How to explain Africa's failures to normiez

How can I delicately redpill normies on Africa? Looking for real statistics, history, and facts besides just the low-IQ of the continent and 'lol niggers'.

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There is no gentle way to redpill. For a lot of people, they got their redpill by being in close proximity to the nog.

As Sup Forumsacks state occasionally, leftists and retards fail to understand why racism and proximity to nogs are very closely correlated.

People just do not heed warnings like those in the past. It's an overly proud sense of naiveté that's spread throughout modern society like a virus.

nigger expert here.

>be african kingdoms on the same stage of development as ancient sumeria (unlike dumb poor niggers memes)
>have castles and shit
>sell their enemy tribes as slaves to arabs
>europeans came with their civilizational meme to steal resources, and teach superior western civilization meme to black people
>destroy native cultures and impose ideas blacks can't comprehend
>slave them
>partition their lands into enemy tribes, using the divide and conquer shit
>make fake countries based on european interest and never take into account their tribal identitites
>engage in slavery and extraction of resources
>put some minority tribe as your prefered slave tribe and make the life of the bigger tribes unjust
>make the tribes hate each other
>leave because WWII cucked you hard
>africans seek independance
>too much problem to return to ancient tribal lines try to stuck that way
>fall into the hands of dictatoships and socialist memes, economically stagnate for decades because of the socialist meme
>some dictators didn't even cared about development of their nation, economic stagnation because of corruption and warlords
>after independance in the 1960 fell into civil wars because no shit the tribes hate each other tribe in their fake country
>decades of war
>after getting democratic goverment and decades of destruction no western nation wants to loan them money
>no money to develop their torn war country (90% IMF loans goes to the G-7)
>after 2000 finally a decade of stability and peace, national identities are starting to appear
>extraordinary economic growth in the last 2 decades thanks to China lending them money unlike western pigs
>western nations still tax african nations over colonial shit

In short: white people are the ones to blame.

This short documentary

they never had shit stfu nigga

>muh wuz kangz

they had some level of development.

I'm not sure what's the western level of that development, but you can look up the zimbawe big walls, the timbutctu western mali sand castles, the stone castles of gondar.

pol doesn't know shit about africans.


Africans fight a lot and are very easy to manipulate if you have actual knowledge of a subject. They tend to follow the leader whether the leader is black, white, Chinese, etc. Africans have a disturbing lack of restraint in terms of behavior. They tend to just go off with an idea without thinking about the consequences very deeply. This adds up to a bunch of people who are very easy to manipulate and divide by their outsider masters.

To sum up: Africans like Authority whether from black leaders or other colors of leaders. Africans are impulsive and often shallow in their thinking and behavior. Africans are easy to divide against each other and outsiders. This makes them rip for exploitation.

evolution stopped there 10,000 years ago
they are no smarter now than they were then

>Nigger expert

>At about 3300 BC, the historical record opens in Northern Africa with the rise of literacy in the Pharaonic civilization of Ancient Egypt.
>historical record opens in africa
>Dey wuz kangz

Arab slave trade happened centuries before atlantic slave trade.
I guess all the rest of your garbage is bs too.

Five thousands years of slavery

here are some dates:
colonization happened up until 1950.
apartheid in USA ended in 1960.
apartheid in SA ended in 1980.

Am I really gonna get tricked into looking up this stupid fuckin shit? I know it's nothing. I know it's total bullshit. Nah. Sorry, kid. Maybe next time.
Heh... He was too new... We all were once.

Tell them these actual monkeys still have not learned to not smell like shit.

You shouldn't try explaining shit to them, they won't be able to understand it without explaining a bunch of other shit.
This user explained it pretty well, the real thing to get is whether it was justified or not which most redpilled people will say it was besides the globalism part.

>reading is too hard
>talk about blacks being subhumans

Reminder that these race baiting shill posts are paid by Soros and the US Democratic Party. The Dems are the ones posting racial slurs.

Africa fails only to non elites.
Elites are billionaires with yahchts mansions etc..

Why cant you respect africas class system and free market of 2 cent wages?

Your peasant ancestors lived in same way farming for clergy and nobility, they took 99% and paid you in sustinance starvation.

the Vice documentary on Liberia redpilled me years ago when I was liberal.

The thing about them not having words for gradations and stuff was a good stepping stone to redpill my mom (who’s already somewhat redpilled to begin with but not about this kind of stuff). The linguistics part of the thing is fascinating and possibly the root cause of all their problems, and it’s not hard to infer that after some thinking about the stuff present in link related.

Link? Or is that the empire of dust one?

>White supremacist.
>Nigger NOLOVE pillage.
>over run with PRIMITIVES.
Whom are noted, quite savage, barbaric, obnoxious, rude, stupid claimers and loud.