I was browsing Sup Forums at university today when all of a sudden i hear the squeaky fire door open up behind me and a...

I was browsing Sup Forums at university today when all of a sudden i hear the squeaky fire door open up behind me and a rather large short haired xer walked through into the computer lab. I saw xer small dark, beady eyes look aggressively around the room, scanning for anything that xe might take offense to, then suddenly they snapped to my monitor, the anime and swastikas alerted xer right away, xer shitlord alarm went off! Waddling over to me with a huff and a puff, pins clinking and clanking together, ripped pantyhose streching to the breaking point under the pressure of xer's girthy legs, at least a foot in diameter. Xe comes up to behind me and stand with hands on xer hips, "GET OUT." xe screamed at the top of xer lungs at me. "GET THE %@$& OUT OF THIS LIBRARY!" I was stunned, mentally i had thought i was prepared for this, but once confronted with it in person I buckled: "uhh M-ma'am I'm just browsing some anime f-forums" I stumbled with the words, intensely cowed by xer powerful oderous presence. "I KNOW WHAT THAT SITE IS IT'S THE Sup Forums AND I KNOW YOU ARE A N*ZI! GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE LIBRARY BEFORE I CALL FOR MUSCLE!"
I didn't know what to do, so I apologised, quickly logged off the computer grabbed my binder and pencils and left, forgetting my recharger cord for my cellphone attached to the computer.

I wasn't ready for xer, Sup Forums and i folded under pressure, now I feel like a shell of a man, thinking I should just an hero.

i hope you don't get suspended for browsing Sup Forums, user. kinda surprised the admin didn't firewall the site
>hate site/hate speech



You will be rewarded for your cowardice.

Why does the Hat have the symbol of the inquisition and horns?


y-you tell me user

You should have said you are browsing for an assignment for a gender studies class.

just glancing over this post you don't think anyone will actually read that do you? green text stories mate

wew fancy sorry im too much of an oldfag

thought the pic related was bait and not you, that makes sense why you folded, because you are a feminine woman, while that thing was probably a masculine dyke, since you actually kept your femininity and naturally you avoid confrontation, you just have to be more clever and never apologize for being red pilled


Based leaf back with the bantz

Meanwhile , I fart up your leaf nostrils with great pleasure.






n-no user spare me!

plus, another reason why the Xer got really mad, is because you break the stereotype, that the only people who browse Sup Forums is racist basement dwelling straight white males, which is their way of rationalizing how bad they are losing in this culture war