Buyfag Thread

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Gina Dark is pretty hot

Pure fap material

These threads are getting more active lately.

Id free France


Pretty mediocre figure. Apply yourself, OP.

Anyone annoyed that German manga publishers seem to lag behind in licensing new stuff?

Reminder that delicious brown is the best brown


How much merch of your waifu do you guys own?

Not my pic (or waifu) but I own most of the officially released stuff or her besides trinkets like pins and mugs. And most of her doujins of course.

2 patches
pretty much all that exists
i'm having custom straps made


This is another GK isn't it.

have her daki and cu-poche ordered, I'm waiting for a scale I like


Forever waiting for Alter's Jeanne Alter.

Mfc link?

She is


oh shyt

She doesn't have one. Closest i have is the ost cd from her anime which aired in 2000.

Sorry it's just me posting from different IPs, I'll stop now.


I only own a 1/10 scale at the moment, but I have a Nendo on preorder.

>ordering overpriced onaholes and lube from Amazon

its not fair bros

Love her design, too bad her game sucked donkey balls

It's the save on shipping cost since I was getting a hard drive anyway.

Not a fan of her waist (most likely the sculpt), but I do love her lingerie.

Oh shit, Zero got a fig-

Who is it user?

Does she at least have any GK's?

So, I'm trying to sell almost all my figs, i left off the ones that i already sold or the few ones that i want to keep.

I'm in EU but i can ship them worldwide easily. I can make a discount if you buy at least two of them.

For prices and stuff, or if you're interested in any of them mail me on MFC: Musso92

Are you selling them because you realized that they aren't very good?

Shit man, she looks fantastic. I'm excited.

please walk me through your thought process buying that punk rock Louise

It's a maid outfit, Tim.

the fucking boots say otherwise

It's even featured in the anime you dumbnuts, shoes like that are to be expected on a maid in a medieval setting. Look at siesta.

>Reminder that delicious brown is the best brown
>implying any other form of brown exists

>all those counterfeits
That Taiga looks tempting though.

Shitskin brown

Explain the thong

>Shitskin brown
that doesn't exist in 2d


I see London, I see France, I like Jeannu's underpants

her mouth looks weird

like she's can't decide between biting her lips in embarrassment or smiling

3 scales (there are more, but I don't really like them, maybe one day)
acrylic stand (small)
several keychains
shitton of doujins


what are the chances amiami will cancel my order?


I wonder if I'll actually be able to snag anything of value this time around. Usually the good stuff is sold in a matter of minutes.

Thanks for the heads up.

Marie, these are my buyfag friends. Buyfags, this my daughteru Marie.

100%. The question is whether or not they'll cancel YOU.

I found a video that sums up /buyfag/ perfectly

Your new is showing, perfectly

Do they have good prices for the sales? I only have 40$ right now.

I want to fuck your daughteru.

> Master! Why don't you paint me?

Finished assembling Red Bunnylard. She looks pretty cool.


Could really benefit from some panel lining.

Is there a list of what will be on sale?

Is Akibaranger the best toku?

From past lurking, I gathered they accept cancellations here and there but eventually will delete your account if you keep canceling. it's my first cancellation attempt to this account, here's to hoping

You're hayai. I stopped building mine midway when I lost a piece so I'm grieving for now.

I need to buy the markers. I don't know if she'd look better with black or white paneling.

cant believe you didnt find it.

Brown for the red, Grey for the white.

Exactly. You will get your cancelation but whether or not you're banned is a crap shoot. God speed you indecisive/poor faggot, you.

I wanted the preorder bonus offered elsewhere. Sorry amiami.

Your complete models motivate me so I'm gonna strip down everything and keep searching.

i'll be starting stylet this week when it arrives. too bad i cant easily just remold that piece

any recommendations on figure turntables?

I always end up fapping when I see your daughteru.

your daughteru is a filthy cock tease

Figures for sale, discounts for buyf/a/gs


It's really hit and miss. Take this time to review the shit you actually want then beat down their doors the instant you can. You probably won't get anything decent for $40 but it's nice to try.

Maybe this thread you'll have a buyer, eh?

release when

pls no more delays

Can't wait for this one to come out.

Any photos of those combinations?

I'm hoping she slams into the bargain bin so I can still not buy her.


whos is this semen demon



she looks better with out the glasses. probably without the twin tails to

This is a problem and I don't know what to do.

Whore out your daughter, make some dosh.

THe D is always the answer

1/5th ass incoming

Brown on Red

Grey on White

This is standard color stuff. You can just use black for everything, but the lines will be VERY stark. Using a more neutral color and matching warm color to warm colored lining and cool color to cool colored lining will give you more natural results.

Sale is up and this already binned, fucking great

>Three pages of bin
Kind of disappointing, really.

>brand new 1/4 bunny for 8k yen
>sold out after about 2 mins

Fuck, I wasn't quick enough. Probably could have resold it on MFC or something.

Same with the Hinata one. I was actually going to grab her. Everything else looks meh.

Worst girl, worth 0 yen

for $60 I'm gonna get her

Grab your favorite semen demon while you can.

tell your whore of a daughter to stop acting like a slut an dress her like like a proper lass

should i get this semen demon?