how many times have you rewatched this scene by now?
How many times have you rewatched this scene by now?
Probably hit 30 by now. I've waited for this moment for years and I'll be damned if I don't savor it.
Such a stupid scene. At least the moment after it was great.
About 100. No joke. Pure kino.
Is the track played when they transform in the S1 OST or is it new to S2? I think it sounded like a remix of a S1 track.
You can literally spot the moment the entire series starts going downhill
I sense you havn't even watch this episode, but will claim it, just to shit post.
Go ahead, prove me right.
No, I'm pretty sure Kino is Sup Forums.
It's a remix if the track from when Eren's mom is eaten. vogel im kafig I think, bird in a cage.
Secondary here. Why is this so important?
A lot I love the soundtrack when they transformed into titans
10 times. Will watch another 10 times too.
when will you do it?
Saw it once on YouTube because I was just curious as to how the anime would do it
It wasn't bad but you redditors are raving over it far too much.
>watching it in 360p 10fps on youtube without all the buildup from the entire episodes/previous scenes is completely the same thing
We're the redditors?
Yes, you are the redditor.
dumb frogposter.
>We're the redditors?
>posting frog
Kek, biggest own goal in the history of Sup Forums.
baka kaeru poster
that samefag
>reddit spacing
>doesn't know how Sup Forums works
>that desperate attempt to hide the fact he is retarded
Stop it. You would have been more wise if you hadn't post this.
right, samefag
about 6-8 times, I am so glad they didn't ruin the reveal, it was glorious in the manga, and its glorious when animated
this thread is turning into a shit show, but I did go back to get pic related
Does this mean there will be finally something that happens, or will it be another flash back episode?
This part was really cool.
There is literally no character in the series that's worse than Reinmong.
Prove me wrong. Pro tip, you cant.
No, you really are retarded. At least three of those posts were by three different people. Anyone who wasn't a newfag would know how to tell. In addition, at least the first post you just quoted was someone new to the discussion.
Eren vs Reiner and everyone vs BerTOLD
You're being baited. Stop replying.
Levi, Eren and Mikasa are all terribad characters.
Once and then I deleted the file like I always do.
bert is moe so it's ok
whats the big deal about this fucking "revelation"
I mean the scene was well done but i fucking knew about them being those titans as soon as they were introduced in season 1
Complete and utter showfag with no spoilers i figured that shit out instantly, and when eren became a titan it was more than 100% confirmed
why is everyone but me so fucking retarded?
jesus fuck is that the actual manga ilustration? i guess ive been spoiled by berserk and jojo nut that just looks like absolute ass.
It has to be some sort of mspaint knockoff right?
Anime made it obvious. You're not special.
Please tell me that is not a serious release. It can't possibly be serious.
Zero cuz I am not an animeonlyfag
>giant tall titan
>armored titan with hair
>introduces 2 characters, one with exact same hairstyle as armored titan and best friend who is freakishly tall
it doesnt take a fucking genius
>Implying this wont be the best scene in the entire anime when we get to it.
It's more of the nonchalant and casual way of how Reiner revealed everything, like he's talking about the weather or what they're having for dinner. Even with people walking within earshot, that motherfucker straight up doesn't give a fuck.
Wow you're so smart user you sure showed us dumbasses with your superior intelligence.
>mfw I hadn't been spoiled and this came as a surprise to me
>I had always assumed those two titans stayed outside the walls after transforming back
>if not for the flashbacks I wouldn't have connected the dots
>I'd have assumed Reiner was going full PTSD and just spouting nonsense
You guys really know how to make a guy feel dumb. Perhaps I should.
Don't feel bad. What's fun is going back and seeing that all the signs were there but you just didn't notice it.
Of course not you twits. It's the actual art but it's been compressed and jpged all to hell and the translation is a ravage in the style of DUWANG.
Well, I didn't manage to connect the dots when I was reading manga, so that makes two of us.
I did. And I'm amazed at how utterly shit the animation and music are for a budget that high.
Also that fucking campy rock music that starts in the middle of that dramatic singing voice. I chuckled.
>Implying we'll ever get to it
I lost count honestly, i can't get enough of Reiner's voice acting in that whole exchange, it's so delusional sounding.
It hurts because it might be true.
We'll see it in 2021. It's not like you're not going to be still watching shows until then.
Is this thread ironic or do people actually think that doing stuff casually and almost off camera is great?
I mean, it follows the logic of the caracter losing it, but instead of an impactful revalation the effect on the reader is "nani?"
About a hundred. Also posting Bert about to bite his hand in last week's episode.
The rest of the season is good stuff right before the boring political arc that mercifully won't even be animated this season.
>Hosoya's voice
It was like that in the manga too. Really sudden and casual. You're supposed to react "nani?", just like Eren was.
The real impact of the revelation comes after, with Reiner casting off his injury as easily as removing his sling. You know, when the music picks up.
Anime probably made it clearer than the manga. Also obvious in hindsight since it's the worst kept manga spoiler.
So he's crying like a bitch at changing on top of the wall but he's ready to do it right there without Reiner leading him on?
what episode? Im about to start watching S2 but want to watch this scene if it's in S1.
Never watch it, it was shit when Sup Forums was into it,was worse when it got an anime and people made retarded memes on miss translations
>Watching it in reverse
His life kinda depends on it in that scene. Besides, they didn't know that the SL already knows about them at the top of the wall. And to add, it's the same titan that ate their friend.
I got it when Annie was confirmed a titan
but it was totally based around Reiner and the Armored Titan looking alike
In the manga I never actually noticed the armored titan, so I didn't remember him or what they were talking about.
This scene was so out of place really. It was obvious that the author hit a wall and didn't know how to advance his story.
I get that it's intentional.
But it's just, why.
It really isn't.
In the manga the armored titan first appeared skinny as fuck. It wasn't nearly as obvious as the anime made it.
But it is.
Why was Reiner whining about almost dying 2 times when the first time was a coordinated ruse with Annie?
1. Reiner's going bonkers
2. it's about time to continue the plot
3. Eren's the MC and needs a fight
4. the casualness adds irony
It's not
He has a split personality disorder.
It is though.
Because he's fucking dissociating and struggles at determining moment per moment whether he's a Marleyan warrior or a Survey Corps soldier.
It's not. Scene is equally as retarded in the manga so they got it just right.
He's got split personality and lives in this delusion that he's not a titan and actually a regular soldier with everyone else.
But with Annie he purposely took his hood off before attacking so she would recognize him, and then told her Eren's location, meaning he acted completely with the intention of sabotaging the mission from the beginning.
Jesus christ retard. You keep spouting shit you don't know about. Don't reply to ME ever again
But the scene was indeed out of place.
And at the moment on the wall he is dissociated and perceiving himself as if that didn't happen, as if he were a loyal Survey Corps member who narrowly escaped a deathgrip.
>>mfw I hadn't been spoiled and this came as a surprise to me
>>I had always assumed those two titans stayed outside the walls after transforming back
>>if not for the flashbacks I wouldn't have connected the dots
>>I'd have assumed Reiner was going full PTSD and just spouting nonsense
Don't listen to them, it's easy to figure out, but only if you are willing to sit and think about it. If you are just watching a show in one go, without dwelling on the plot too much, you can easily miss all the clues.
Maybe you don't understand how split personality works.
Man, Isayama really sucked at drawing buildings back then. Just clean, endless blocks of windows and roofs with no features whatsoever.
It's done to partray the fact that Reiner has completely lost it, and it's really sudden not only to teh audience, but to Bert and Eren (who already had his suspicions) as well