What do you think about disabled people, their fight for equality, and their role in society?

What do you think about disabled people, their fight for equality, and their role in society?

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Generally fine - but these days there is a new disability born every week, and at some point society has to step aside and say "fuck off". No one needs to make their movies 'accessible' to the seeing impaired.

Couple of ramps/railings so a variety of cripples can get to the shitter? Sure

fpbp as always.

considering Stephen not-Walking did more for humanity than all of Sup Forums combined, I'd say they're good


Best sex I ever had was with a paraplegic ginger who let me bust nuts in her ass.

>their fight for equality, and their role in society?
>I'm special because I can't X, give me attention and more money!

It can cost a small business over $50k to become ADA compliant per store. Bunch of fucking whiners.

Id fuck her

Heng deg syke faen.

rullestoljenter er bedre i senga fåvæ

They should be thrown into a wood chipper.

Lemme guess, if a person gets in a car accident that's not their fault and crippled for the rest of their life they're just supposed to keel over an die.

Watch that opinion change real fast if you yourself ever get disabled though.

Har du ligget med en jente i rullestol?

I hope you get hit by a truck and survive but are paralyzed. Tell me if you have that same opinion afterward.

These people most the time did absolutely nothing to deserve what they got, some are just born crippled.

Epitome of a snowflake. I wasn't born with niggee pro basketball athletics. It doesn't mean I should then be given an NBA championship trophy because muh equality. This bitch pulled a short straw on walking. Sorry but you're not equal to the skills of walkers so you can't do as much. Fuck off already.

disability "activists" are entitled crybabies who seek to financially ruin anyone who's ever given them a minor inconvenience.

>Separate is never equal
This is objectively wrong. Segregation is legal if you have a good standing to do so.
>Male/Female prisons (Prevent rape)
>Racial segregation in prisons (somewhat due to racial tensions)
>Age discrimination in some government jobs

They're the only people with any real legitimate claim on needing help or special consideration. Being born with something outside of your control or left disabled because of circumstances outside your control, is the harshest human life experience. The more we help these kinds of people, the better we help our species because they can still contribute, be useful, still provide value for us and make good lives for themselves.

Kill yourselves. Seriously. I hope when your find yourself in need, everyone treats as you treat these people. I know I would. Able-bodied people deserve no help or attention seeing as how they have no fucking excuse not be the little gods they think they are because they got lucky.

How does it feel knowing people born with less than you have contributed to society and lived better lives than you're lazy, but able bodied ass will ever achieve? All you do is LARP as a tough guy on this board all day because all know what a waste of human existence you are.

The disabled contribute more to the world than you assholes.

So what's she want, make a government agency that will cripple all healthy people so she becomes equal with her?

Clearly a sargoy soy drinker post

with them*

>legitimate disability
>Handicap advocate suing you because Cripple McGurkin can't into 3 steps to get a hamburger

>Male/Female prisons (Prevent rape)
>still happen regularly

It's not to prevent rape, it's to prevent pregnancy.


Also the disabled get more action than Sup Forums ever can.

>The disabled contribute more to the world than you assholes.
What do they contribute?

she wants employers to actually hire her so that she can make a living and not rely on government assistance.

Did she want to become equal to a car fender or something?

It's called a disability for a reason. Being crippled/stupid isn't supposed to be easy. Then you would just be normal.

...but today it seems like everyone wants to waste resources on installing an electric lift and wheelchair ramps and whatever else in every goddamned building because that makes sense from a demographic standpoint.

Why the fuck do they even send retards and far-end autists to public school? It is just a subsidized daycare since their parents don't want to fucking deal with them.

the ethno state will care for the disabled. dont be gaslit by kike media thinking that if one is subobtimal he will be gassed. that is brainwashing bullshit.
we care about our people and will care for them. that is the point and the purpose of this movement, that we may focus our efforts on ourselves once again. it is our duty to care for our sick and to resume the building of wonders instead of saving the negro from itself

we will care for the disabled in spite of kike lies


They give me a giggle when they read stuff other people wrong and waste my tax dollars binding up our legislature.

>disabled parking
>more jobs for doctors
>disabled toilets
>weird sex fetish

The list goes on and on

No one is suggesting to not help them you overly emotional faggot. Helping them is not EQUALITY. KYS immediately.

They are not equal. They are handicapped and dependent on people for stuff. So they can fuck off with their "muh equality" movement.


Kek are you serious with this shit? It's like saying niggers contribute to society because they make it possible for more prison guards to have jobs.

fuck equality, there are things some disabled people cannot do, just as there are things they can do, if they contribute to the best of their ability and make the most of life then all is well, but if they feel embittered and sour about their disability, and feel that somehow society owes them something, and in fact should change in order to make the disabled 'feel' better then I have no time for that.

I think disabled people need to remember that quite often they represent a burden upon society, and as a kind and loving society we accept that burden without condition or reservation, but as soon as they start bitching and whining it won't be long before society loses patience and decides to shed the burden.

do your bit, contribute, don't whine and bitch and be grateful that we are prepared to pay a little more and inconvenience ourselves in order to make your life a little easier.

That is all.

>not realizing he was driving to get that little bit closer to the pussy but never could

Who's gonna pay the employers for keeping a "worker" with negative net value?

> What do you think about disabled people, their fight for equality, and their role in society?
I agree with her and this is the solution.

Unless we form some sort of eugenics-based state and kill them all, we definitely should build facilities to accommodate physically handicapped people, of course ramps and elevators should exist for them on pretty much every public building.

Mentally handicapped people is another story, can't function effectively in society.

with some accomodations like some ramps and accessible bathrooms, they aren't necessarily a negative net value, a cripple in a wheelchair can do dskwork/office work the same as an able bodied person as long as they can get into the building and to their office.

I bet this chick gives incredible head.

Yeah good luck with having a military for your eugenics based state that kills all cripples. If you get crippled defending your motherland your country gives you a medal then shoots you in the head , yeah, good job, who's going to want to fight?

how the fuck can they be equal?

depends on.
I don't see people who lost limbs or sit in a wheelchair as retarded. I see them as normal humans who can't walk and I interact normally with them even though I sometimes feel uncomfortable and ask myself if they feel bad to see that I can walk and they don't.
I studied with a guy in a wheelchair and he had good grades and was socially better integrated than me.
People who are mentally disabled are another thing and they can't be equal.

Nah, but seriously
> their role in society?
You are assigning someone a role?
Exist, do things. Don't start a terrorist cell or abduct other people or ethnicly cleans a voting district under the watch of those who then lobby "your community leader" to secure your vote as a voting block in exchange for special privileges. Shit like that i guess.

Respect and finanical benefits are needed.

Our society will go to great lengths so some disabled person can work a shit job that serves no real purpose. For instance, creating policy to creat unnecessary low skilled jobs for blind people.

We should just respect them and give them a check and encourage them to volunteer when able.

With respect to infrastructure: i think public building should be way more accessible. It's honestly a win win. The things that allow for ease of access for handicapped allow ease access for non.

For instance, when practical every stall should be larger and more private in a bathroom.

All sidewalks should be of a certain width and maintained. It just nice for everyone.

They're not but in the eyes of the law they want to be treated equal and in the eyes of employers they want equal opportunities

Cunts would be better as fucknuggets. What do they need arms and legs for? All they need is holes.

I did this once when I was 3


People in wheelchairs are self entitled faggots

i have leukemia and i make everyone's life miserable if they're not ADA compliant. it's how i work oit my anger at random cancer. fight me. wait no.

Depends what you mean by equality. I will unreservedly defend the sanctity of life. This means all people. But I'm not going to buy into cultural Marxism or abide people using labels to define other people or themselves. You're just a person. That's it.

I've been pretty protective of Down's Syndrome people recently given the genocide happening in the form of abortion all over the world.

thing is.. the benefits they give for disabled are the same as welfare (unless they qualify for SSDI, ie they'd been working and paying into social security for long enough), it's poverty, DEEP poverty, and every time you turn around, Republicans want to cut those benefits even further.

If you don't want cripples to be able to get jobs, and you don't want them to get enough benefits to live on you just want them to die, it's that simple.

>What do you think about disabled people,
would tip over and butt rape.

>and i make everyone's life miserable if they're not ADA compliant

I am hoping you are enjoying your leukemia and your misery :^)

eh, the morphine's nice

No you're just suggesting killing them because you guys are edgy teens. Learn to read the posts being replied to faggot.

Physically Handicapped people, they can have their ramps but small businesses should not be required to accommodate them.
Mentally handicapped people, should be taken care of by their families. It should not be the state's job to take care of them.
Pajeet is not exactly wrong

>not exactly wrong
I'm 100% right here, you stupid 56% Burger!

Useless. Gas them.

If it makes them productive members of society and not living off of welfare and disability great.

>US Starts gassing disabled Veterans
>suddenly wonders why nobody wants to join the military anymore and get invaded by Russia and China

Good job there.

I agree with you and I think a lot of Sup Forumsocks are just mad about "disabled" people. That is, people who claim they're disabled when they're not and try to get benefits for it, or people who became disabled because of their choices, like a diabetic who lost their leg because they didn't keep their diet in check, or obese people in general. Also disabled sjws who demand special privileges that would require an unreasonable amount of resources to accommodate.
I had a roommate who had MS, he was an army vet, used to be quite fit too. Nice guy, but also prone to the follies that plague most people. Liked to show off a bit, especially about girls he'd been with in the past, or where he'd travel too, you know, just one of those people who wanted to impress, but a good guy overall, pretty generous too. It could be downright depressing sometimes when his disability came up, especially when he'd talk about wanting to play basketball or go running, but he could barely walk, or when his headaches kicked in. I never knew what to say in those situations. I'm not the kind of person to say "it'll get better, everything will be fine" when I don't know that, or know it won't. But maybe that's what people want to hear in those situations. I just can't bring myself to fib like that though, even if it might make someone feel better.

>What do you think about disabled people

if they're living on someone else's dime they should prob shutup and be grateful

Honestly, if I lose my hands or my eyes, and we don't have cyberpunk-tier prosthetic by that point, I'm fucking killing myself. I could deal with losing legs or hearing, though. It would suck, but I think I could live with that.

Good. The military deserves death for their cowardice and betrayal of the American people. Their one and only duty is to defend us from invasion, REGARDLESS of what the government says. The government, and its army, is our enemy.

>separate is never equal
But they literally aren't equal.

It's not even debatable like with race and gender; the disabled are observably inferior and admit to their inferiority through their requests for accommodations.

Ok 0% poo

2 things:

1. They don't want to be living on someone else's dime, they get bored of having a purposeless life and want to work, they need opportunities and employers willing to hire them

2. The handouts relegate them to extreme poverty and and they're constantly under threat of getting cut so that rich people can get tax breaks.

If you won't give them jobs, and you want to cut the meagar income they have to live on, and you want them to be thankful? Fuck that.

The majority of disabled people (I'm talking about those of them who are capable of understanding who they are) live in a constant state of hatred and bitterness. Every healthy person around them is a constant remainder that they are deficient, that they cannot do or experience some things normally, they are burden for their relatives. It's especially hurtful for those of disabled people who weren't born disabled or became disabled at a very young age, because they remember how it felt to be normal. As a result, they use coping mechanisms, and the easiest coping mechanism is hatred. Just like losers on Sup Forums hate "normies", the disabled hate and envy healthy people. It's very hard to accept that your life will be constantly fucked up until it ends, it's even harder to try to achieve something despite of the obstacles that the disability represents. It's way easier to wallow in the self-pity and despise all these "temporary able-bodied". How dare they live normal lives if they are normal? Look at me! I'm fucked up, so I demand that nobody around me should enjoy his life, because it will mean that my feelings will get hurt!

Thus, most of the screeching and demands for "equality" comes from those cripples who would gladly cut off other people's arms and legs or break their spines if they got a chance. Such cripples deserve nothing more than a quick painless death. They do not contribute to society, as they are only used to receiving, not giving. And they enjoy that, because in their eyes these benefits are a sing of "status". They enjoy making normies pay for their healthcare, making normies visit them everyday to wipe their ass clean, making normies accommodate every facet of their normal lives so that cripples won't feel left behind. Fuck these entitled cripples, they make life harder for everybody.

>Ok 0% poo
Confused Amerimutt doesn't even know how insults work lmao

Fuck them, no one owes them anything. At work, I wanted to make some modifications to our building. I wanted to expand the bathrooms, for both men's and women's rooms, and move some walls to expand the kitchen, as well. However, the ADA had different ideas. My planned modifications would have made some hallways a little too narrow for the ADAs liking, and a requirement of the renovations was that we needed to "upgrade" and make the entire building handicap accessible. So, we just scrapped the entire project. Funny thing is, we have no disabled people, and I will fucking GUARANTEE that we never do.

I hope you get crippled. You'll sing a different tune.

I hope that you are eaten alive by rats. Quite ironic, a parasite being devoured by other parasites. I also hope your parent's home burns down with all of you in it. Cocksuckers like you made sure that our employees do NOT have the expanded bathrooms and kitchen I wanted to make for them. You leftist scum make me sick, you are filled with self righteous rqage over the fact that I was trying to make our building a nicer place for our employees.

It's a ok thing but it has to be reasonable.
There was a documentation in german TV a few years ago about 3 "disabled people fighting to make it in their job" and it was all complete delusion.
>a paraplegic social worker in a lay flat wheel chair that needs a social worker on her own 24/7 that wants to work in a special ed boarding home taking care of pretty much normal kids age 6-18
>a blind deaf politics student that wants to become part of the german diplomatic corps to the UN
>a borderline girl that literally spends 9/12 months per year in the closed psych ward because she's so fucked up in the head studying psychology to become a therapist...

There're limitations, I'm a pilot and I have to pass a medical every 6 months, guess what if I can't move my arms I'm not fit to fly, if I can't evacuate a plane because I can't walk, I'm not fit to fly.... And no I don't want a fucking crazy bipolar instable alcoholic nutjob as my co pilot even though that is what the left is pushing for.

I'm not disabled, but if I ever saw you I'd make sure you were.

>Just kill them all! Unless it happens to me of course!

Depends. If your a fat cunt who seeps off welfare like they do here then you should be shot. Otherwise, your fine and we as a society should care for the disabled.

>their fight for equality
That's their family's job to help them. Oh wait, don't have a family? Oh wait, your family's not rich? Maybe you shouldn't have voted democrat and maybe you should've embraced capitalism.

No, not that. But they do need jobs. A pilot, no, but find a job for them that can accomodate them that they can do, so they can still earn paychecks and not be living off handouts.

HA HA HA. I'm 6 foot 5, I weigh 260, and I carry. I would absolutely LOVE to meet you.

A truck is 2 tons and traveling at highway speeds it doesn't matter how alpha you think you are you won't be going anywhere without a wheelchair,

What the fuck kind of equality do they fight for?
They receive privileges which is fine with me because we can really afford a few extra bathrooms and wheelchair elevators to make their lives easier but that's not equality. Equality would fuck over the disabled bit time.

I also have a truck, you dumb fuck. And mine is 3 tons. You won't be going anywhere except into a box in the ground in a graveyard. Probably a Potter's field, where all of the quite deservedly impoverished and unloved wind up.

But seriously, most people who wind up disabled, didn't do anything to deserve it. But you would.

Fucking lazy asses taking up the best parking spots, they need to learn how to fucking walk.

>find a job for them that can accomodate them that they can do
There aren't many jobs that allow you to fuck around on a computer all day without making accomodations for you. Even if I as an employer wanted to skirt the minimum wage and give someone menial labor, at least a fucking wetback could do it at a faster pace.

And most people who die do not deserve it. But you do. Why do you hate the fact that I wanted to make our building nicer for our employees? Particularly when it is none of your, or the government's business? You want to hire the handicapped....you go right ahead. You actually deserve to be granted immortality, but be trapped in a fiery pit, feeling the flesh burn off of your bones for all eternity.

They should all compete in the Boston Marathon. Because equality, or something equally retarded.

there's a shitload of office jobs, how active do you expect someone who's coding medical billing to be, but when they go into that interview in a wheel chair, all kinds of excuses come out of the employer because they're thinking about extra sick days or the like.

I’m deaf and my girlfriend loves having sex with me and said my sex sounds quite sexy. I don’t know what my sex sounds like.

>but find a job for them that can accomodate them that they can do, so they can still earn paychecks and not be living off handouts.

No. THEY need to find a job that they can do and then apply. If they are qualified, then they can work the job.

They need to stand up for their cause.

I don't hate that, I hate your insistance that you'd never hire a disabled person and that they should all just die.

It's loud, but not as loud as your farts.

I second this. Happened when I was 25. Until something happens to you, you scoff at the idea of having to entertain any thought of a disabled life/lifestyle. If it were not for my son, I probably would just Xanax myself into a forever sleep. Not depressed faggot btw, just tired of pain.

They need jobs, but it has to be reasonable and not every company can cater to the needs of about 1% of the population. If you're qualified well it will work anyway as companies get money to rebuild for "special needs"

Also we have "protected jobs" here where they actually earn their income instead of gibs.

slide thread
sage and report

That's not how it works. Unless employers are pretty much forced into giving them an equal opportunity they'll never hire a disabled employee over an able bodied employee and even if there are no able body applicants they'll close the job and just reopen it later hoping for able bodied applicants. The disabled do want to work, it's a hell of a lot better than crushing poverty from handouts that are constantly being threatened with cuts, and they do apply, but employers don't give them a chance.

I wonder if it supercharged that nigs mind and turned him into Yakub the big brained scientist.

Actually, they do compete and finish the marathon somewhere around an hour quicker than the running athletes.