Oops, i mean Gurren Lagann.
Oops, i mean Gurren Lagann.
Other urls found in this thread:
Do you have a script or something to post that every time there's a new LWA thread?
Actually never mind, knowing the trick would ruin the magic.
In the not-too-distant future
The Current Year AD
There was a witch named Constanze
As autistic as you or me
She attended Luna Nova Academy
Just another student to bully for free
She did a good job cleaning up Samhain
But her teachers didn't like her
So they shot her into space
Took a while because I wanted to watch with subtitles before making it
We'll send her cheesy movies,
The worst we can find (la-la-la)
She'll have to sit and watch them all
And we'll monitor her mind (la-la-la)
Now keep in mind Constanze can't control
Where the movies begin or end (la-la-la)
She'll try to keep her sanity
With the help of her robot friends!
Stawp wiking shewhohned womance n shewhohned chawachtuhs.
Robot Roll Call:
Stanbot! (You're on!)
Sucy! (Eat me!)
Amanda! (Check me out!)
Akkoooooo! (I'm special!)
Stop liking shoe horned romance and shoe horned characters.
If you're wondering how she eats and breathes
and other science facts (la-la-la)
Just repeat to yourself, "It's just a show,
I should really just relax!"
for Mystery Science Theater 3000!
Updated. Tonight was a good night.
How can smelly NEET Croix even compete?
I appreciate the original content
This art brings back memories.
I was hoping you'd put one of the hunters in it this time.
I can't believe it has been a decade.
Forgot the image
This Episode, fucking 10/10
On one hand, I'm glad Akko didn't receive a word this episode since that would have been boring with one word per episode then climax.
On the other, it felt extremely weird that there was no Shiny Rod interactions. However, the mech did have the 7 stars on it and they shined just like the Shiny Rod.
Also Cons is now my favorite girl, sorry Sucy.
Next episode of constanze's lab when?!
Where's cons smile?
so this is where you were. Damn, thanks gaijin user!
They didn't get a word last episode, either. They went looking for one, but found nothing.
6 days till the suffering starts
I liked the little fairy chef more. I also wanted to put Constanze's smile in but couldn't figure how.
Where's the Constanze art, Haruyama?
Put it in the upper right corner
Side character eps bfto of lotte
How will lotte ever recover?
Maybe make it at the bottom with the 4 guys blushing like how you did it with episodes 4 and 5
[Fly High intensifies]
Constanze taking a robo-dildo up her tiny butt when?
>not Inazuma
Fuck you.
If Constanze is 5'0'', does this make akko 6'0''?
Are these witches?
>5'11" vs 6'
Nah, they're just bad at portraying height correctly.
Are the subs up by now? Anyone have a link?
I'm just remembering the subs user, fuck you too
>not her using the mixer on herself
Akko is around 5'10"
link is in the op of the last thread papika
I asked Tattun when he was posting here, pointing out that Amanda' is shown at about 5'6" in her mugshot, and Akko is roughly the same height as her, how tall is Ursula who stands head and shoulders above Akko.
He told me not to think about things too hard.
I ship her and Akko, and there is nothing you can do about it.
Witch heights are like Eva heights: they change depending on what's most convenient for the scene.
She's not a washed-up has-been like Ursula.
holy shit a motherfucking flip flappers meme. I thought nobody even knew that show existed. i'm happy now.
Trigger made a show in which characters changed height constantly to make narrative points.
Is that a Gundam?
Who is the nicest Witch and why is it Jasminka
Tell me about Croix, why does she eat fucking instant ramen?
>Connie fag since OVAs
>Episode reinforces my boner ten fold
Feels good man
>gunposting is now canon
>This is who I work with
She's /ourgirl/
I'm getitng scared anons. look at what Akko's done to the other six witches around her and now she's coming for Diana. Worse yet, Diana will be trapped with her for 3 episodes. How's she gonna come out of it? At best she proceeds as normal with a small bit of fondness for Akko, at worse, she becomes like her shoujo self and at middle we start seeing this in her mind. I don't even wanna know what happens if Tatters drops a hint and the Friday morning Preview has no Doki and no Waku
>2007 was 100 years ago
I don't trust this kind of thing, especially the stuff I need to download to get them. Thanks anyhow.
I usually just wait till next morning and it's on kissanime but this wait is killing me. I've been waiting for a Constanze episode since the start and this of all of them is the delayed one. And here I am wading through this thread trying to avert my eyes from anything spoilery, and not doing a very good job of it. Fuck I'm just a tremendous retard really.
This isn't that show.
>Akko is around 5'10"
No, she's way shorter than that, Amanda is 5'6" and is the taller than Akko
That's why you're a newfag.
Patience. You can't rush art.
Just wait for your shitty streaming site, nobody's going to spoonfeed you. Also Constanze dies
>I don't trust this kind of thing, especially the stuff I need to download to get them
What are you, a faggot?
OS 9 is comfy
user, please learn to torrent, It's like sex, you can't go back to your hand after having vagina it's never the same.
They probably have to reschedule the final round of the Wild Hunt now, due to Croix tampering with the game, as well as Constanze bringing Akko along.
>new folder
>new folder(1)
>new folder(2)
>new folder(3)
>new folder(4)
bravo trigger
Reminder that this smile killed about 30 anons the first time we saw it, Tatters has since been charged with murder for bringing that total up an additional 20 after asking about it.
Ok, tried to fix those things.
and the fact that a fucking giant mecha sould be kind of illegal
What did Tattun mean by this?
Constanze doesn't give a fuck about folder names
Why there arent any summary for episode 19 ?
I've just never wanted to bother with torrents, I've been offered the option even way back but I haven't changed with time.
You're not wrong though, I came in on the Kill la Kill cancer-wave.
>nobody's going to spoonfeed you
Fair enough, I apologize.
No, worse.
I haven't even used my hand yet. At least not while conscious.
This episode is a little bit painful to watch.
Man, this episode was fun.
Also, Constanze a cute.
and yet she's probably more organized than you.
Diana already masturbates to Akko.
>you can't go back to your hand after having vagina it's never the same.
Finally common ground between waifu fags and /u/ posters?
>solarized window
that's no mac, that's a linux distro
It always was.
what is that schematic on the board
I can't wait.
the 2 chariot cards look exactly like ursela
wtf akko
Man, I'm almost glad OVAs didn't come this far to giving Diana more yay, so we can experience it for the first time