Why do women lack a sense of honor and loyalty...

Why do women lack a sense of honor and loyalty? I started thinking about this after a female friend of mine told me a story about her great grandmother.

>be about 20 during german invasion of norway
>fall in love with german soldier stationed as garrison
>get pregnant
>all germans get deported after the war
>have to put out an ad in a newspaper to get a husband to take care of her and her kraut bastard
>german soldier tries to send letters to her
>her mother takes them all and tells her he has forgotten her

My friend being a woman of course thinks this is "oh so romantic" and that the mother is a huge bitch for keeping them apart. Now say whatever you want about the third reich but how can someone be so much of a whore that you fuck one of the people who invaded your country and murdered your countrymen by the thousands?

Women constantly shriek about men thinking with their dicks but they're constantly the ones spreading their legs for invaders, even to this day.

Other urls found in this thread:


I bet women are genetically predisposed to want to fuck invading men, for very obvious reasons.

Naturally we will never in a million years see this idea published in our universities.

>women lack a sense of honor and loyalty?
Most humans in general do. Self-sustained sense of honor is very rare.

Pretty sure the Norwegians did not lose (((thousands))) or 6 gorillion or w.e during the Nazi occupation. There was obviously resistance fighters but from what I understand the occupation was by and large peaceful

Hypergamy. They can always fuck the strongest group of men, so don't need a sense of group loyalty to propagate their genes. Men on the other hand need to band together and form larger, more powerful armies than other groups of men in order to propagate their genes.


Lack of female loyalty is a survival instinct. Women have always been war booty so they literally had to spread their legs for their conquerors or be raped/killed. It was either accept the stronger men or die.

Women get bored of their own play things, want new toys: The Study

This is very true. Throughout history it is a recurring theme, even in the times of the vikings and genghis khan. It isn't even necessarily the invaders, but who they perceive is "winning"

>German and Swede
We're the same people, Sven. This isn't like niggers, spics, slimes, or gooks. Wasn't Goering's wife a Swede too?

>You will never shave the heads of stacies who slept with your national enemy, then brutally gang rape them

Well... men fuck women in lands they've occupied. Sometimes it creates a baby. Very few men deal with that baby I suppose.

Try to see this scenario from your own countrys point of view, as if you're in the war or some shit.

C'mon mah niggah. Assholes and traitors are among both sexes. Let's not go MGTOW neckbeards ,,also black lives matter

Can you blame them? Imagine being a woman living in soyboy land Norway and strong, masculine German chads roll up in a naval invasion, why wouldn't you want to breed with them?

>but how can someone be so much of a whore that you fuck one of the people who invaded your country and murdered your countrymen

you forget that Norwegians hated the jews to their core, for some the Germans were heroes

Fuck off shill. At least make an enough to cover your meme flag.

Honor and loyalty are masculine characteristics. I know it seems disgusting that women lack them but that's because we were raised to expect women to be men. In reality the female gender is heavily invested into sexuality and personal relationships and not very invested in the tribe as a whole or in any other abstract concept. The tribe, the nation, these concepts are not very "real" in any sort of immediate, personal sense, which is the world women exist in; the material world.

To a male spirit which exists mainly on an abstract plane it can seem like an abomination, but consider how much more sense it would make if you lowered your scope of vision back down to earth, just to what's tangible around you.

women are much worse than whores, I have liver issues through no fault of my own and I've heard girls behind me comment on how my skin is ugly. absolutely no morals or thought to other people, women should be beaten at birth and continuously throughout their lives to keep them in order.

They dont need it.

Honor benefits women, it’s a male creation.

Look at Canada

China is buying a lot of prime real estate in vancouver and toronto but, a foreigner is not allowed to buy in china.

Fucking trudeau faggot

Get the rope


Probably cuz seen as stronger thus more masculine. What if an army of super feminine Asian waifus invaded and then killed all the women you know? Then they wanted to fuck (you)? Would you /pol?

That why noblesse been created

What about the "Vladimir just invade us" meme

Read this, Wendi Deng destroyed a family just to get a green card, and her behaviour has only got worse since then. It reads like a MGTOW recruiting pamphlet.


>What if an army of super feminine Asian waifus invaded and then killed all the women you know? Then they wanted to fuck (you)?
That would be fucking amazing, sadly it's unlikely to happen. It's nothing like what happened in Norway though.

>women should be beaten at birth and continuously throughout their lives to keep them in order
Sup Forums in a nutshell, well said oldest ally


yes and most men today are
>addicted to games and porn
>overweight/not in shape
>watches anime
>have no manly hobbies
>majority are soyboys or nu-males
>dresses like a degenerate
>has ugly tattoos
>lives with their parents
>has no education
>isn't interested in a serious relationship
>desperate for sex
>have or show no respect for other people
>has no discipline
>waste their time with partying/smoking weed
>cant take care of their hygiene

>m-m-muh invasion ;___;
>we wuz democratic progressive state

You are correct.
Culture may also play a part in it that has not yet been lookced into. Of course the girl who has everything trown after her in a society that cuddles her will break and give in under the slightest sign of power over her. Who knows how they would behave if they were raised differently were loyality over death is progagated to everyone?

Shrinking your thoughts down to what’s around you is literally nigger tier.

>majority of men watch anime
>majority of men have no manly hobbies
>majority of men live with their parents
>majority of men have no education
what planet do you live on meme flaggot?

>ChOde KFG

yes i would describe the modern western man with these traits

>women have no sense of loyalty only men do



Thanks for that, I was wondering what the original video for these webms was.