Happy Piccolo Day
Happy Piccolo Day
Hey, thanks, doc. I don't need another until next year?
thank you doctor
How come nobody inuniverse seems to remember him?
Really his reign was what, a couple of hours? And everybody he/his minions killed were wished back too. which helps reduce the lasting impact. And he was at least remembered three years later, it took a bit but people freaked and ran out at the 23rd budokai once they recognized Jr. after his turban and cape got blown off.
Also didn't Dog King at least notice Goku at the Cell games and remember Piccolo's defeat? I forget if he noticed Jr. or not.
>Also didn't Dog King at least notice Goku at the Cell games and remember Piccolo's defeat? I forget if he noticed Jr. or not.
Nope, nobody ever noticed Jr. ever again except for the Bukodai announcer, the only person with any memory or basic deduction skills.
Miss this art-style.
Thanks doc, for yet another Piccolo day
reminder that if Piccolo resurrected him and fused with him, he'd be right around Super Buu-level
>resurrected him
Piccolo IS him.
Ma-Junior is LITERALLY a reincarnation. For fucks sake he explicitly reveals during 23rd Tournament that he's a reincarnation with all the memories of the original Daimao.
Also Thread Theme:
Don't believe people telling you today it's Goku day
Much appreciated, physician.
more like happy pindick day LOL
All hail King Piccolo!
Why doesn't the doc just soawn eggs to fuse wth continously? Did jr not get that ability or does he need to be fertilized?
Everyone forgot about Buu too despite actually seeing fat Buu killing millions of people.
Now they're all cool with him.
Lore reason: the Jr reincarnation is configured purely for combat as a Warrior-type Namekian, Daimao was split from the original Dragon-type Namekian which have magic abilities but are inferior in combat
Real reason: It would make Piccolo overpowered and was conveniently forgotten
I think only very few Namekians have that ability.
Only King Piccolo and Guru were able to create life so far.
thanks doc
That's different, they actually used the Dragon Balls to make everyone forget Buu. As far as the population knows, one day all the evil people just vanished off the face of the Earth.
>have a doctors appointment on Piccolo day
Enjoy your dose user, for best effects I recomment going to your doctor in dark blue spandex with white latex gloves and white wellies. Also make sure to dye your hair black and apply healthy amount of hairgel to make it spike up.
Then you will be properly prepared for your appointment.
Happy Piccolo day lads. The leader that the world needed.
Thanks doctor
When piccolo joined the martial arts tourney (7 years after cell games), he specifically requested to be addressed as ma jr to prevent panic
Yep he'd prolly at mystic gohan (or slightly weaker) level. He's certainly strong as goku at SSJ3 tho
Ma Jr is piccolo's facsimile. A perfect clone. Alas, it's not him
Also, the original dragon race (not those pariahs in new namek because they're literally Guru's clone), must've have more latent potential than Saiyan or frieza race
Agreed, I don't like how shiny and plastic the artstyle looks nowadays
Prolly only original dragon race had that ability
>perfect clone
There is no Piccolo Daimao in hell, Ma Junior literally has all of Daimao's memories. Kami himself treats him like Daimao himself, contrary to your TeamFaggotShill headcanon, he is LITERALLY a reincarnation of Daimao, not a clone.
Basically his body is physically Daimao's son, but his spirit and consciousness are those of Daimao.
Why is the image mirror flipped?
Thanks doc
How do you know there's no piccolo daimao in hell right now?
Garbage online scans since I'm too lazy to take a pic of my volume. No clue why they're that low quality/mirrored.
Thanks, doc
>my birthday is on piccolo day
is this good or bad?
Then why did baby Piccolo refer to Daimao as "father"?
Because not a single of the Hell fillers showed him despite ALL the villains being there, the same goes for movies and the same goes for GT and there's far too much dialogue from Piccolo himself that makes is abundantly clear that he's the same Piccolo just in a new body.
Do you seriously have that much of a problem with him being a reincarnation? I'd like to remind you that he wasn't even evil per se, just born from all the negative thoughts of Kami, making him Yin to Kami's Yang. This is further reinforced by showing Kami himself a being "good" actually also being very biased, overzealous and deeply flawed.
Only by reuniting with Kami during the Cell Arc did he finally achieve balance again with Yin and Yang becoming whole again.
Because biologically he technically was.
>has a hole
>for some reason he can pull a egg out?
Why did Kami not die when King Piccolo did but then dies every time his son does?
Because like everyone in here already said, Piccolo Jr. is a reincarnation of King Piccolo. It's not his son, it's literally him in a new body.
Yeah but why did King dying not kill Kami while his son dying did?
Because his "son" is Piccolo and he spawned the "son" before he died. He literally spits out the egg and proceeds to explode (and not simply drop dead) because him existing as Daimao and Ma Jr would literally be an existential paradox.
I legitimately blame all this "son" bullshit on bad American dubs (with bad translation) and TeamFaggotShill stupidity.
Post below yours.
Because he didn't die. He basically just changed bodies.
>tfw remember last years thread
Time is going too fast ;_;
But if he could do that why didn't wish for something better?
Because Dragon Ball always had poor writing.
it was in his shoulders, look at those massive delts
For the same reason someone would wish for eternal youth instead of growing a clone that will be implanted with all of their memories. As far as we know that still wouldn't be you. It'd be someone else who thinks they're you.
Happy Piccolo Day!
Thanks doc.
Spitting out eggs weakens you
That's one of the reasons king piccolo was so weak compared to his original form.
They comment a few times on how much splitting lowers your power.
If that's the case why are there still poachers and bandits?
Guys, it's easy
Piccolo daimao knew his dragon clan self wouldn't be able to win if goku got any stronger, so he created piccolo jr, and passed all his memories and powers to him, connecting him and kami (like how subsequent kaioshin become connected to their GoDs)
Piccolo isn't a perfect clone of his father, but because he has his memories and power, he sees himself as the reincarnation.
But the ability to produce eggs is what allowed the transfer of all his power and memories.
There's no piccolo in hell because we never see hell in canon until frieza.
Cause they're not evil
Evil means motivated primarily by a desire to harm.
Not greed.
Thanks doc
>/f/ is kill
>It's Piccolo day
This is gay
From this day forward I will randomly destroy a board every year
>has to wait an entire year between destroying boards
You're getting soft old man.
>Goku is fine with hanging around people who genocide millions, Buu, Piccolo, Vegeta, etc
>Won't bring back his brother which could help bring back his species more and the only worst crime he did was kidnapping
Goku has weird priorities.
Are we really watching the villains instead of the heroes in Dragonball all along?
Raditz is a savage who would never find redemption.
Not quite. He hangs out with ex-villians provided they helped mamoru his nakama.
Raditz never got the chance to. Poor lad.
He was willing to redeem Freeza but he was too caught up on his MUH REVENGE to truly be rehabilitated.
At the very least Frieza could have been civil and left the Nameks + Earthlings alone and ruled his galaxy. But nooo, I have to beam that monkey.
Piccolo Day is may 13th or damn dirty dub watchers.
>Tfw no episode about Frieza and Piccolo being reduced to nothing but glorified baby sitters for Pan
Could've been as great as the driving lessons episode
Thx doc
>Tfw no episode about Frieza and Piccolo being reduced to nothing but glorified baby sitters for Pan
Why does God hate us so much?
>dat Dead Zone riff
Never fails to get me hyped
Thanks doc
You're haven't seen anything. It gets gayer from here.
Is that a marijuana pipe?
And Nappa.
Sure, he was a brute. But Vegeta was pretty much the most evil of the trio. If he managed to redeem himself, the other two could have also done it.
Namekians were a space-faring race before the calamity on Namek hit. But the circumstances around that have always been vague, I mean climate change manages to kill off all but one of the people on the planet?
What the fuck is this
Thanks doc you too.
It's pretty old, I want to say it will have been a decade next year.
Stupid Overly-specific wish granting dragon.
Happy Piccolo Day to you too.
how new are you?