What would you put in the basket Sup Forums?
A fresh morning dump
I'd change my name to clinton and put the FBI in it.
So now you are trafficking Haitian children in shopping carts?
This is racist. Why is it assumed that they are poor and starving because they are black?
Un pinned hand grenade
Coke and a gun
a lit stick of dynamite
That's so last year.
Look out those little niggers are trying to steal your groceries!!
A giant dildo
id pour in water
> "See how easy suppressing local farmers with imported free food can be? Help collapse foreign economies and maintain broken political states by donating today."
More accurate, but not as heart-warming.
Get outta my cart nigger
Solid leafpost
Water melons.
If feeding people was this fucking simple, why isn't food a natural right and freely given by the government.
Soup with a long shelf life that is far from the expiration date and isn't too high in sodium.
It's not their skin colour, retard. It's the notion of putting two hands out that is associated with begging ie. being poor.
My man. Same, with other contraception methods.
i'll give them eminem's new album to eat
TOP (YOU) user.
The only thing that will help them long term: birth control.
Because it costs money to make, If you're this butthurt about food not being free, go make your own food you autist.
I'd fill it with the wondrous fruits of modern civilization, from succulent strawberries to whole hams to fresh french bread.
Then I'd pay and take it all away again.
Dog food and bananas
Muh dick
>What would you put in the basket Sup Forums?
GIbs me dat!
Pesticides, Fertilizer, Gardening Tools, Irrigation Piping.
Nobody is starving in any of the majority white controlled countries.
A condom.
A job application.
Wait till someone posts a picture of throwing bananas in online and we get the next great chimpout of 2018.
That mcdonald coupon page that comes in the mail every now and then.
Some thing they've never had
A father
>Gib me dat whitey
Tear gas
>Nobody is starving in any of the majority white controlled countries.
Top kek, this shits funny.
>go make your own food you autist.
Triple top kek, implying I dont know how to grow harvest and can my own foods.
Wew lads, looks like we got a buncha quick to trigger type sissies tonite.
>only black kids
How is this not racist? Are they assuming that only blacks need food aid?
A IPhone (Because i barely use my IPhone.)
What is this yellow star in the plate supposed to mean? concentrational camp quality service?
a nice ol' hand grenade
Another 2 Niggers, my cotton farm is woefully understaffed.
>Feed SA
You mean the place where white farmers are getting zerged by niggers with radio jammers?
The fucking gall of these kikes
Liberals are the most racist people on the planet. They are race obsessed and have an extremely condescending view of minorities.
Every 60 seconds a minute passes in africa, together we can stop this. Donate now
A drone strike.
so let it be written so let it be done
>What is this yellow star in the plate supposed to mean? concentrational camp quality service
It means they have been ear marked for sexual exploitation by John podesta and Hillary Clinton. After the pictures were taken they were transported back to the dungeon.
First things first.
Why doesn't the supermarket send the food to Africa instead of the suburbs then?
raciss wypipo
why can't Africans grow their own food?
fuck the charity industrial complex.
This is why I came here. Much more creative than shit.
>local farmers
You do know they often eat the seeds instead of replanting them right?
I'd flip over the insert like I always do so I don't have to look at whatever the fuck they're trying to push on me this time.
>the face of poverty is EXCLUSIVELY BLACK
so fucking dumb.
A sign reading “Don’t feed the birds”
the lotion
My cock
First post best post
Subsidies pay for most of the cost of food
A condom full of aids, so the niggers can spread it faster than the gays.
pic not related
A hand grenade
a big olll bomb
Real nice, but I think that little girl was hoping for a bucket of KFC.
Thanks for the LULZ.
No way that's true