Is he the single greatest intellectual of our generation?
Is he the single greatest intellectual of our generation?
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>picture of literal who eceleb
Not an argument
i bet you haven't even read Loki
Not even a pseudo-intellectual. Not even close.
sucked my cock once
Is that Racewarski? He sounds drunk on every stream
This isn't how you advertise yourself dumbass.
Literally who
The normie of all normies
Just asking a question, chum
He's the most amusing borderline retard of our generation.
This man is.
Man he used to do sketch comedy for the longest time. Used to watch him back in 2009, its fucking bizarre to see him doing this shit now.
Who da fuck is dat?
"How bad was the autism? [...] Could she speak?" - Andy "Touch a tyke and I'll kill a kike" Warski on the JF issue
ur mom is saged
Andy Racepornski, a brilliant mind
Hes good he help us red pill a lot of peapole with his lives
Lol was that Sargon who mispronounced Locke or Andy?
Well at least "ask a question" better, or at least in an entertaining way.
Gimme something to make me care about that clearly asymmetrical ass of a face.
Good. Anyone who hates alcohol isn't white. Resist Counter-Currents nigging our drinks.
*fist bump*
I learned the correct pronunciation for BAZZERS from his show.
Go away, Vee.
Andy ''cant say aristotle without thinking of uncle adolf" Warski
It's not my fault you're behind on the times, old man
He's the dumbest jew i've ever seen.
no this is
>discovered that the world is actually flat
>discovered that slavery is a hoax by white people to make themselves seem superior to whites
He seems to have a mediocre IQ. (not because of his stuttering). But he's living proof that you can still have success with the right idea. (and entourage). In his case...He was blessed with JF's presence (co-hosting all his super streams).
Andy Warhol had an average IQ of 86. Yet had a simple idea, loads of connections, met the right people etc..
I'm not that gay.
Well fucking inform me, you lazy nigger.
I'm serious.
seem superior to blacks*
excuse me, i am inhaling some thc and i think it's causing me to have retardation
Good but needs improvement
>Not full 1488.
>has not red pilled an SJW with his dick
It would be funny if this is really Andy. Seems like something I'd do. I mean something he'd do
he had a lot of idiot friends who thought his art was good. looking back at his art it was actually shit. anyone could have done it if they were autistic
just look at the campbell soup thing (whatever it's called). It's just talentless crap.
andy warhol had no talent whatsoever. i say this as a person who likes andy warhol as a personality. i think he as a person was more interesting than his art.
He tried that niger mtv lady (forgot name)
Totally agree. He's the lesser Andy
But his skeches were good and hes a funny guy in a bro way
Would buy a beer
Q "I think YOU based dupes all need to take out an identity." en-q!
^You hate it don't YOU
>Underworld boss sez so.
Implying JF doesn't red pill the masses on stream constantly.
Tbh he's a bit of a brainlet, but he's a likable guy and it's nice that he is providing a platform for more 'controversial' ideas rather than just sticking to making fun of da es-jay-dubayoos.
think again
oh shit
warski vs hyde when?
But it's subjective though. You can't deny the guy's influence. It's just impossible. (yes, i also think it was shit to be honest). But again...We're talking about a guy who had an average IQ of 86. (maybe he was a genuine autistic person). And the point still stands.
Sometimes, all it takes is an idea. And if it connects with the right people, Ka-ching!!
Hes a giant burn-out though.
trump doesn't drink alcohol
ohh sorry I forgot you were retarded
Fuck off Vee, go do the work of the Jew somewhere else.
He’s turned out better for us than the other “right wing” figures from your country like Faith and JBP.
Lmao he is fucking retarded with little to no argument power. His voice sounds like autism personified