How will the world react to disclosure?

Anyone who has done their research knows that the UFO phenomena is very real, and so is the misinformation campaign pushed by the military.

Recently, things have taken a turn. People are being more open about it, and the discussion is taking place and is more seriously considered.

If/when the government/military decide to disclose, what will the reaction of the populace be?

Other urls found in this thread:

everyone will say "I knew it all along" even though they didn't

Aliens exist, but the odds of them visiting us in space craft is next to none.

Until I see them land and leave their crafts I'm not buying it.

I think they ayys have already disclosed themselves.

We should let them immigrate

what are ufos then?


Hardly anything can be done. The New World Order already has complete control of it. They murdered Phil Schneider for talking about it in the 90s

they will bow down to their masters

UFOs are real, and for some weird reason all sightings happen near military bases. I have seen several and I live near a NATO base.

Why UFOs never abduct niggers?

>he thinks aliens use propulsion technology
You’re a retard

Whites will beg them to take us off the planet.

Angels & Airwaves sales will go through the roof. Later we will find out we were all duped by the disclosure.

actually that is a lie, they will rise up through the net and repeal any invading force.


secret tech but most likely hoaxes

The Alienbanians already live among us..., they have for millenia. Ever wonder why they are so mysterious?



They also probably murdered this guy for stumbling upon potential future plans.

My theory on these noises is that they are coming from within the planet.
Not sure it has much to do with UFO's however

Are you a fucking Jew?!

Why doesnt this man have an wikipeida page. When I search him it just redirect to "UFO conspiracy theory" on the wikipeia. What gives. What gives. That's my question.

>Anyone who has done their research knows that the UFO phenomena is very real

Give me one convincing video or whatever, from your """research""", dumb faggot

3 alien threads in one day. BlueBeam niggers are desperate

Joke's on you; we'll come back with spaceships and cleanse the planet.

Not here to discuss ifs/hurr prove theyre real.

UFO phenomena is easily verifiable by anyone who isn't toxically closed-minded out of fear their fwiends thinking they are weird :( :( :(

>German education on display

No wonder they can run shit like this on Kraut TV and you guys still vote in the same political party over and over again. Such absolute ignorance, baka.

Here's your disclosure:

OP is a faggot. OP is always a faggot.

One thing about ET life, is how superior they are. Its a crazy story, I know, but I once saw 3 tall greys 7-8 ft+ run across a field in Ontario almost like they were floating and disappear. They ran like deer at full speed and Im talking full speed, 40-50 mph with kinda glowing clothes with like an aura around them. Stop at the edge of the forest and disappear right there.

Ive seen more than enough to believe they exist. If anything with full disclosure we'll stop underestimating their capabilities.

A pretty ayyboi will never probe you, homo. Move along

Anyone who has done their research is open to the possibility that they are either demonic, or militarised and part of Blue Beam


They're only interested in intelligent life, thus cattle mutations.

>everything is a conspiracy
>nothing ever happens
>nothing is real

I heard them in the Rockies

topic of disclosure is extremely political

fuck off numb nuts


I was here when that image was first made and posted
And you're a faggot

I now understand why you like this topic so much.

>a fucking leaf believing in ufos talks about education

listen faggot. it has nothing to do with being "closed minded". it's just that every single ufo phenomena has been debunked. you're a naive moron if you actually believe, ufos are alien spaceships.
there are, without any doubt, aliens in the galaxy. but none have ever come to earth.

More than likely, it'll be an extremely hush-hush endeavor from the get-go, and we wouldn't hear about it for a very, very long time after it happened.
What we'd hear is the consumer-ready release, which will have next to no factual basis, and will have just enough to keep us in line with this newfound knowledge.
The sad reality is even if the ayys land right on the whitehouse lawn, every major military force would be upon it in femtoseconds to snatch the fuggers up and quite literally tear them to pieces to see what makes them tick.

Wow, want a cookie?

You will NEVER get disclosure.
The dark occult who hold the secrets of these visitors and run our society want an ignorant public.
Knowledge is power.

But they have been visiting for thousands of years.

mmm daddy

oh and btw shut the fuck up as long as you morons revote trudeau. you're the second worst liberal shithole right after sweden

>it's just that every single ufo phenomena has been debunked.
electrified plasma balls was the most realistic explanation... even though the report specifically noted that they are not trying to explain instances of apparently mechanical UFOs, just those that are balls of light and energy

This was a legit study done by a department of homeland security

Can you tell me which department, or what the name of the paper was? Done your research?

Kek how much more of a dumb reddit tier faggot can you be? Kys

How did you even come to that conclusion, you autist.
Genuinely curious

Thank you. I will definitely look into what happened to him. Schneider had one of his arms completely blown off and his hand on the other arm was missing some fingers from the incident at Dulce Base where over 30 people died. They try to say he hung himself but it's clearly not true. You should listen to this while you browse and whenever you can check the other youtube I'm about to post.

That site can be edited by anyone and definitely has information like what Phil Schneider explains. Their page on Bill Cooper is horrible too despite him being arguably the best source of information out here. He was also murdered without actually committing any crimes too. He was like a good version of Alex Jones, he called him out after being on his show once and Alex Jones never mentioned him again because he's a CIA shill.

Here's the best source of his videos, some of the others are quite out there:

No they haven't.


i love this man

>ufos are real


>thinks youtube videos and conspiracy websites are """research"""

get the fuck out of pol brainlet

go to youtube search ‘ufo' with latest date set to soonest. and look for videos in the 30 sec to 4 minute length and without purposeful thumbnails. theyre stirring, whatever they are.

Majortiy of the time its just hoaxes.

The real ones are always secret military aircraft being tested. All of them are created by human beings.

Of course they have.
Do some research on ancient civilizations, they even claim as such.

If not populated spacecraft then perhaps unmanned alien drones, secret government technology, or devices from another plane or dimension

>UFO phenomena is very real,
but what about her acid bleached emails?

And I'm not even talking about all of the megaliths that we could not even reproduce with our current technology.

They are either blacks ops military tech
Or holograms as part of blue beam
Or demons that change their nature
Or life from other planets and galaxies

But yes UFOs exist, perhaps if you actually went outside at some point you might see one for yourself


I am talking about actual studies, papers done by department of defence. Real studies done at a government military level and declassified through freedom of information.
Studies that state that the most realistic scenario is "electrified balls of plasma" for the light UFOs, specifically stating that they are not addressing UFOs that appear to be solid, mechanical.

The fact you dont know about what I am talking about means you are naive, ignorant, full of yourself. You frame it as youtube videos and crazies because you are the brainlet that actually has no foundation, nothing but derision.

total fucking brainlet.

Those digits. Checked

Oh yeah forgot to include this guy predicted 9/11 a few weeks before it happened and even knew they would blame it on Osama. Here's a video of him interviewing a girl who was sometimes abducted by Aliens (He points out this could all be massive psyop, still extremely interesting if you're into this, and also has interviews with Travis Walton and a Guy named G.C. Shellhorn who had experiences)

>it was the aliens goyim
>it wasn’t me


You're a dumbass kike that relies on memes to achieve consensus amongst a sea of retards and children

Great work, you're really making the most out of your life m8

Absolutely none of them claim they were visited by aliens.

Fuck off, kill yourself sodomite, nobody want's your bs. I have run through many shady conspiracy theories, I have shaved my teeth on those. I can judge character of people involved and came to the conclusion that you're full of shit. Even if they are there they don't care about us.

Coming from a person who believes in muh aliens.

>that time ayys put there disk down in my back yard and told me to turn on my water hose.
>I just did it like it was completely normal, what happened slowly set on on the following days.

Just report the thread.

He’ll get his ban.

UFOs exist. If you cant accept this, you're a facebook level brainlet. No one knows what they are, hence the name UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECT. Ufo != alien

Holy kek has Sup Forums fallen. Facebook tier normie retards posting swastikas as if its an invisibility cloak


You're making things up that literally can be disproven with google to satisfy your childish belief in aliens, but im lying...?

The use or suppression of UFOs is most definitely a political concept.

People are originally from Lyra

Ok, those things are from an age we know nothing about. Disclosure implies present meddling. If they were meddling presently they would have targeted kikels with some sort of disease already - did not happen, ergo they do not care.

Nobody cares.

those sounds aren't real.

>none claim
I take it you never heard of the Sumerians.
laughter helps with ignorance

Yeah except the people in this thread talking about it and the sad little fucks like you that seem to be assblasted (caring) over it without any sort of real justification. Keep posting swastikas like its your passport kek

>>pic related
right the fuck here

This might help em, was gonna put it in a redpill thread but it died.

Augmented age

ted x brain connections

mini brain growth

Ai to edit dna

robot rat

dna logic

synthetic life from dna

scary drones

real drones

supressed technology

internet/human limits met

Ai squad

scared woman

Planned Obsolescence

Demonetizing Everything



more things

space things

Unidentified Flying Objects

That all depends on the technological level and the intent of the aliens. This is what I see playing out:

SCENARIO I: Aliens carry hostile intent.
>Human-Alien War
>Religion dies worldwide
>Massive push for globalism

SCENARIO II: Aliens carry passive intent.
>Aliens become accepted as citizens in multiple nations
>Human-Alien diplomatic relations
>Divide over whether aliens should be accepted into society
>Mankind sees massive progress not only technologically, but in multiple other areas too
>Religion dies worldwide

Take your schizoprenia pills user
>Ok, those things are from an age we know nothing about
Are you retarded???
Im not gonna indulge in this nonsense further, but I will clarify that your image is from a cave where paintings were used often to depict religious themes and those figures are supposed to be spirits, not aliens you idiot.

There are no aliens. They simply do no exist. Alien life forms have never visited this planet.

Sorry top one is it, plus a few others:
This is his stuff about UFOs. Personally I like his information on the NWO and government, he wen't to discredit a lot of this stuff and claim it was to deceive people and confuse those on the right track about the NWO but are still extremely interesting none the less.

General McCasland

>General McCasland

>He mentioned he's a "skeptic", he's not. I've been working with him for four months. I just got done giving him a four hour presentation on the entire project a few weeks ago.
>Trust me, the advice is already been happening on how to do all this. He just has to say that out loud, but he is very, very aware- as he was in charge of all of the stuff. When Roswell crashed, they shipped it to the laboratory at Wright Patterson Air Force Base. General McCasland was in charge of that exact laboratory up to a couple years ago.
He not only knows what I'm trying to achieve, he helped assemble my advisory team. He's a very important man.

>Best, Tom DeLonge

This is McCasland’s bio on the United States Air Force website.

>Maj. Gen. William N. McCasland is the Commander, Air Force Research Laboratory, **Wright-Patterson Air Force Base**, Ohio. He is responsible for managing the Air Force's $2.2 billion science and technology program as well as additional customer funded research and development of $2.2 billion. He is also responsible for a global workforce of approximately 10,800 people in the laboratory's component technology directorates, 711th Human Performance Wing and the Air Force Office of Scientific Research.

Just report the thread. It’s a conspiracy and belongs on /x/.

Get this faggot banned.

Agreed. The first ones were taken right out of The War of the Worlds. Then the others seem like the people are basically acting, with the sounds be added in after.
>Re: Invitation: DeLonge/Podesta Meeting @ Mon Jan 25, 2016 10:30am - 11:30am ([email protected])


>[email protected]

>[email protected]

>[email protected]


>[email protected]

>Michael Carey

Rob F. Weiss

>Executive Vice President and General Manager of Aeronautics Advanced Development Programs at **Lockheed Martin** Corporation since July 29, 2013. Mr. Weiss served as an Executive Vice President of Global Sustainment at Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Co. since October 2008 until July 2010.

>He also served as Executive Vice President and General Manager of Aeronautics Operations, which included responsibility for Technical Operations, Production Operations, Supply Chain Management, Information Systems & Technology and Quality. He served as Aeronautics Executive Vice President for Global Sustainment, where he was responsible for the $3 billion logistics, maintenance and aircraft modernization lines of business. He is a retired U.S. Naval Reserve Captain who served as an aircraft carrier-based S-3 Viking pilot prior to joining Lockheed Martin. Mr. Weiss is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy and holds a master's degree in Systems Management from the University of Southern California.

Those noises are not ayys .
It's Harp .
Harp/Darpa running those microwave antenna fields blasting the ionosphere
Those waves react with particulates in the earths envelope.
The particulates are iron/nickle meteorites and micro meteorites
Every day the earth is bombarded with millions of tons of space debris/ meteorites, they are iron/nickle that metallic dust is vibrated at high resonance/frequency
The vibrations of all that metal dust is similar to running a wetted finger around rim of Chrystal glass.
Man made byproduct

>religious, spirits
And how else would primitive people interpret advanced beings?
These bullshit excuses that have been used for the past 70 years are not working on intelligent open minded people anymore.

Major General Michael Carey

>Special Assistant to the Commander, **Air Force Space Command**, Peterson Air Force Base, Colo. He assists the commander in organizing, equipping, training, and maintaining mission-ready space and cyberspace forces and capabilities for North American Aerospace Defense Command, U.S. Strategic Command and the other functional and geographic combatant commands with missile warning, positioning, navigation and timing, communications and cyber capabilities. The command oversees Air Force network operations; manages a global network of satellite command and control, communications, missile warning and space launch facilities; and is responsible for space system development and acquisition.

>Prior to his current assignment, he was Commander, 20th Air Force, Air Force Global Strike Command, and Commander, Task Force 214, U.S. Strategic Command, Francis E. **Warren AFB**, Wyo.

above quotes are from his USAF public bio:

You should check out what Manly Palmer Hall claimed about mankinds history, especially what he said about Native American predecessors.