Wtf is the "deep state" suppose to mean? Do you retards mean the Illuminati and shadow government?
Wtf is the "deep state" suppose to mean? Do you retards mean the Illuminati and shadow government?
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Calling me a retard because I understand something you don’t? It refers to the unelected people in the alphabet soup agencies that make policy that skirts the legislative branch. Retard.
refers to appointed government officials as apposed to elected
FBI/CIA directors as an example
It's more an argument that sovereignty exists not within each individual and known nation state but collectively across the western world, as they all share intelligence resources, their military alliance ties them strongly and even their laws are collectively decided through a web of treaties.
It's a state that exists beyond the knowledge of the people and above the authority of what the people do know. It's a state deep within other states, it's the new world order.
Shadow govt sounds better than deep state. They were called shadow govt in the emails
deepstates are wat happens when cia gets too uppity or self-sufficient
Continuity of Government, overlapping each regime that comes and goes every 4 or 8 years.
We are probably all living in an Alien "zoo" or "TV Show". Dinosaurs probably evolved to humanoids, left earth and conquered space.
>Wtf is the "deep state" suppose to mean? Do you retards mean the Illuminati and shadow government?
Bad actors in the intelligence agencies who install puppets in Congress. The deep state is not a single organization. It's a collection of people who have a vast amount of intelligence.
They consider themselves the permanent government and elected officials as the buffers/royalty who must be kept in place to keep the public distracted.
Their primary source of income is via projects they carry out for foreign entities. They manipulate public opinion to achieve their goals. They are not evil, but simply motivated to serve themselves before their country.
Obama has been their capstone achievement.
Obama was the first prince from the deep state. They wanted to install Hillary but they failed. They will rise again.
Our government is powerful because it is an experienced, long term, large bureaucracy.
Deep state is 'we run all three branches of the government now, so now we need a new phantom adversary to blame'.
So, the Illuminati, you stupid fuck.
We are talking about the enclave from fallout actually
The deep state is Jews and zionists.
It's about russia. people claim deep state found russia helped trump so deep state equals bad guys. it's irrelevant who the deep state is. "deep state" usually refers to the 17 u.s. intelligence agencies but can mean the 5 million with classified clearance or just the general media-military industrial complex.
Basically illuminati
Thats why they have control
Deep state is what the bureaucracy and its bureaucrats are called. Its the working stiffs in the various government offices that, for the most part, never change regardless of who becomes president or who dies.
Culturally speaking, they develop an attitude that "they know better" than other people because "I'm paid to do this job and know these things."
An example of this is the US State Department. It is supposed to work for the President, but whenever there's a change over, it resists the new president and his directives, cause no matter who he (or she) is, they are rank amatures playing at the long knives game of diplomacy, something the bureaucracy and its bureaucrats have been doing for decades. So they blow off the president and resist him and his people. They often sabotage the new bosses as much and as hard as they can, just to make the president know, "Hey, we know everyone better than you. Back off and we will let you look good. Otherwise... its is going to be a long cold day in hell for your family."
In Trump's case, Obama had spent his entire presidency replacing everyone that wasn't loyal to Obama or believe correctly. That is why Trump is still fighting to get what he wants out of the various depatrments.
If Trump gets two terms (and that's likely as long as the economy is doing decent), then by the time Trump leaves office, the deep state will have a number of loyal workes to Trump in it. This will lead them to resisting the new guy or gal, unless they are Trump 2.0.
Obama just made it much worse than usual because his administration went out of its way to fire Bushies and Clintonites, leaving a majority of Obamanites behind. They will have to be purged from "the machine" if Trump wants to get all the levers of the US government working for him.
>only retards believe in the shadow government
Right, because a government is totally clean and is never run by interest groups. For fuck's sake, most people who get anywhere in life have done one or two if not a lot of shady shit in the past.
So, the Illuminati?
Yeah, these people referring to it as the "deep state" are retarded normie scum and shills. It was always called the shadow government not "DA DERP STATE."
Yup. Just go look at the CAA headquarters on google maps.
I believe reptilians rule the Earth, and they have have millenia.
If you believe in superstitious shit like the Illuminati you're fucking dimwitted. There are real organizations, think tanks, groups and nepotistic bureaucracies that are actually real and exerting a disproportionate amount of influence that are having varying negative effects on western civilization. So please don't bullshit as we have real problems to deal with.
No, it's called jews
fool, the 13 noble familes are the direct descendants of the architects of middle eastern and european civilization for the last six thousand years. There is nothing illumianted about them other than the knowledge stolen by their ancestors from the Egyptian empire. Why do you think Rothchild calls himself a Jew when he's not even of Semitic origin but of Khazar who were the Hyksos
>attacking the source rather than the content
>Not believing in the reptilian conspiracy
Anyone with half a brain knows these groups have cult tendencies, you stupid normie.
Career bureaucrats and the swampy donors.
Really not that complicated to understand that people sucking on the government teat at the highest level would cry foul to keep the gravy train running.
It's always been their M.O. to say x thing is not aloud and milk the regulation of it.
>Illuminati and shadow government?
sort of but the shadow government is real and illuminati is some shit rappers made up
kek'd hard
>Deep state is what the bureaucracy and its bureaucrats are called.
>Wtf is the "deep state"
google Peter Dale Scott, he created the term when you were still sucking your moms tit
Deep State is COG, shadow government is the illuminati you twit.
Rappers didn't make up the Illuminati you halfwit dumb fuck.
"people in government i dont like"
""""Deep State""""
Well apparently Trump purged it.
No. The Nomenklatura.
Thats a long ass sword.
President Eisenhower referred to it as 'The military-industrial complex".
Its something to be afraid of that makes you either obsess over it or ignore it.
Deep state
Me on the right