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Official Shithole Countries Map Thread
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Turkey is a better country than Israel.
And I take it you've never experienced living in either one?
Did you?
>Mongolia is more of shithole than North Korea
Your criteria is wrong.
First 10 are shitholes, second 10 are semishitholes, rest is fine.
>shithole countries
>not including the USA
Wew lad
This is such a dumb way of measuring shitholeness... by that logic nicaragua is better than the US.
Yes. Israel feels like a police state, at least in Afula from my perspective. The closer you travel to Jenin the worse it gets.
Turkey is actually quite a beautiful country and pretty fucking developed for the Middle-East. I can have a good time in Istanbul without some Jew cocksucker ruining my fun times.
>shithole countries
>includes Brunei, Thailand, UAE
Even parts of Malaysia are pretty nice, especially the states of Penang and Sarawak. The only really bad place in the country is Kuala Lumpur and the whole state of Sabah (unless you're hiking Mt. Kinabalu)
half of those countries have double the gdp per capita of china
can we just color the entire planet and get this over with?
Portugal might not be Norway, but they´re in better shape than whole Eastern Europe.
Argentina, Uruguay, Chile and Mexico should be semisitholes aswell.
Same for Lebanon, Jordan, Iran or Turkey.
That's the easy one.
Why is Sweden not a shithole on that map?
Sweden should be shithole now
Portugal? good joke.
What has poor Mongolia ever done to you?
This will be the only not retarded map
>t. thirdworlder who would give his left arm to live here.
Have you ever been outside of Istanbul?
It is definetely getting worse but it still is a pretty good place to live
You left Australia in blue OP
That's funny. I didn't even see your comment before I posted mine
How is Greenland not a shithole. There's nothing there.
Just give it one more year
Those are definitely SHITHOLES lmao maybe not Chile or Argentina
what's your methodology?
2 things you need to know to be a plumber:
>payday's friday
>shit flows down
>What is oil
i was very liberal with my definiton of shithole
I'm going to live inside the letter o where it's nice and white.
Uruguay and Chile are semi as well.
There's literally nothing wrong with Mongolia
forgot albania
This is complete fucking bullshit
>French Guiana
>Not shitholes
yes how dare they have oil
Israel needs it's own category like semish shithole but due to having shithole terrorist neighbors
I don't have to justify anything to sandniggers
r8 pls
>Argentina, Chile, Uruguay "Shithole"
>Ukraine, Romania, Nkorea "Semishithole"
Go back to primary nigger
mongolia and kazahstan are shitholes? jesus you stupid ignorant fuck
because you're a retarded mutt
>china not a shithole
ahahaha good one op
>also most of the europoor countries that have AIDS in the form of NIGGERS
Do you eat paint chips? Armenia and Georgia you consider"shitholes" while naming most of Eastern Europe as first world countries? Are you retarded? Have you ever been to any of the Caucasian countries?
In the more rural Areas, probably. Although i cannot imagine the Main Cities to be anything other than 3rd World shitholes.
we probably had the same idea at pretty much the same time
absolutely disgusting
>china is first world
top kek
If you can split Italy you should make Cali a semi shithole
>Mongolia a shithole
You perkele have a deathwish, wittusaatana!?
Oh and Belarus is a shithole too
All of latin america's south cone, including the south of Brazil, should at least receive the semi shithole status. Because come on, eastern europe, Russia and China are way shittier than Chile for example and they're blue
What have you done to the water Ruskie!? Where will you get all your fish from? Enjoy your crappy brown trout.
Managua is a shithole though.
>tourist attractions are a good way of measuring how developed a country is
This is where Bigfoot lives.
Change kazakhstan (better than Russia) and Uruguay to semi
why is Germany blue?
>Colombia and Mexico first place
Meant to say this, Guyana is a decent place. Don't tell Soros.
>Great Britain
>New Zealand
I forgot to say you're not allowed to reply with meme answers
Do you have another stadistic?
Number 1 is costarica number 2 mexico. Maybe is because people is nice, not religious issues and long live expectation based on a natural diet. I don't know but you can be happy just enjoying your sunny land and big family. No need a big army for happiness.
You fixed a lot of things on OPs map but got a lot of other things wrong, namely NK, India, Emirates, Israel, Moldavia, Ukraine, Belarus, most of the former Yugoslavia, Germany, and Sweden, as well as parts of the US that are cancer.
>Europe and China blue
Behold, the only not completely retarded map
United States
First world
Pick one.
>First world
>still living in the 90s
Didn't even see israel. You're right got lazy on some of them.
>Put Belarus as "Decent" but not Russia
The absolute mental state of poland
Calling Brazil a Shithole
Ayyyyyyyyy LMAO
We are the only ones who can stop the Threat of Narco-Dictatorship of Venezuela, of Bolivia, of the Dictatorship of the Castro and destroy the Leviathan of the Forum of São Paulo alone.
On the day you realize that we are the Key to stopping Socialism and the Drug Cartels, you may look at us with different eyes.
t.Jaguar of the World's Best Jungle Force.
more proof the polish are some of the stupidest people alive
You are so pathetic, that post is just retarded
>First World
Burger brain at work.
At least in morocco there are no terror attacks everyday like in your shithole country.
>Russia and China not second world
>North Korea and Romania not shithole
>Chile, Argentina, and Costa Rica not second world at least
Starving to death and being held hostage by your totalitarian government while the entire country aside from the capital is falling apart isn't "shithole" status? Nice meme map.
that was easy
>the US
>eastern Europe
>not shitholes
Nothing more pathetic than you not realizing how pathetic you actually are.
She's not saying Morocco is worse than Iraq, you retard. Learn to read.
>Iran is a semitshithole when in reality it's not much better than North Korea in terms of poverty
>UAE on the same level as most of Africa and less than eastern europe
>America on the same level as fucking Iran
You're a massive retard.
>semi shit hole
>not spain
No talking shit about our greatest ally.
The UAE is better than 90% of the countries in the world.
This is closer to the truth but I'd put Egypt and Turkey as Emerging/Decent as well, Turkey may as well be first world at this point too. Turkey is one of the most beautiful countries in the world, Istanbul by itself carries it to Emerging I can't see how you morons can't realize how beautiful that city is. Literally the most beautiful city in the world.
Greece is already a shithole.
Pic related. done by a geopolitical analysts who knows more than the average Sup Forums user.
Egypt would be emerging in 5 years. Much better map than anything else posted in the thread even thought it has mistakes.