Why is Galko so lewd?
Why is Galko so lewd?
Her body is built for lewd whether she's conscious of it or not.
i don't even know what anime she's from, but i read she's a pure virgin. true?
Because you have a dirty mind.
her socks/feet are the lewdest part of this image
Which episode was that from? I don't remember it.
>hairy anus
>smelly, sweaty feet
>smelly, hairy armpits
>musky pubes
She is intoxicatingly pornographic.
>hairy anus
citation needed
Read the mango
Literally episode 1. She talks about having some hair.
Because she's a slut.
Isn't that just referring to bum peach fuzz?
Watch/read it again.
Galko is a national treasure
It's just been a year since it came out. Give it some time.
My dad works on Studio Feel, he says it will come out in 2018!
This image doesn't even make sense. She's clearly in a restaurant booth, by why doesn't she have any shoes on? Why is she just sitting on the table?
More importantly. Galko uses pure white, why is she wearing pink there?
the booth is for a low japanese style table and the floor she is sitting on is a raised platofrm above the floor you walk on. so she has taken off her shoes.
Galko also uses pink as well as white in the manga.
The joke with the boys is that it's stupid to think a girl only uses one type of underwear.
I take my shoes off at restaurants
>Why is she just sitting on the table?
Clearly because she is the meal.
It's an imagination sequence.
Stop sexualizing my waifu. I'm not a cuck, you can't have her.
She has the body of a high class prostitute, but the heart of a pure maiden.
High class prostitutes are usually thin and small breasted though.