
ITT: Anime that you have watched multiple times over

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The only series I've ever rewatched completely has been TWGOK, although I am currently rewatching Acchi Kocchi

cowboy bebop and Vandread are the only ones I rewatched several times, though I didn't do it for years now


End of Evangelion and Higurashi Ni/Kai
As it would turn out they're the absolute pinnacle of my depression fuel


The one I've rewatched the most is probably Hikaru no Go.

I watch anime with friends over skype a lot, (even converted a semi-normie dude into a weeb) so I've watched several anime multiple times. I watched all of jojo like 3 times.

I have watched this hour-long abomination more times than anyone with dignity would like to admit. That's probably like, half a dozen times or so.

Call it guilty pleasure, but in my friend group it has become a meta-level joke. Once you see how horrible it is, you will know why.

I've seen a lot of absolutely horrid crap, but this one just takes the cake by a mile. And still I've seen it half a dozen times. Go fucking figure.

I am actually rewatching it right now.

Occasionally I rewatch:

When Marnie Was There
Whisper of the Heart
Wolf Children: Ame and Yuki
Iblard Jikan

because they're comfy. But those are all movies. I usually never rewatch TV series. Recently I rewatched Grimgar because I love the series after getting the BD version and it was much better than watching an episode every week.


Well my xmas double feature is Disappearance and Tokyo Godfathers

It really is fun. Watching and reading Akagi over and over again really makes his appearances in Ten that much better.



Probably watched it 4 or 5 times.

I'm leaning towards doing another one soon since it's been a few years.


Amagami, Every Christmas.

12 Kingdoms, Mushishi, 08th MS, Outlaw Star, Fumoffu

I've watched all of those at least twice.

Every years since 6 years ago, I get something new each time

It never gets old

Ichigo Mashimaro
Tenchi OVA (first two ova then it goes to shit)
Azumanga Daioh
Detroit Metal City
Kemono Friends

Probabaly a few more I am forgetting off the top of my head.

Have a complimentary (you) for trying but try baiting harder next time


My most rewatched anime right here


We're waiting for S4 before VAs die.

MD geist, kannagi, moetan, evangelion are all probably my most rewatched.

this, though admittedly I don't rewatch nanami filler

I've watched gunbuster more times than any other series by far. probably between twenty and thirty times now. retardedly rewatchable.

the funny thing is it makes me increasingly emotional every time I rewatch it. I cry like a bitch multiple times. depictions of noriko's emotions are so beautiful.

*Ritz dies

Clannad and After story 5+ times, Hanasaku Iroha 2-3 times, Kyoukai no Kanata 2-3 times, Danshi Koukousei 2-3 times, ReLife 2.5 times, Hibike! S1 2 times. Yuru Yuri 2 times.

I forgot to add Tenchi Muyo 4-5 times, Universe 2 times, Tokyo 2 times and School rumble 3 times.

Chromartie high and in 3 languages sub,dub and the dub of my country

Because we'll never get a season 2.

Hozuki No Reitsu for sure the most times
Followed by
Natsume Yuunjinchou

And these a at least twice
NGE and Rebuild
Nanoha and the movies except striker S and the spinoffs
Here than, now
Darker than black including s2

Of course, Eva

Why is the I reversed?

5 times

Mahouka Onii-sama 5-6 times.
Non Non Biyori 4-5 times.
Saki series 6-7 times.
Clannad includes AS 5-6 times.
Kyoani Kanon, AIR 3-4 times.
Azumanga Daioh 5-6 times.
Ichigo Mashimaro 5-6 times.
Monogatari Series 3-4 times.
Kemono Friends 3 times.

Read somewhere that it's because it's 12,000 years in the future, they mess up because Japanese hasn't been used in such a long time.

Code geass, gundam seed, gurren lagann, meguca, F/Z.

Is this an unsanctioned Tanoshii thread?

>everyone but Ritz dies
>mountain of corpses
>world burns around it
>Saki blooms on top

it will never not be funny

Did you ever try playing Go? I wanted to learn it.

I very rarely rewatch anything but I've seen Ippo probably 6 times.

I don't even really know why I keep watching this but I do know that stuco prez is best girl.

I also become a lesbian after 3rd rewatch.

I really really want to watch Saki but I'm a fucking idiot that just can't understand Mahjong.

You can watch it for the pretty special effect and RINSHAN KAIHOU.

But seriously you don't want to play it, the game is pure suffering.

You don't need to. Just focus on the cute lesbians.

Don't worry it's just like poker but every player gets a whole deck of cards and then builds a fort with them and the one with the best fort wins.

I hate yurishit but I love competitive anime. I love shit like h-hayai and heh I'll have to use that type of cliches. I just hate myself for not understanding what's basically a Japanese poker.

It's definitely more complex than poker.

Chinese and also it is impossible to understand basically if poker had D&D rules but written in chinese.

It's not like poker, you don't get the crazy pon-pon-pon-kan-kan-kan-rinshan asspull wins in that.

Statistically you don't get them in majong either this is a fictional account where every hand is four of a kind unless it is a royal flush. The plot demands hands that are interesting.

Once in an eon, Saki will bloom atop the mountain of corpses.

They use Riichi rules though?

Everyone in this thread is now pregnant.

>kami no ryouiki.mp3

NGE, Madoka, Lain, Psycho-Pass 1, FLCL, KLK, K-On! made me rewatch them

Rewatch Doki's Saki releases at 1.2x speed. Trust me on this.

outlaw star
Eureka seven

I've only seen it once though

NGE+EoE, Madoka, GitS, studio Ghibli movies, Mushishi, Monogatari series, Shiki, Slayers, GTO, When They Cry, Arakawa under the Bridge, Golden Time, Tasogare Otome x Amnesia.

Holy shit.

Wait, didn't Saki had an online game a few years ago?

Gj-bu, Barakamon, Kyousogiga and Sword of the Stranger.

Saki sucks at online mahjong. She can't see the dead wall.

I think the Zenkoku game had internet functionality, if that's what you mean.


I found it:

But the links is dead, too bad.

She dies soon after that, right?

what a qt semen demon

I don't want to kill myself when I'm watching this. So it's got more than a few rewatches

I've rewatched Tamako Market and Love Story three times.

Mix in some Flying Witch and Aria episodes.

I re-watched Saki recently too. Never noticed that Saki could've lost that game if Koromo waited one turn to use that 1pin.

Now I'm about to rewatch Jintai again because I saw a torrent on the new asenshi tracker and I have only seen commiesubs.

Seitokai Yakuindomo.

Something about the series is just comfy af.

There was a while there where I watched Dragon Half at least once a day. Let's not count that though

Definitely Eureka SeveN then. It's almost a ritual rewatch at this point that I do every to every-other summer or so. It never seems to age or get worse with each rewatch, it's always too good.

I've also seen the first season of Durarara at least 4 times now and possibly more than that. Not really even because I like it that much I just find myself rewatching it for dumb reasons (new season coming out, new season getting dubbed).

I've also rewatched Seitokai No Ichizon a lot but not recently.

Is Asenshi actually any good? Obviously everyone is using them for LWA but are they worth it for their other releases?

turn a gundam.
all gits sac.
truly patrician taste.

I don't know enough Japanese to know the answer to that. If it comes to video quality both commie and asenshi had around the same filesize so it's probably the same.


A rewatch Lain every year. The only other times I rewatch is if a movie comes out and I've since forgotten the original plot(i.e. Madoka)

>Not understanding mahjong
Seriously, it's not that hard. Watch a video, play some games on tenhou, read a wiki article and that's it. Then if you really want to understand it read Ten.

>play on tenhou

That's like throwing someone off the deep end when they can barely hold their breath. Better to start with the mahjong_e.swf.

Sure, whatever, just playing some games is my point.

We're all very impressed by what a dark genius you are.

Yeah dude, it's so easy. But only if you remember to not wear any underwear while playing, that way the game's rules will just come naturally to you.

I still don't understand the losing on whatever turn to build a piramid of twisty twists fuckery.

It's like Yugioh and the heart of the cards bullshit, but in Saki everyone has that and uses it at every single move they make, the person with more magical luck powers win.

Wilson best girl

girlfriend, nagiasu, iroha, gochiusa

all on nicodou for the comments

>he hasn't seen Gunbuster

I've watched Hyouka every Summer since it came out. Probably not my favorite show but it's the only one I've ever felt the need to rewatch.

Everyone here should know it. Watched it 7 times already, currently on the 8th run

I watched GTO for the first time in middle school. Rewatching it as a grown-up older than Onizuka himself felt somehow oddly satisfying. Plus it was as good as I remembered it to be.

Here we are, year after year, changing and getting older constantly. And yet our childhood friends and teachers are still the same and they will stay the same forever.

Hyouka definitely has a high rewatch value, which is not surprising considering it's the fourth best anime of this decade.

I rewatch Neon Genesis every New Year. No idea why. I guess I just like the theme of starting over in the show and with a year ending and a new one beginning. It's pretty cozy.

I've been meaning to rewatch a lot of Abe anime too like Haibane, Lain and Texhnolyze.

At the moment I'm rewatching Legend of the Galactic Heroes since the novels are coming out. It's a lot better on a rewatch I find.

Good choice. I rewatch Sora no Woto every time I go to Spain.

2 times:
Elfen Lied
Hataraku Maou-sama!
Mobile Suit Gundam
Monogatari Series: Second Season
Nekomonogatari: Kuro
Shinsekai yori
Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu
Uchouten Kazoku
Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru.