>official NASA footage
>it's a stop motion animation
skip to 4:40
Why do we allow this scam agency to waste tax payer money on shitty animations?
>official NASA footage
>it's a stop motion animation
skip to 4:40
Why do we allow this scam agency to waste tax payer money on shitty animations?
Other urls found in this thread:
>low framerate
>stop motion
look at his helmet swivel when he salutes
569 59 569
nice digit
I used to like reading about space exploration but now with Nasa meaning to deceive in hebrew and all norwayanons webms I don't know any more.
>>it's a stop motion animation
Source: ASS
The G4-C space suit had a rotating helmet, brainlet.
Source: ASS
bottom of page 4
thats a super 8 camera m8
yea and i guess the earths flat too \
thenasa flat earth guy who they where talking about
Finally those fags who laughed at my moon hoax paper in highschool can wake up
Ey¡ I discovered that
this guy i thought was making a point at first but, now he bleieves his own shit if yo8u watch his new stuff he's got the argument that all of them have
Wew lad.
They claim that the camera was particulary shitty, but they have hd footage of even older launchings.
gotta share the love
well, apparently it does has a rotating helmet
super 8 doesn't make footage appear like stop motion animation
So? whats the point op? that all photage of the eaarth from space isn't real? hence the earths flat then?thats the guy in those videos premises
shut the fuck up with this retarded idiotic guys half assed thought he now believes his own shit, fucking shit end it. moron. oh you will ocnvince people that the earth doesnt have space shots so the earth isnt round its flat haha
what a fuckign stupid ass.
the point is that they're wasting your money on fake shit and should be held accountable
Holyfuckingshit. That isn't even funny its so crudely made. We aren't talking about the "Wait, what the fuck was that, scroll back", we are talking about jittery stop-motion animation, it's not even a case of framerate as the animators over-compensate for the movements unnaturally (It was a rigid doll) and the limbs jutter back and forth out of place. You can also tell that the camera he is holding, thanks to being able to view it on high quality screens which was not expected at the time, is a plastic prop with quasi-detail.
Why is the earth rotating smoothly in the background if its a framerate issue? Its stop-motion superimposed over pre-made footage with mismatched framerates.
Also, the rate at which they are "moving over the earth" would imply one complete rotation every two minutes or so, maybe less. Someone explain that to me please.
how can anyone refute this??????????????
space is obviously fake and you need to do the r e a s e a r c h into it
>that comment
You can show an example of someone who is genuinely stupid believing anything. Its an argument people use against Christianity
>Hurr durr look at this retard who believes in God, Christians are all retarded
thats not YOUR point your point is that the earth isnt a globe like that guy your making no real point and your posting posts here believing your own shit like HIM
why dont you make a nother post saying you where attacked for making this post on Sup Forums.
Anyway, I say again, someone please tell me why the rotation of the globe in the background would imply they are circling it once every
i don't deny the earth being a globe my dude
NASA continues to exist because their PR people have conned Americans into allowing them to exist for four different reasons.
1. Misrepresent your cut of the federal budget by measuring your budget against the entire federal budget, rather than the discretionary budget.
2. Use vague historical anecdotes to make indefinite promises about how space exploration will usher in a Peter Josef/Star Trek style technofuture.
3. Claim incidental technological advances produced by space exploration without mentioning that this technology could have been obtained at a tiny fraction of the cost if research was directed for consumer use.
4. Look at this pretty picture!