The left has been salivating to take back congress in a “Blue Wave” ever since their stunning defeat in 2016. We are going to make sure that it results in a Red Storm where they lose even more seats in the House and Senate.
The left has clung to the idea of a “Blue Wave" in order to give themselves hope - hope that they can bring more radicalized refugees to the United States so that we may suffer what Europe is going through, hope for an even greater souring of race relations so that even more neighborhoods are looted and burned to the ground, hope for more power for feminists to ruin your careers and industries and livelihoods, hope for more political correctness to strangle our freedom of speech, hope for more power to the establishment media to attack us for thoughtcrime, hope that they can take down President Trump - who is our hope at reversing the damage they've done over the past few decades. We are going to make their Blue Wave falter in the midst of a Red Storm.
The purpose of this thread is to provide Sup Forums a convenient guide to the 2018 midterms, and a platform to take action to achieve specific objectives that will prevent any semblance of a “Blue Wave.”
>Defeatist Black Pillers not welcome. Your mentality is for losers. We didn't need you in 2016, and we don't need you now.
>Shills not welcome. Your attempts are utterly transparent. You were wrong in 2016. You were defeated in all 5 House Races in 2017. Your only real victory was in Alabama, and that was when our guy was smeared as a pedo, got massively outspent, and got betrayed by prominent figures in the GOP. You won't be able to do that in every single race this year. We know the stakes are too high for that. On the other hand, legitimate dissenters of all types are welcome.
>REMINDER that most political power in the USA isn't in the Presidency, it's in the Congress. In many ways, this can be even more impactful than Trump becoming President
>REMINDER that a Democrat congress can fuck up everything we've achieved in 2016, and they definitely will try their best to. You can bet that they will seriously try impeachment.
>REMINDER that Trump's victory is a once in a lifetime opportunity. If we fuck up now, we may NEVER get another man like him in government in our lifetime
Tyler Harris
>REMINDER that even if you’re disappointed with how Trump is compromising too much with the Democrats by not doing things like immediately repealing DACA and not getting the wall through…November 6, 2018 is your chance to elect a much redder congress so that he doesn’t have to compromise with the Democrats so much and has a much greater chance of passing every item on his agenda through
>REMINDER that even if you hate Republicucks like Bitch McConnell, instead of whining in impotent rage, you should use your energy on electing solid MAGA candidates in the primaries and casting a vote against the Democrat even if a Republicuck wins the primary
[ ]>think of all the family members and friends you know who are willing to vote against the Democrats, and get them to register to vote if they haven’t yet, and CONSTANTLY REMIND THEM THAT NOVEMBER 6 IS THE BIG DAY. Do whatever it takes. If you have a younger Gen Z sister who hates the Democrats and recently turned 18, get her to stop taking selfies and take some time to register. Prepare a family / friend party for November 6 or close to it. Anything along those lines. If you’re a hot chick (or a girl who isn’t a landwhale, really) get your beta orbiters to vote.
[ ] >if you know people willing to vote Democrat, think of all the ways to redpill or demotivate them; obviously this will vary on a case-by-case basis
[ ] >share what you know about how each candidate is perceived in your area (e.g. I live in Indiana and Joe Donnelly isn't even popular among progressives; I live in NYC and many people here won't even bother going out to vote for Gillibrand)
[ ] >share your ideas on how to improve this general
Aaron Ortiz
>state legislature elections are also important. There are too many of them to devote an entire post for each race, so look up the races for your local area. Be warned – tiny local races can be massively gamed by large amount of cash and GOTV efforts because people don’t tend to care about them as much, which means that a large enough group of butthurt leftists can be directed to win an election in a red-favored district because few people are keeping track of them
>10 Senate Seats that could flip -- It favors Republicans in a big way. The GOP will be defending just eight seats, while Democrats must fight for 23 — plus another two held by independents who caucus with Democrats. What’s worse is the fact that many of the seats they must defend are in states won by Republican Donald Trump.
Blake Garcia
>Democrats up for reelection in 2018 in states Trump won: Florida: Bill Nelson (Won by 55% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 74
Indiana: Joe Donnelly (Won by 50% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 61
Michigan: Debbie Stabenow (Won by 59% in 2012) (Intent for 2018 unknown) Current age: 66
Missouri: Claire McCaskill (Won by 55% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 63
Montana: Jon Tester (Won by 49% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 60
North Dakota: Heidi Heitkamp (Won by 50% in 2012) (Intent for 2018 unknown) Current age: 61
Ohio: Sherrod Brown (Won by 51% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 64
Pennsylvania: Bob Casey Jr. (Won by 54% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 56
West Virginia: Joe Manchin (Won by 61% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 69
Wisconsin: Tammy Baldwin (Won by 51% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 54
>Democrats up for reelection in 2018 in states Trump almost won (below 10% margin):
Minnesota: Amy Klobuchar (Won by 65% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 56
New Mexico: Martin Heinrich (Won by 51% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 45
Virginia: Tim Kaine (Won by 53% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 58
Carson Rodriguez
“The first midterm always goes against the party in the Presidency”
Realize that "first midterm going against party in Presidency" phenomenon isn't some magical axiom that just happens, but is explainable through factors that can be altered in our favor
>not getting complacent >getting voters motivated against the Democrats >a lot of fundraising >not listening to blackpilled faggots from cucked out countries >organization, which is what this general contributes to >voters who would normally vote Democrat realizing how fruitless it is >Trump’s base turning out in large numbers and high energy for MAGA candidates that Trump endorses
“B-but Alabama went blue! You have no chance! Blue wave imminent!”
Realize that it only went blue because of *severely* depressed Republican turnout due to pedo allegations and backstabbing from other GOP figures like Dick Shelby, Flake, McConnell, Ivanka, et al. Old ladies who get their news from local talk radio and FOX News thought the allegations were legit.
This year, there will be hundreds of races to focus on, which means pedo allegations and party infighting won’t be factors. We were outspent in Alabama by 7-to-1. The Democrats are running out of money while the GOP has saved up MASSIVE amounts.
We are going up against Debbie Stabenow. Michigan, as we all know, is one of the rust belt states that flipped to Trump in a narrow margin. This is going to be one of the most hard fought races in the election.
>67 Years Old, generic career politician type >Michigan’s first female Senator >Three termer; won in 2000 with 49.5% as an underdog, won in 2006 with 57% (year the Democrats took Congress because of dissatisfaction with warmongering neocon George W. Bush who they now praise because he doesn’t like Drumpf) , won in 2012 with 59%
This looks like a tough battle based on those numbers, but a lot has changed since 2006 and 2012.
>Stabenow has expressed support in regulating talk radio via a measure like the Fairness doctrine. >Stabenow has a "F" rating from both the National Rifle Association (NRA) and the Gun Owners of America for her consistent voting against pro-gun laws. She has an "A+" rating from the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. >In 2017, Stabenow, alongside Debbie Dingell, introduced a law that would make it illegal for people charged with misdemeanor stalking to buy guns. >Stabenow supported President Barack Obama's health reform legislation; she voted for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in December 2009,
Josiah Gomez
I’m not sure how much Trump voters in Michigan care about these topics (namely the Trump voters who previously voted Democrat). Any thoughts?
Read up on your primary candidates and REMEMBER TO VOTE. If you live in Michigan, mark this date on your calendar and get family/friends out with you!! >Stabenow made a cameo in the 2016 Zack Snyder film Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice as the Governor of New Jersey, the state in which Gotham City is located in the DC Extended Universe.
“Michigan Trump voters care about jobs more than anything right now. Only state in the union that LOST population from 2000-2010, and that was because we got hit first and hardest by the recession due to the auto-collapse before it happened. That Michael Moore video where he talks about how people voted for Trump because they were fucked over for 30 years and they wanted to give a big middle finger to career politicians? Yeah that's pretty accurate. If you went into neighborhood bars when Trump was signing pro-miner XOs, or the day he tweeted at Ford and made them cancel a Mexico plant, there were people openly weeping. 500 manufacturing jobs is thousands in support/service jobs, and saves tens of thousands of people.
Stabenow is a bigger swamp monster than Hillary, she's been fucking up our state since the 70s. The easy win is to do like Trump did "she's got loads of experience, BAD experience" but it'll require a lot of help from Trump himself, and a good jobs outlook to unseat her”
>65 years old, generic career politician >first elected in 2006 with 56% of the vote, reelected in 2012 with 50.7% of the vote
Ohio is a state that went from voting for Obama in 2008 and 2012 to voting for Trump in 2016 with a pretty comfortable margin. Shitty Sherrod Brown knows he’s in deep shit. The Democrats know he’s in deep shit. They’ll be spending massive amounts of cash in this race, and so will the GOP.
>He voted in favor of the 2012 NDAA that sparked controversy over indefinite detention of US citizens
>Brown consistently votes in favor of gun control, which has earned him a "F" rating from the National Rifle Association (NRA). He has repeatedly criticized congress, Republicans, and the NRA for making little to no effort in gun law reform. >Brown supported the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, voting for it in December 2009 >In 2011, in the National Journal’s annual rankings, Brown tied with eight other members for the title of the most liberal member of Congress. >The Washington Post reported that no candidate running for reelection, save Barack Obama, faced more opposition in 2012 by outside groups. As of April 2012, over $5.1 million had been spent on television ads opposing Brown, according to data provided by a Senate Democratic campaign operative.
Juan Nelson
All that money against him in 2012 and he still won. Granted, Romney was at the top of the ticket in 2012 and the country has changed a lot since then, especially Ohio. It’s a state that went from voting for Obama at a 3% margin in 2012 to voting for Trump at an 8% margin in 2016.
Any thoughts? I’ve never been to Ohio but I know many Sup Forumsiticians live there. How big of an issue is gun control for Ohio Republicans? I’m sure Obamacare pissed off a lot of Ohio Democrat voters.
Primary Date May 8, 2018
If you live in Ohio, mark this date on your calendar. Read up on the primary candidates and get your friends/family out with you to vote!!
i just think it's too wordy, my dude. maybe focus on one race a night and talk about it
Chase Morales
The fire rises!
Henry Nguyen
this or a general for each state
Gavin Hall
>general for each state >/ptg/ plus five pages wall to wall of Congressional races That would be stupendously vulnerable to board sliding. Trumpgen worked because it was a single bunker that couldn't be slid due to HIGH ENERGY.
Gavin Butler
the issue is that we want to be able to affect the midterms in some way, which won't happen by dedicating a general on the day of the election
Daniel Butler
Bump, I responded to your thread yesterday as well user, keep up the good work.
>64 years old, generic lawyer turned career politician >first elected in 2006 with 49.6%, reelected in 2012 with 54.7%
Missouri is a solidly red state that Trump easily won. McCaskill faced someone named Todd Akin in 2012, who was under fire for making statements about how “legitimate rape” doesn’t cause pregnancy. It’s possible she would have lost in 2012 without that happening. Again, the country has changed quite a bit since 2012. This is going to be one of the easier battles, but one we still need to work hard at to win.
>McCaskill voted for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, popularly known as ObamaCare, in December 2009
>McCaskill has an "F" rating from the National Rifle Association (NRA) for her support of gun law reform
Missouri has a lot of gun loving southerners I’m guessing? Sounds like a point of vulnerability.
Any thoughts?
Primary Date August 7, 2018
Mark this date on your calendar. Read up on primary candidates, and remember to get your friends/family out with you to vote!!
(LOUISIANA CONGRESSIONAL ELECTIONS) November 6 (General) and December 8 (Runoff) (NO SENATE ELECTIONS) - HOUSE OF REPS SEATS Dist.1 - Steve Scalise (R- House Maj. Whip- no challengers) Dist.2 - Cedric Richmond (D- no challengers- D2 is a containment district for all the libtards in Baton Rouge and New Orleans. Unfortunately, he's not going anywhere unless another Dem wants to take him down) Dist.3 - Clay "Kill them all" Higgins (R- challenged by Phillip Conner-D and Josh Guillory-R. Unlikely to be unseated, very popular in his district) Dist.4- Mike Johnson(R- no challengers) Dist.5- Ralph Abraham(R- no challengers) Dist.6- Garret Graves(R- challenged by Justin Dewitt-D, might be a real challenge considering Baton Rouge is turning more and more blue. Will need support) - REGISTER TO VOTE: EARLY VOTING LOCATIONS: VOTING PRECINCTS: VOTING BY MAIL: - DON'T LET THE BLUE WAVE TAKE LOUISIANA
Ryder Hill
it's way too early. but here are some important factors:
>DNC has major anti-Trump momentum >this momentum is mostly confined to dense cities >DNC has big Senate disadvantage (more Dems up for election; more chances to lose) >DNC are acting like crazy communist shitheels >less than 25% of the public trusts the mainstream/DNC media
>RNC has major geographic advantage (House election has more hardcore RNC districts than DNC) >staunchest Trump support in these hardcore rural districts >RNC has tax bill (and possibly other future moves) that broaden appeal to "middle America" >pundits predict ~42% Trump approval keeps GOP majority in House and Senate
Jonathan Lopez
oh yeah, the thing is...many of the spergy piassed off anti Drumpf leftists who turn out to vote will end up voting in House districts that are already blue anyway
Levi Parker
Make a table of contents that has information linked to archive by state. Make a map and infographics to give a visual landscape. You can compile more complete and detailed analysis and just use this thread for General discussion. Deport them all.
Jayden Bennett
This. It has to be one thread. Each can have a theme tho - like a certain state each time
Kayden Taylor
Now this is some high - grade autism i like it
Nolan Kelly
Charles Peterson
>this momentum is mostly confined to dense cities >RNC has major geographic advantage (House election has more hardcore RNC districts than DNC)
Ryan Evans
Andrew Miller
>tfw would normally vote democrat for NEETbux >tfw they won't shut up with the anti-white SJW faggotry that ruined them in 2016 >tfw cucks are starting up with it again >tfw just don't vote for shit candidates cause don't like republicans >tfw cast few votes for moderate white democrats but they either lose to tranny cucks in the primaries or to republicans >tfw 3rd parties will never be big in the US I hate this desu
Isaiah Gonzalez
What's keeping you a NEET user ?
Ayden Hernandez
is there any benefit to being a mole registered Dem with the intention of derailing primary/caucus? asking for a friend
Jaxon Hughes
cis-gendered white male living in southern California >everyone hires niggers or illegal spics over whites >wages keep going down cause of this >people who still have enough money keep moving out of state cause fuck this place >tfw working class upbringing and too anxious to move out of state and couldn't afford anywhere that isn't a meth-ridden hick town >sjws everywhere shaming white males >college is a no go cause it'd be even worse >am bi but don't act like a raging stereotypical faggot so no one knows or cares so I can't use the queer card >already have social anxiety issues but no one wants to help me cause "lol no one's shy around here you're just weird XD"
Benjamin Foster
I agree. No one is reading this wall of text.
Justin Perry
Dylan Hill
Connor Mitchell
Caleb Thompson
Asher Smith
Nicholas Smith
Justin Martin
Republican Nancy Mace wins the state legislative election in South Carolina for district 99
Tyler Jones
good, I'm tired of hearing about how a Democrat winning a state legislative seat in a 'red area' means that there's going to be a blue wave
Nathan Wilson
Keep up the good work, but I think you should focus more on /ourguys/ in your posts rather than on Dems to take down. It is more motivating and will create more memes faster
Nathan Garcia
The next big special election we must win is in Pennsylvania's 18th congressional district on march 13th. This district outside Pittsburgh went for Trump by nearly 20 points but the democrats have a strong candidate. We need to campaign hard for Republican Rick Saccone and get as many people out to the polls to vote for him as possible. There are no Amish in the 18th district but it is over 90% white.
Aiden Gomez
I'll keep that in mind
Michael Gutierrez
Camden Martinez
In South Carolina, current District 28 congressman Eric Bedingfield is retiring. Republican Ashley Trantham will replace him since she is running unopposed.
Samuel Nelson
James Cruz
Carter Morales
Thanks for the update user.
Adrian Edwards
100% agree with this. We need to focus on the positives, our people, not the negatives democrats.
Owen Morgan
no problem. I enjoy what you are doing but until there are more individuals for people to rally behind in their own states it may be difficult.
Benjamin Jackson
Potential /ourguys/ list (still in progress):
>Alabama U.S. Senate U.S. House Bradley Byrne Martha Roby Mike Rogers Robert Aderholt Mo Brooks Gary Palmer
>Alaska U.S. House Don Young Arizona U.S. Senate Kelli Ward U.S. House Kevin Cavanaugh Martha McSally Andy Biggs David Schweikert Chris Sylvester Irina Baroness Von Behr
>Arkansas U.S. House Rick Crawford French Hill Steve Womack Bruce Westerman
>California U.S. Senate Timothy Charles Kalemkarian Caren Lancona Patrick Little Stephen Schrader U.S. House Doug LaMalfa Steven Castellano Yona Barash Tim Donnelly Jeff Denham Chase Demasi Ron Cohen David Valadao Kevin McCarthy Stephen Knight
These candidates need a more thourough vetting but they are our best best from what I have found so far. Working Alaphabetically through the states, feel free to add your states /ourguys/.
Isaac Hernandez
nice work FL user
Noah Carter
PA user all the way, thank though my dude.
Evan Jones
ah, I had you mixed up with someone else in the D i s c o r d
Jaxon Edwards
I’ve read through them all, it’s a bit wordy though. You should create a doc with this information, and focus on smaller, specific groups in each thread.
Nathan Fisher
Mind control tech used on Haitians, Iraqis, and maybe even YOU!!!
Tyler Campbell
that would be me very comprehensive list though, certainly better than anything I could have come up with
Carson Myers
woah, it's fucking nothing
unless you get enough to amend the Constitution
Zachary Garcia
VA Senate Republicans running in Primaries Corey Stewart[5] E.W. Jackson[6] Nick Freitas, state delegate[7] Ivan Raiklin[8] Ron Wallace[9]
I mean, if a miracle situation happens and we happen to get 2/3 of both chambers of congress it's possible, but it's not what we're shooting for. We need to get legislative achievements passed before 2020, a more sympathetic Senate and about the same House is needed for that.
Jacob Green
3rd US congress district currently occupied by Democrat Dan Lipinski is within reach for Republicans with the right candidate. Most of the district is outside of Chicago. This district has cornfields.
Carter Allen
thats the site I use to find them originally, but they each need researched, all posted from above have already been given a cursory vetting. thanks none the less.
Lucas Nelson
I have been building a site for this for the last month. OP/hosieranon/NYCbro who started this thread beat me to the punch(god bless em'). Hoping the site will be finished within a week. It will be a memetic ops site specifically for ourguys in 2018 and beyond.
John Murphy
yes, but the best we can do is come up with terms that make normies REEEEEE. if we posts a bunch of races, what do we do? start trying to dig up dirt?
Josiah Anderson
Good. It was NYCbro who made the thread btw.
Logan Howard
I'm in cali. Is it worth voting?
Hunter Taylor
yes, and meme ourguys often, we have proven we can sway the minds of the masses and get them to focus on specific things. This is the baseline dialogue to doing that on a decentralized nationwide scale.
Jonathan Parker
I've got a PasteBin going of the candidates we need to support. It's not complete, would appreciate any help.
Yes 100% even if your candidate has no chance. We want a strong showing across the board. If you can move to a red district please do so.
Luke Anderson
That's one way to go at it. We've had good psyops tactics during 2016, draftourdaugthers was gold, the attempt to make people think that you could vote online was pretty funny, there's a lot of ways to go at it. I want to make sure the info is out there and that by the time we're nearing the midterms that we've already got a fighting plan figured out. Also, individually, participate for political campaigns, inform friends to vote, make sure to get this out there.
John Walker
What district? (regardless, make sure to vote anyways)
Adrian Butler
Roy Moore's defeat in Alabama taught us a very important lesson. We need strong candidates, we have to campaign hard, and we absolutely have to get out the vote. The 2018 midterms will be a very difficult election for Republicans and it is imperative that we begin organizing and campaigning now. We cannot afford to get complacent nor can we afford to underestimate our opponents. Maintaining Republican majorities and in the House and Senate is necessary to continue the MAGA agenda. Register to vote today and and get at least five friends and family members to vote.
Winning Issues: >It's the economy stupid! This is the number one issue normie voters care about. It may not be our big issue but this issue transcends all other issues for at minimum a plurality of voters. People vote with their wallets. The Trump economy is booming and with the recently passed tax cuts there's much more growth to come. >Immigration This is the issue that decides all other issues. Our country is being flooded with poor, uneducated, overweight third world people right as we sit on the precipice of an automation revolution that will disemploy tens of millions of Americans. We do not need more immigration. We do not want more immigration. We did not ask for more immigration. It's time to shut it down and put Americans first! >White minoritization Whites are being turned into a hated minority in our own country. The key to Republican electoral victory is getting out the white vote. And the key to getting out the white vote is making sure whites understand what's at stake and the danger they face. We need to bait the left into publicly expressing their hatred of whites and further pushing white voters into the arms of the GOP.
A possible psyop we could think of is maybe a redux of the #NoWhiteDemocrats campaign. Get some sockpupppet twitter black accounts and screech at all the whites to try to scare them off to voting R.
Ian Clark
I like this idea
Gavin King
Or to attack white Democrats for being white. #DemocratsSoWhite. We need to alienate whites from the coalition of the ascendant.
Sebastian Hernandez
Any 'tail eating itself'-esque psyop is usually effective.
Juan Robinson
As for candidates themselves, we should 100% prioritize electability. Meme candidates like Arpaio are fun and all, but after Moore we certainly don't want to risk states that are competitive or safe. Ideally a house of representatives member with a great voting record would be someone we would run for office. It's unfortunate, but it's the way it is, the Senate should be completely winnable by using this tactic.
Austin Anderson
This 100%. And not only focusing on electability but also getting behind whichever candidate wins the primary. There are lots of open-borders Republicans but at the end of the day they aren't anti-white Marxists like every Democrat that would replace them. Losing the election in Alabama taught us a critical lesson when there was only one seat at stake instead all of the seats. Perhaps it was a blessing in disguise.
Dylan Howard
We can also use this Moore lesson to extrapolate something. No one is safe no matter how hardcore partisan the state is. Everything from Oklahoma to Massachusetts is fair game. One way we can use this to our advantage would be in Maryland. Bradley Manning intends to run for Senate there this season. If he gets to the primaries, that opens up interesting possibilities. If we can run a good R against him, potentially we can sneak that seat to our side for a good 6 years. If not, we get an utter progressive nutjob in the Senate who may soil the name of the Democrats for moderates.
Jayden Campbell
Gabriel Morgan
The Red Storm rises!
Adrian Jones
Of course. I know that Sup Forums was okay in supporting Moore in spite of the shills, but mainstream Rs certainly were knee-bending for miles. If you do that, the left walks all over you. Trump should've held a rally in Alabama before the election, that's a lesson he may have learned as well assuming he's not omnipotent and planned all this the whole time. Even McCain, as much as I hate him, still votes for Trump's judges.