- Will hapas be allowed in the ethnostate? A majority of Americans aren't 100% huwhite anyways, if you're going to limit the ethnostate to pure aryans only then you're looking at a very limited amount of applicants, and you would be excluding a great many of your huwhite brothers and sisters.
I myself am a quarter Asian, and I would like to join a European-American ethnostate, rather than be cast out to brazil 2.0 to spend my life around kalergi planned subhumans ruled over by jews. So maybe the ethnostate could allow certain individuals, such as hapas, italians, irish etc but exclude undesirables like half niggers and mexicans.
Hunter Clark
Luke Jenkins
Meh, why not. Honorary aryans and all that.
Luke Cook
I personally don't believe the ethnostate has to be 100 percent white. It just has to be a goverment that is specifically planned around advancing and saving the white race. It should probably be 90 percent or more white for sure though.
Owen Brown
only jap/korean females
Chase Price
I think as long as you are willing to be bleached or bleach other races, there is no reason for people wanting an ethno state to stop you.
Christopher Nelson
White countries aren't the world's garbage can. All subhumans will leave or get the gas.
Michael Ortiz
I come bring family
Dylan Jones
>All these cuck answers No, and it's pathetic that you tried to rope in Irish and Italians in with Elliot Rodgers types.
Adrian James
>implying ethnostates never have ethnic quarters/embassy staffers 5%< in designated neighborhoods, no voting rights but fair protection under the law. Allies in the rassenkrieg get favorable status in established buffer states in Hawaii, Northern Mexico and the Caribbean.
Carson Rivera
Puerto Rican born in NYC, moved all over this great country. I feel the white inside me. I speak with a national diction and I love science.
Where will brown boys who follow a civilized code belong in the ehtno-state?
Like i fucking hate other hispanics. When i moved from NYC i learned how disgusting my people were.
John Ward
No and the genetically unfit whites will be cast into the fire.
Camden Thompson
Already answered You get to be the right wing dictator of your very own buffer state. We'll give you guns and good trade deals, you keep the peace in your turf and we won't have to interfere. We'll talk about tourist visas for your immediate family, but no birth right citizenship or overstaying your visa.
Grayson Williams
>Flag of celtic whites >Salute of the german white
this bitch is confused.
Lincoln Bennett
If you were born into it then yes
If you want to immigrate or naturalize then no
Chase Ramirez
Why not? I'm personally into light skin latinas anyway >t. Texasfag reporting in
Mason Cruz
I think you need to figure out a realistic program to create the ethnostate first. >inb4 gas the kikes, race war now That didn't work in 1992 and it won't work now.
Ethan Howard
As long as they are nationalist and want what is best for the American Nation and it's culture then yes. If not they can get deported to mexico along with all the liberals, communists, and illegal aliens.
Blake Parker
Well if you let Hapas in then you have to let castizo chads in. Honestly, don't let hapas in. Castizos are the better European hybrids since they don't look like sickly twink faggots and they are the stylish scarface bros.
Zachary Bailey
>wanting more castizo chads >wanting less hapa qts
Austin Walker
I think we also have to have programs to make sure anglo saxons have a bunch of babies. As long as we aim our trajectory towards a whiter country then there's no reason to uproot people who have lived here their whole lives. Except illegals. They can get the rope.