Is he teaching our kids to be chads?

Is he teaching our kids to be chads?

yes and the fact that the only people mad about the japan incident are either

>Westernized japanese people
>White japanese people
>White people
>The usual guys on youtube who hate on him


the state of americans. Kids like him used to get bullied in school here

Stop lying.

>finland is a country dominated by soyboys

>Be Finngol
>Commit suicide
>End up in Logan Paul video

>Is he teaching our kids to be chads?

Not even close... he's controlled opposition.
deepstate crisis actor.

the only wrong thing he did was apoligize

He's a balding kid who thought he could post anything on YouTube without getting in trouble and found out the hard way that he couldn't. His fanboys are all fucking homos too.

>be a dick to white people with jobs: the content
truly the savior of the white race

t. reddit numale cuck

He's teaching your kids to "buy that merch".

he feminds me of freaky fred x king ramses from courage

He's teaching our kids to be retards

Where's my Logang at?

Onko tää se tulin minä kaapista ulos äijä? :-DDDDD

He's a goofy looking faggot.

What are you, fucking 12? Be your own man instead of the obnoxious flamer some YouTube poof tells you to be.

He deserves a second chance

Yes. Anyone counter-signaling the Logang is a kike shill

hes a kike

MAGA hats are out

Alien hats are in

maybe (((your))) kids you fucking meme flag kike

>being dumb sociopatic and obnoxious is a good thing

but in all seriousness
He's what we call a faggot. stop misusing chad meme reee

That's true, he's probably not autistic enough to be accepted in finland


>>Be Finngol
what does this mean?
where did you get this from?

>Logan Paul
You're confusing the words "chad" and "wigger". That guy isn't a chad, he's just another run of the mill wigger

This is what a real chad looks like


chads aren't balding.

What an ultrafaggot

Go commit suicide OP so Logan can come around and laugh at that.

This board is a complete autistic joke now. Fuck all of you.

Not with that comb over

He's a 23yo man who behaves worse than a teenager. How's that being a Chad?

This is now a thread where we post IRL chads.


He's too skinny too be a chad. And the fact that Jewtube loves him is enough for me to not want to watch him.


Logan is a virgin's idea of what a chad is.

bumping for this

No he used to be emo


Right here brother!

We lurk in the shadows, we post the dankest shit

We don't and we don't forget

We're the logang son and we represent!



He's a fucking Hapsburg.

You fucking illiterate nigger lover.



80s to early 90s Trump was ultimate Chad


is.. is his nose photoshoped?


Lmao not surprised that america is has become a country of coalburners if this is "white chad". He is what we Finland call mouthbreathers, you need to have atleast certain level of intelligence to be a chad. maybe that's not the case with america.



Kill yourself goy