10-18 months for possible New California becoming 51st state. I for one support breaking up CA.
10-18 months for possible New California becoming 51st state. I for one support breaking up CA
what a stupid idea.
in 9 years when the economy crashes and all of the stupid Californians start acting normal again you will wish it was still one state
t. reside in New California
New York splitting needs to happen next.
New New York
Looks like a water and energy scam.
One has all the fresh water the other literally has all the major plants of industry in the state. Not to mention the largest ports are in the proposed new california. So all imports would also see a markup. At the end of the day prices will go up for the consumer and citizen while large conglomerate entities will get government subsidies.
You might want to split that territory and have control of at least one port.
I world rather have sj than sf
Eh, better than PR at least.
Those fuckers from int are spamming us right now
>TFW live in sacramento
>suddenly all your friends and family live in another state
>just in time for the new era of state-to-state travel restrictions
Blog post time: I got turned down for a state job because I had left California to visit other states less than 3 years ago
Most people in California are "lol wut?" about the whole thing. Even people living in "New California." Nobody living her even gives a shit. California will never break up.
If they developed Humboldt County they would have access to the second largest bay on the California coast.
This is a paid post. Don't reply
2018's coming out swinging.
I actually took it seriously for a second
All these dimwits projecting their dissatisfaction on the most successful State in the union. Sad! Jack off harder to distract the shit hole you live in.
>I got turned down for a state job because I had left California to visit other states less than 3 years ago
WHAT? did you live out of the state for more than a year or something
Holy shit, what's going on here?
So the State of Jefferson is not being formed, but rather a part of New California?
The state of Jefferson would just be a version of Idaho with coastal acces assuming the standard proposed borders. The borders if New California actually would give some relevancy to the state.
Jefferson or not, this addresses the underlying issue of the coast having a stranglehold on the rest of the state.
It's not going to happen. Too little fucks given.
Wtf is this shit. Ultra rich state tries to detach from all of the fucking immigrants they let in and also claim the entire temperate coast. This is some Malibu faggots delusion.
Now this is something I could get behind, I'm so sick and tired of LA and San Fran, fucking assholes have a chokehold on everyone else in the state.
Why did you have to get digits?
isnt this just gerrymandering lol
this'll work. new california can act as a buffer zone between the open borders safe zone of "Califonia" and the rest of the country.
I want this to happen so badly. I'd gladly make the trip back to Cali and fight to liberate my birth state if it came down to it. The people in rural Cali are disenfranchised enough to make it happen too, They just need the confidence to know they could pull it off if they properly organize.
No, its splitting a state in two like how west Virginia split from Virginia.
New Californian here and you can go fuck your beaner self
shut up youre irrelevant because youre tiny ass territory is gonna get nuked
>The people in rural Cali are disenfranchised enough to make it happen too
We literally have zero (0) representation here, we had a senate election the same day as the general election and our only options were Democrats, both just as bleeding heart liberal as it could get. We literally have zero say and zero vote in our state government, the time to split was a long time ago ago, 1994 to be exact
>never forget
With attitudes like yours
jerry brown?
Do you use trips so your handler can keep track of your posts?
>mfw the anchor babies and illegals living outside of (((California))) are scared
I also support this measure
LA native here
Please for the love of God form a new state, the less power these godforsaken urban centers have over the rest of California, the better; I'd legit move to New California so we can let the coast fucking crash and burn.
The largest ports would not be in new California. L.A. and long beach would still be in communist California.
You scared beaner?
So nobody has yet noticed that whomever the idiot is that did this map put LA in fucking Ventura County.
>tfw we prevented the fall of the Union and succeeded in the fall of the coasts
>mfw we may have just made sure Democrats never win again
Call it North York and confuse the Canadians.
All of these succession talks...Rojava (commies) Catalonia (socialists) New California (Americans) guess which one is actually going to work? Commiefornia faggots get fucked. No more living off the back of the hard working rural Californians.
Isnt this the thing that Larry Friis has been pushing for, for over a year. Pretty fringe movement in all fairness
How do we even begin organizing something like this though? I feel it really could work but we need to convince the people that its possible which is much harder than it seems.
lol holy fuck
If I were New California, I'd open up ports or develop the existing ones we'd have and undercut the fuck out of Commiefornia, steal more of their revenue so they can fester in the multicultural grave they dug for themselves. Can you imagine how they'll maintain the welfare state without all those people to leech tax dollars off?
What would the potential electorate split be?
I'm all for taking away Dems guaranteed 55.
>The most interesting part of this movement is that New California's territory is proposed not by a strictly directional area boundary, but rather by RURAL areas seceeding from URBAN areas.
I'd like to see Eastern Washington and Oregon join Idaho.
Bullshit, New California will be Republican
>80% of California becomes a flyover
Wild stuff
I wish something would wipe out Portland. I love Oregon but Portland is fucking cancer.
As if we would let you in
To add to this, I feel that if any sort of movement were to gain a foothold it might as well start here on Sup Forums. This site has been proven to be at the forefront of many grassroots movements that have actually taken off and been successful. More often then not they fail but the ones that do gain traction end up doing really well.
Kek plz
Don't be mad spic
So you think "fly over" means conservative?
I agree. I live near the port of L.A. but i would move out and migrate to new California
it already is flyover territory
Western Maryland tried this and got BTFO
East Oregon when?
they'll probably manage it thru marvel movies
This is a false flag to make the right look life fools
Don't fall for it. Read the fucking constitution. I'm all for secession but this will not work. I'd rather see Jeferson state. If all of those proposed counties will be part of New California they'd still vote democrat.
I see they have split it into town Nigger filled Dem states. Makes sense because people in Eukia have a lot in similar to Riverside Niggers, Fresno Spics and Tijuana Diego.
wtf do you know pygmy?
they dont have it nearly as bad as the rural/urban California divide.
It's a new day user.
The Newest new of The New NEW York.
I grew up there spic.
Splitting isn't going to solve anything. Remove the spics and you've solved the real problem. California wasn't a far left blue state till all the spics swarmed in and voted for gibs.
California really needs to stop the bleeding. For the sake of the extremely oppressed conservatives still living in the state
seems a surefire way of beaning the conservative interior without giving the coast a mexican border
You sound upset
Most people in NorCal want to secede already, here in the the Central Valley we had a rough wake up call, Fresno County and the surrounding counties have been going to shit really fast lately and all the laws and taxes aren't helping. All the anchor babies born in the 80s and 90s are starting to changing the voter and overall demographic of the region.
I wonder if IL could kick Cook County out of the state.
You're wrong Hans. This is different than succession. It works the same way that West Virginia separated from Virginia. It stays in the US and works within the law. All they have to do is prove that they can support a working government
mandatory Voter ID, Congress needs to do this ASAP, before midterms
Rest of the state shouldn't foot the bill for the major sanctuary cities. makes sense.
you’re not going to do that without splitting it up. what part of zero representation do you not get?
This was tried before.
Interesting how the new map includes the highest concentration of wealthy coast elites of (((movie producers))) and (((social media/tech firm))) HQs.
>Splitting isn't going to solve anything. Remove the spics and you've solved the real problem.
Its far too late for that, they outnumber every other demographic in the state and are deeply entrenched. Splitting is the smart move as it will actually give rural Cali representation. Right now they literally have zero.
>super liberal Santa Clara county, including San Jose is in New California
>super rural San benito county, which used to have a sign leading into Hollister saying "welcome to reagan country" is in Old California
Looks like they need to think this through a little more here...
How so?
Newest York to prevent future upstaging
You grew up there, but you're calling me spic? How dare you. I'm 100% Bald Eagle.
so many fucking retards in this thread.
this is a great idea btw.
ok sure. I'm just saying this whole project is either flawed and made by idiots or a false flag. I was hyped at first. But look at their website. Look at their constitution. They have no idea how law works. This looks like a cheap idea some left winger made to make fun of the right.
You're retarded Kraut, the people behind this specifically said they want to do it by the book since we're not trying to secede from the Union, just from California
Splitting works. No more money for gibs.
Support this 100% I grew up in Orange County. Complete polar opposite of those San Francisco faggots... This isn't like Texas trying to break away from America. States have split up. Let Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Jose, etc have their fucking illegal aliens and HIV, The remaining 80% of California Territory is conservative and hold all the water rights. Bring it on soy boys.