how you die
>Incubation period is between 3 and 8 weeks, if you get the post exposure vaccination (different from a preventative one) before this happens you are fine
>The preventative vaccine is generally reserved for people who work in caves or work with wild animals
>100% fatality rate. There have only been 4 survivors without a post exposure cure and the way they save you is by putting you into a chemical induced coma so you don't dive of thirst. This has a 10% chance of working
>Dogs and cats in the US do not generally give people rabies, it's pretty much eradicated from them. They occasianally contract rabies from rabid wild animals like squirrels and badgers.
>Dogs and cats in shitholes like the phillipines all have rabies so don't touch them
>The only animals in the US that give humans rabies anymore are bats, approximately 1% of bats in the US have it
>Never touch a fucking bat
>Most people who get rabies from bats don't know they've been bitten
>If you wake up from sleeping to a bat flying around, you're going to need to get the shots (cost approximately $12,000, 16" needle shot in your stomach)
most important part
There is no cure for rabies once symptoms start...and it is fatal in 99.99% of cases. Kys dipshit.
Why are americans in this thread so butthurt about the fact that some countries have certain diseases and some don't
a father who doesn't know that he should give his children rabies or tetanus shots after getting scratched should kys before making babies
The reason why it scared the kid is because the rabies vaccine is FUCKING PAINFUL.
It used to be worse, too.
21 shots into the stomach. 1 every day for 21 days All of them extremely painful.
Now it's 4 shots. 1, 7, 14, 21 days apart.
First one is directly into the bite area, and it's painful as hell. Hurts for days.
The rest aren't bad though.
come back and talk when your mom isnt taking syrian dick in every hole
Calm the fuck down
I got bitten by a feral cat. The authorities here told me to kill it without damaging the head, then remove the head, double bag it, and wait for them to come collect the sample. So that's what I did. Didn't have rabies thankfully, knew the chance was very small in the first place, but I wasn't going to take any chances.
anti rabies shot?
a bat can fly up to 50 miles each night.
Straight of Dover is only 20 miles across.
A bat can do that, bite some mutt in Calais, and have enough time to return in a single night.
Rabies is the deadliest disease known to man. It has a 99.99999 kill rate. In all of recorded history only TWO people have survived once infected. What the Fuck is your point?
Did the cat show symptoms of rabies? If not you probably decapitated an innocent cat considering nobody has gotten rabies from a cat in the US since like 1970
Why would they do that though
I find it rather odd for someone not to be vaccinated against this, especially since the death by rabies is the shitty kind.
>be american
>get bitten by rabies bats
>waited a week before doing anything
>it full blown rabies and incurable now
In american the parents CHOOSE to wait a week
In sweden they would of HAD to wait the week and died anyways
> Ryker
nothing of value was lost
Because it's a fucking bat, and it can.
Fuck you.
You want and dont vaccinate for rabies prior to suspicion of infection.
Rabies van is one of the few vacs that actually dies work and is shown to work.
You're not vaccinated against it either, retard.
>uses a gradient until United States color.
Hmm really makes ya think.