>No user, YOU are the Naoki Urasawa's Monster
>No user, YOU are the Naoki Urasawa's Monster
>all those remarks about the jews
Aren't they in Germany? How did they get away with it?
>Aren't they in Germany?
>How did they get away with it?
It's a japanese series, they don't have to make the bad guys robots.
Yeah, but that's illegal im Germany. Say something about the jews? BAM! You go to jail and all your properties go to impoverished jews in wall street.
ITT: Overrated shit.
it's the same in america
Up to episode 58, why are three quarters of these episodes pure filler? Dragon Ball Z was never this bad.
When was this?
>Watching Monster instead of reading the manga that actually has decent pacing
Enjoy the inferior experience
Why do places like MAL and ANN masturbate to this schlock?
Because deep
But it has no depth
>When was this?
It's a Sup Forums meme.
Overrated shit, amirite guyse.
The ending is still SHIT
The story would've been better if the villain acted completely alone and not because he was some assassin created through stupid secret military experiments.
He wasn't an assassin though. He wasn't even created from experiments.
That was the entire end point.
Nothing bad ever happened to him. The only thing remotely bad was his uncertainty if his mother loved him or his sister more.
Nah not really
As long as you don't question the official story of the holocaust and don't incite violence against a group of people you should be alright.
I JUST finished this.
I liked it at first and everything was very mysterious and engaging, some of the characters where cool and it had some good feels.
But then it started to repeat itself and it just kept adding shit and muh goy-ichi-ichi and muh roberto and muh all lives are equal, all the mysteries turned out to have shit "expanations" and grimmer fucking sucked, the ending sucked too and every episode just becomes the same shit.
Literally went to shit so fast.
Why is it impossible to shows like this to ever deliver on their promising mysteries and shit? is there ANY show that does this?
I dont even want to watch LotGH now because i fear im gonna spend 120 episodes just to get fucked like this one, and then argue with fanboys who think its the tightest shit when it fucking sucked
Been wanting to watch this but nyaa's down
nyaa pantsu
Enjoy the journey, don't care about the resolution. Japanese story writing is like this.
From the guide "How to enjoy anime without being a faggot."
LotGH is a completely different experience from Monster. It doesn't rely on mysteries and doesn't have shit explanations. It does have its flaws though so you might hate it but you shouldn't skip it just because Monster failed you.
the first 53 episodes are 10/10
only thing that comes to mind when I see that picture is the "we're going to create an artificial anus" picture.
>I dont even want to watch LotGH now because i fear im gonna spend 120 episodes just to get fucked like this one, and then argue with fanboys who think its the tightest shit when it fucking sucked
There is literally no secret aside from some people who die in battle or causation of war. It's about politics, human struggle, and dealing with asking what really is the right thing.