Why do people shit on McMansions so much?
Why shouldn't I have a large home, 3 acres, and white neighbors while making 80k a year?
Is the patrician alternative to live paycheck to paycheck in a reeking city tenement, surrounded by minorities?
Why do people shit on McMansions so much?
Why shouldn't I have a large home, 3 acres, and white neighbors while making 80k a year?
Is the patrician alternative to live paycheck to paycheck in a reeking city tenement, surrounded by minorities?
Degenerates think small town US life is boring.
They would rather live in a state with the most poor people, and high real estate prices.
"mcmansion" doesn't mean "suburban", it's a trend of tacky expensive homes
You can have exactly what you described while using an architect who knows what he's doing
yeah McMansions are just larger homes that look like shit
Texans are fat and stupid and obnoxious and that's exactly why nobody invites them to social occasions.
>mcmansion on 80k a year
Maybe if you're single, but with a family it would be really hard. That having been said I would rather have a small well-made brick home and spend my money elsewhere such as land, 40 plus acres of forest. Than live in a huge home made of drywall, 2x4 and plastic siding.
OP, they're literally shitting on the poor house design. The joke is that people buy tacky suburban homes with mass-produced style that tailors to basic bitch architecture-sense.
It's certainly not a jab at people who own a fair amount of property (way more so aimed at suburbs).
Sour grape yankee
its another thing libs talk about at their fart smelling parties.
McMansions dont have 3 acres. McMansion are huge houses up eachothers ass with no land. I guess OP lives in an apartment or some shit.
>builds mcmansion
>on three acres
Why not buy a real brick shithouse for your three acre?
The job im qualified to do here in the UK pays 18k a year whereas in America its upwards of 60 to 80k. Do I become a Burger/
>18k a year
How do you live on that?
You should live in a nice home with your own kind surrounding you. I live in an exclusively White neighborhood and it's awesome. No crime, no bullshit, no hassle. It's fucking sweet. The most non-Whites I see are on TV when Corporations and Hollywood try to convince me that Black males are the top tier of American society. lol. Silly faggots. No they're not!
Found the acne-scarred perma-virgin
Dude, people making fun of McMansion's is the equivalent to latina/black/asian girls making dumb blonde jokes. It's so obviously jealousy that it should make you feel good.
If no one hates ya you're not trying hard enough.
because you'd have to own a bunch of gas station or fast food franchises to make that kind of money in rural america where land is cheap enough to get 3 acres for next to nothing and be able to commute to the nearest town in under 15 minutes.
Not sure where you live but 80k a yr isn't buying a McMansion.
the future is so bright, that literally looks like houses in cities in the gulf coast region of the south
>Small house, big land
This nigga knows,unfortunately that means a long drive to work. COME ON self driving cars.
Take a trip to Mexico. Put on some brown face paint, and a sombrero. Walk across, border, apply for job, you don't need no stinking ID, mane.
But hey, at least the cost of living is a lot cheaper than anywhere else in the south, so enjoy those hoards of Mexicans, Muslims, and their 20 babies next year, and every year after.
Yeah man. I'm really jealous of your paying a million for a chipboard shithole that looks like shit. And enjoy all that cancerous sludge leaking into the nursery.
Fucking Mutts...
>make 85k a year
>house is only 1200 sq ft
quit being a lazy degenerate why would any self respecting freedom loving american want to push for self driving cars? america's infrastructure roads bridges city streets are too shit to handle self driving cars. these cars aren't going to provide free rides because they're going to pass the cost of maintaining highways and roads onto you to use these self driving cars while at the same time making car ownership prohibitively expensive for the masses
rather have a sick ass house in the mountains
It's gonna be funny when boomers discover no one wants their ugly abominations that are nearly falling apart
Everybody in New England is the furthest thing from a Mutt.
and who's going to plow the snow off of roads? fucking self driving cars? and the deaths caused by inclement weather in self driving cars, they're not going to compensate shit because you paid for the ride, relinquished all rights to sueing, and its acts of god anyway so piss off commoner piece of shit
You're not wrong, but I fail to see how this germanes to the conversation.
Despite the outrageous price tag, the home is still constructed as cheaply as possible. It's no different than the cheap sheds you see for sale in the home Depot parking lot. Just a little bigger.
Because they are built in a fake tradition, why don't you guys build in
some actually decent style with historical precedent in the USA,
Like American queen Anne or Stick style?
There’s been 2 residential real estate booms in the last few decades.
Property has become industry of get rich quick.
It is essentially bitcoin for boomers, As such McMansions are comparable to people who got in on bitcoin at $19,000.
They are quickly assembled pieces of garbage to extract wealth from buyers at peak of the market
It’s really that simple
Because you could build a Japanese mansion instead
You see a lot of McMansions in Texas. A LOT. I know because I'm an ex-Tex.
That's not a McMansion. That's just a big comfy house.
McMansions are terribly constructed, highly overpriced garbage houses with pathetic infrastructure and embarrassing doodads.
Most mcmansions are squeezed onto small plots of land with pretty much no yard
because the neighborhoods that are just endless rows of these things for miles make me want to slit my wrists
125k/year here, 1.1k sqft apartment that costs 2.9k/mo. Fuck California.
What job? 18K would be legally impoverished here and mean you would be able to get welfare, it's about what a Wal-Mart worker makes in a year.
Or why not Italianate? It's quite aesthetic
now don't ever come back ya hear
>Get your McMansion for only 750k, don't worry, (((Wells Fargo))) will give you a Jumbo mortgage, and as history tells us, putting all you have into your house turns out fine!
Its hard mane but its alright. The job offers alot of opportunity for promotion and development, which is why I havent left the role. However, the burgers pay considerably alot more for the same job. Shit sucks.
Boomers have no taste, that's why.
No problems with that. I'm just shitting on the NYC and Yuropoor tendency to think the city is the place of dreams.
With pleasure.
I love this fucking blog. That McMansion was actually pretty decnet though for the exterior. Some of the others though...
>looks like every methhead house where I live
No thanks.
texas has a fuck ton of land, but it's becoming overbuilt and overcrowded like fucking california. the megalopolis of the northeast and southern california is maximum capitalism where people have become nothing more than robots that lack empathy with their fellow man due to the inherent design of capitalism and the "american dream" which makes cities a clusterfuck of congestion, stress, crime, pollution, and classism
Would you buy a car that looks like a sports car for 5000$ new? I don’t think so
Because they're poorfags, OP, and jealous of what they'll never have themselves.
Yeah, well if you don't take care of your houses then every house will look like a "methhead house"
No I mean the style, no matter how well kept the house is, is always going to be associated with poverty/run down shitholes in my mind and nothing will change that.
Most traditional, older homes are run down or in nigger neighborhoods. Suburbs and McHomes are directly due to white people needed a quick, cheap alternative to flee niggers who shit up their old neighborhoods.
I get CA has garbage infrastructure, but seriously, what even is this? This doesn't even look real. This looks like a giant shed for your beef ribs and monster trucks.
Envy. Fox and the grapes.
They are convinced that the things they cannot get must be sour.
You have so many beautiful comfy houses, please don't make another McMansion.
our houses are designed to fall apart without constant attention. sweden in the rural areas is the same because of all the forests your country has you people still build a lot of homes out of wood. if americans built their homes like germans complete stone houses with wood roofs, even if we were building to standards of the late 19th century german building standards, it would be more energy efficient than the vast majority of houses in america that are no older than 50 years old
Because they are shit. I lived in one growing up and then moved into a house built in 1870 and it just much better built and they considered a lot of shit when building houses back then. My house is positioned perfectly for breezes to come through my house during summer and it was intentionally done, I don't have to run air conditioning most of the summer. Also mcmasions look tacky. Look man, Europeans are great at building and designing structures and America was much more European back then and that's why the houses were much better and that's why people shit on mcmasions. Why do you think the ultra wealthy all own old homes in European countries instead of building mcmasions? Because they are superior.
>hurr durr dumb amerifats, why don't you live in centuries-old housing and pay rent your entire lives to landlords like peasants
If you europoors ever built anything new, you would use the same building materials we do. Most americans at some point get to live in a new home, if not build it themselves on their own land. That's not very common in Europe. But hey, you built your shit with stone a century ago, congrats I guess.
If it's really on a 3 acre lot, its not a McMansion. It might be poorly built with mid to high end finishes, but at least you got some space.
Land = wealth, House = Home Depot (plus labor which is more valuable than material cost)
This. Some McMansions are nice enough, it's just they're packed in like sardines and it kinda defeats the luxury aspect. If they were built on 3 acres they'd be fine. But developers can fit 100 on three acres and that's exactly what happens.
think of people when they live in apartment complexes where every apartment is the same layout. that conditions people to want a house in the suburbs where all the houses are ticky tacky cookie cutter bullshit. what do people do in apartments before moving to a house? accumulate junk which is the same thing when they get to the suburbs, accumulate more useless junk
It would basically be down as an Ambulance Dispatcher. Im qualified as an EMD. Job pays awful over in the UK as our government hate the NHS and want it to die. Until it does and goes private, all the staff will suffer.
Sure beats a commieblock.
Joke's on you, it's still 45 minutes to get into downtown from a major city suburb.
I will take an extra 30 minutes on the road each day to save $1000 per month on housing. This maths out to $60/hr tax free.
Also 18k UK monies is about 24k dollariedoos
where did you escape to?
it will be great to live there when the zombie apocalypse arrive, all you'll need is a big wall
>3 acres
If you've got so much land, it's a big step away from a McMansion. One of their main traits is that they occupy an unreasonable amount of the lot
>hates niggers
>builds more nigger neighbourhoods
Will Mutts ever learn?
commieblocks if designed for livability which the ones you know of aren't because soviets are basically the americans of europe cutting corners everywhere besides the military. if commieblocks had ceilings of like 14 feet tall and tall windows, wood heated floors, solid stone walls, then they'd be better than the shoddy suburban houses where people fill their unfulfilling lives with a bunch of crap
Suburban CA. I don't like the communist culture but I'm seeing a significant lack of McMansions in comparison. In no way am I saying the infrastructure is better, but most of them aren't as obnoxiously massive.
>doesn't understand using the same floor plan reduces costs
It's like no one on this website has ever actually made any physical thing in their life. You can have your custom home, but you're going to pay out the ass for it.
This sums it up.. sad.
apartment complexes shouldn't be the size of a fucking whole village or a suburban neighborhood fuck you and your shitty apartments where you hear everything your fucking neighbors do through the paper mache walls
>thinks 80k a year is a lot
>I make more than 80k and I can't afford a place half that size. Canada truly is magical
I can't afford that shit on 130k
You started a thread about "McMansions," but posted a picture of a house that's definitely not a Mcmansion. That house is very tasteful and interesting. Pic related is a McMansion.
>having neighbors
Considering its more than *most* people in your country make, and the insanely cheap cost of living in much of your country, yea it's a good amount.
>they'd be better than the shoddy suburban houses where people fill their unfulfilling lives with a bunch of crap
I'll take my "unfulfilling consumerist life" over being a poor commie who can't afford anything at all and still lives a miserable, meek existence. I swear people who bitch about consumerism are the type who never grew up poor, and take it all for granted.
Sell all your shit then, and spare the poor chinese workers your bullshit, non-appreciative attitude.
>Why do people shit on McMansions so much?
the creatures that make fun of mcmansions are wagecuck europoors that live in glorified cowpens.
looks like nova except not all gables, those houses were constructed as fast as possible and sold cheap in the 90s but have become slums in the present day
Do whatever you want, faggot
Wait, are you complaining about our shitty apartments because they're too large? WTF are you going on about you literal autist?
The trees will grow in. Looks like they bulldozed everything and built it all at once.
if you live in the suburbs and most of your shopping centers are anchored with fast food restaurants, you're in the slums of america's major cities. if you're in the suburbs and your shopping centers have "outdoor dining" and are mostly latte soyboy shit you're in the middle class suburbia
the complexes are too large. the apartments themselves are junk.
This. I can't even tell you how many boomers built fuck huge houses with 5 acre yards in my state that they will have no ability to take care of in 10 years and no one younger will have any ability to afford buying their ostentatious pile of shit.
You can't really judge a McMansion by the exterior alone, unless it's just a plain fucking box. Usually the worst part is the interior, where you have these massive fucking rooms, 40ft walls, and other shit that is just big and useless. A big home which manages to remain cozy is the best.
Those homes are beautiful but I don't think people realize how expensive it is to build like that in modern day.
The variety of lumber needed to frame and panel, (unique sizes, advanced joining), the incredible effort to paint and maintain such intricacies.
The McMansion allows you to have a reasonable amount of space at a price you cant otherwise afford, it's a compromise.
All else being equal i think everyone would agree that having an amazingly well maintained victorian mansion is awesome its just that they cost a lot more money.
A rolls royce is better that a lincoln but a lincoln is reasonably affordable and is still a nice car.