Many people have been played by the Bitcoin Jew. The Jew media pumped it so much and then all the Jews sold out in December. How do we solved Jewish Trickery like Bitcoins?
The Bitcoin Jew
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dude bitcoin lmao
I guess they did the same thing last august?
last december? numerous times before that?
buy bitcoen it's gonna moon and make all of us wealthy gutmenschen
OP is just jealous he never got in early enough to make any money
i got jewed of all my savings
We've got something better now Goyim
This is true.
It is also true that many people who missed it are losing out buying into the crash.
I bought more today on credit. Talk about Jewing the Jews.
You should have bought BitCoen.
Hahahaha I'm not even shilling for them. I just think it's hilarious so I link to them.
>mfw bitcoen becomes primary currency of neo-nazis for lulz
What are you talking about? Bitcoin is the unregulated ancap dream.
>You should support Jewish controlled money. It's way better than decentralized money Jews can't control my Sup Forums bros.
>all these faggots on this thread salty still hodling their jewcoins
>weren't smart enough to sell at 19k, dumb enough to hodl
lol get memed, the only way is down
Oh would you look at that.
We need to heat the ovens to 1488 degrees.
>t. nocoiner
>Yeah guise the Jews own the federal reserve and international banking cartels it sure would be Jewish of them to create decentralized deflationary currency they can't just print more of whenever they want.
People who say crypto is a Jewish scheme are the biggest retards on Sup Forums. Bitcoin (but mostly altcoins) will be the thing that eventually destroys world Jewry because world Jewry is synonymous with Fiat/Debt slavery. If Sup Forums really cared about gassing kikes we would be shilling crypto 24/7. /biz/ are actually better Nazis than we are and they don't even know it.
that dude only put up that flag in protest.
he's not a nazi
Have a look at biz.
Fuck me it's hilarious.
/biz/ hands down had the best memes of 2017.
Start buying silver today. It'll go over 100 this year. JP Morgan has been suppressing the price so they can buy it all up. Buy the fake dip. Demand is greater than current supply. Mark my words.
No, that's gold and silver
Anyone buying btc at this point is either a boomer or a drooling retard. Only way to make money with crypto now is to mine in some third world shithole.
Got long at 10,000 just now, resisted since February of last year, I reckon we will see a brief return to 15/16k then capitulation and 1000. So far its up 10%
Buy silver, crash bitcoin.
Just waiting for Bitcoin to crash again before I really buy in. The only question is whether or not it will ever exceed its previous high.
Jokes on you I put all my money into bitconnect
Bitcoin will go up the last time when all coins are mined. And for that we will need quantum computing.
But short Term I think it will crash below 5k the next weeks
missed the bit coeh ICO.
It's like you didn't even look at the other kikecoin zetacash. Jews jewed each other and it crashed on launch...hard.
Actually crypto kills the jew, but whatever faggot.
Anything on a digital screen is not real wealth: Number one rule. Never invest in digital currency or stocks. That game is over now. You want solids. Houses, properties or natural resources. Live energy trading is an interesting field.
I made a small amount but pulled out, now that even FB is planting ads on Crypto is alarming to me. I fear this might be one of those slippery slopes into cashless societies