Should PoCs sentences be adjusted for past injustices?
Should PoCs sentences be adjusted for past injustices?
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They should get the chair
Yes, they should actually be more severe. It could be way worse for them, yet there they go, being 13% of the population but 50% of the murderers.
Absolutely. Extend their sentences every time they commit another injustice. If they haven't learned by the fifth or sixth time through the court, death sentence or expulsion to California.
I thought they wanted equal rights. So no
They should be adjusted for past crimes, the more bikes you steal the harsher the sentences should become, by the third bike it should be an automatic life sentence.
they should get higher
3 years isn’t enough for stealing a bike.
Why don't you not fucking steal in the first place?
Stop stealing bikes then you fucking niggers
Repeat offenders should be jailed for good. Canada's retardedly soft on criminals it's unreal. Habitual offenders should be rid of all together. Ship them to an island or the artic circle or whatever I don't care.
So do the blacks want whites to receive a level of punishment that they perceive as equal or do they just want to receive in their opinion less harsh punishments? They don't make it very clear.
don't steal a bike
have they considered not stealing the bike?
Boons just want to suck their teeth and call things unfair and racist even when it's 100% fair and their fault.
Yes, if they have a criminal history they should be jailed longer.
They be rayciss
i dont steal bikes so i wouldnt know
No doubt
High jail sentences is cruelty. They literally can't help themselves. The most humane solution is deportation.
I can't help feeling like this is an easy situation to avoid getting into.
Khazar milkers will be the end of me
We’re doomed
Why even sentence them? Just send them and their entire extended family back to africa where they belong. You don't even have to land, just give them a parachute and throw them out. Good luck and don't come back.
Find a flaw.
Proposed by niggers
Thread theme:
In the good old days you'd string em up
>tresspassing, disorderly conduct, and public alcohol consumption are not a threat to public safety
Policing of "Broken Windows" offences actually works really well. It costs more money to pay people to go after murderers and armed robbers when it's cheaper and more efficient to stop the problem before it starts. I think in the NYC subway they started arresting fare jumpers, like in the 80s, and it was great for cops because they would find people with warrents for arrest, hidden weapons, hidden drugs, etc. The crime rate plummeted as a result.
"Liberal logic" - punishing crimes is oppression.
If you are going to say niggers just say niggers
Fucking normie you either get the fuck out or stop shitting up the board
PoC should be immune to all criminal charges. It’s not right that we force our laws on them generation after generation from the moment we stole their ancestors from their fledgling utopias. Every white person in America should be forced to not only see Black Panther but they must bring and pay for at least three black people with them to see it.
I don't get why he's complaining most black people love jail and it's seen like a rite of passage similar to college for middle class white people. I mean seriously they get to hang out with all their friends, play basketball, and have all the guilt free anal sex their homophobic street culture keeps shaming them for, and it all comes with free room and board!
Also there should be inter prison basketball leagues, they'd blow the NBA out of the water in viewership.
if you steal white man's motorbikes, you get white man's stick
hell no. they should be increased and if they get more than 3 felonies no matter what they are, they should get the death penalty.
Don't steal a bike. Be a cool monkey instead.
I agree. Just chop off a hand like they used to do.
The recidivism rate for Black males is higher than White males. They get more time for committing the same crimes because they keep going back there.
you should be shot for stealing a bike
it doesn't even enter their heads to not steal a bike.
yes you can get punished for stealing things thats how laws work
Reminder that nigs are the biggest crybabies.
>make a thread about it
kys nigger obsessed cuck
You are your own person and your crimes are your own.
>how to reduce property values by 90% in a single month
>getting punished for a crime is the same as racial oppression
the mind-set of these niggers is astounding
Yes every nagger caught committing a crime should be assumed to be pure nagger criminal robot and lynched immediately no matter the crime.
make them more severe for all the money they owe us
put those shackles back on and pay off those gibs in cotton like they were born to
If you steal a bike from me you get a fucking bullet.
>3 retweets, 5 likes
You guys are looking for reasons to be upset.
This really made me think OP. Has anyone actually seen or heard of a white person stealing a bike? It's a very niggerly crime.
What are some other ones?
Trespassing should always be enforced. WTF?
they already get an abnormal about is suspended sentences....
idk, if they do it's just for the instant resell. Niggers steal them for the bike itself, which makes you think why don't they just go all out and steal a car?
Yes. To make up for past injustices their sentence should always be death.
Meanwhile I'm white and have never stolen a bike. Play nigger games, win nigger prizes.
fuck off racist
Isn't it obvious? Stealing a car without having the key takes intelligence, then you have to get a new license plate, false documents etc.
Niggers are entirely inept to be able to do that, Mexicans have somehow figured it out and white people, aside from slavs, have no need to do it.
Doesn't include public urination and defecation.
Doesn't fucking work. If you steal 3 bikes you should be hanged for being a thief.
Prison costs a grotesque amount of money, doesn't reform people (because punishment only truly works if it is inflicted immediately after the offense is committed), and causes a lot of mental anguish to the imprisoned. And for what, so we can sugar coat the un-personing of undesirables? That's fucking retarded, if we can't stomach killing feral humans we shouldn't be locking them up for $100k/yr for the next 5 decades. Personally, that doesn't give me piece of mind and I don't get how people are okay with this
It's called a prior conviction. Something people do not understand the concept of. Priors show recidivist activity.
agreed on crybabies.
them stopping him was bullshit.
fuck racism.
Don't steal bike. Apparently they think it's oppressive to be told not to steal, as if consequences of their actions offends them.
>what is the matter it is just stealing or whatever user.
Isn't it pretty clear they have little to no morality?
That was uncalled for.
look at his profile picture
notice the tone of his skin
dont ship them here. we full.
Thieves should have their hands cut off.
Why wouldn't trespassing be enforced lmfao.
Also if you are in a public place, why are you spitting like a demented llama? Niggers really are retarded.
A white person can go their entire life without stealing because it is wrong to do. A black person can steal something many times during his life and if caught pretend that YOU are bad for having a problem with it and for catching and punish them. And ask you why you have a problem with it like they don"t understand why it is bad or wrong. THAT is why niggers go to jail so much.
>Should PoCs sentences be adjusted for past injustices?
Yes. They should get life for lifting a candy bar because of everything else they have done, like stealing bikes, tvs or money.
Animals have a better understanding of right and wrong than these "people" do.
>do not threaten public safety
>Each is a pretext for a potentially violent confrontation
>Bystanders cannot possibly be caught in the crossfire
Blacks truly are incapable of understanding the cause-effect relationship aren't they?
>Blacks truly are incapable of understanding the cause-effect relationship aren't they?
For the longest time i didn't get it, i just thought wow what a fucking stupid individual. Now i understand it far better. Blacks have much lower morality and less cause effect understanding. Is why they act so irresponsibly, you can also see why by studying african languages who don't even have such concepts.
Essentially it's this. let's take stealing but it's also other things. To a nigger, stealing isn't wrong, it's only wrong if you get CAUGHT. This ofcourse lands them in massive contact with law enforcement all the time, since stealing is wrong/against the law regardless if they get caught or not. This is when they go dindunuffin in police videos etc. Basically what it means is whenever a nigger has an opportunity to steal something, they don't go in their mind, i can't do this this is wrong. If they think they can get away with they will. I think this also goes for other things, including lying which i've also seen, they don't see it as wrong to lie to accomplish something, but being caught in a lie is the wrong part. Murder, perhaps not even wrong either i've seen that in some crime cases where they get convicted and are crying like they are the victim after stone cold murdering someone. So it's very obvious why they have so much contact with law enforcement and go to jail so much.
>past injustices
I don't care what crimes their ancestors committed, they should only have to serve their full sentence.
To sum it up better in the nigger mind it seems the logic is this.
>It's not wrong to do x, it's only wrong if you get IN TROUBLE for doing x. So if you can do x, and it benefits you somehow, and get away with it. Hey man it's cool.
This is ofcourse the DIRECT OPPOSITE of the way we think. To us, it's wrong to even think about doing something like that, and if we do it weither we get caught or not it's still wrong. Not to them.
When you try to parse the logic of how they behave you can see how well that fucking fits, it's almost scary. So in other words it's only when they are afraid of doing something wrong that even remotely deters them. And even then if they have the opportunity they will still do it. In african societies almost all punishment is immediate and corporal for i believe the same reason so they are afraid of the stick. Executed by the tribal elders. Because otherwise they don't think or feel it's wrong to do if they can get away with it. I don't think they feel bad in the same way as others do. Only problem they have with it is when they get caught. Then it's
>awww maan i wuz a gud ked i was turning ma life around.
Things they think they are expected to say that they heard others say. But don't really mean.
Niggers are opportunist thieves. If they see a bike unlocked, they take it, ride off like "Ahs got sme a baaahhhck, look at me!"
Mexicans are organized. Where I went to college, mexicans would go to campus the first month, with bolt cutters, and clear out every bike rack outside the dorms. Fuckers got my bike that way. Cops said "They're over the border by now, no way you're getting it back, have your parents file a claim with your insurance."
Mexicans are smart. Niggers are dumb. And, they get CAUGHT stealing a bike, which should be the easiest thing in the world, the thing you're stealing is the getaway vehicle! Granted, most of the stolen bikes by niggers are crack heads, who will try to sell the bike back to the owner. "That's ain't yo bike, gimme 200 dollah"
Fucking racist! Stop using jew terms.
Because that line of logic only applies to whites who have no criminal background rather than repeat offended ghetto blacks.
And so by that logic it makes perfect sense why they want to try to negotiate for reducing punishments. Since the lower the punishment it is, the more opportunistic they can be. It's not wrong to do for them it's the punishment they dislike. I've seen example of ghetto niggers to also niggers graduating from university in the US arguing that it should be for instance ok to steal from wallmart or whatever in the US. Doesn't make sense till you understand their logic. Muh slavery and muh oppression is just a negotiation gambit they use to try as a tool to negotiate with.
No. Niggers should be deported to Africa upon any arrest.
think what you're talking about is shame and guilt, shame is what you feel when you do something wrong and someone see's you do it, guilt is when you feel bad when you do something wrong and no one is there to see it
Should pocs stop committing crimes?
Absolutely not. What should happen however, is that whites are given equal sentences for the same crimes. Being given tougher sentences over whites is arguably their greatest leverage for gaining sympathy bux. If whites got equal sentences the ENTIRE narrative of institutionalized racism and oppression would crumble to pieces.
waste of a parachute
I like how it doesn't even occur to him that his "people" could simply not steal.
How fucking hard is it to just not steal shit, niggers?
Notice they don't even consider just not committing crime, it's always how hard done by they are by being held accountable to the same standards as the rest of the modern world.
I have a $1500 bike, I'm very ok with 6mo-3yrs if someone steals it.
>past injustices
You mean prior conviction?
We already do that.
>think what you're talking about is shame and guilt
Yeah that's another way to put it, but i think it's deeper than that. They can't put themselves into the position of the one they stole from and such things. It's only wrong if somebody does it to them. And even then they might consider it their own fault for not hanging on to it better. An argument I've seen used a lot by them too.
>I like how it doesn't even occur to him that his "people" could simply not steal.
I don't think they see it as wrong it's only bad that they get punished for it, this is why they don't get that.
Here's an example.
First example in video
>dindu steals bike, caught on video, apprehended by police officers down the road.
>no guilt or remorse, first attempt, lie, second attempt blame white people for something
Is why the black police officer says to him right away, you can stop lying now we know what's going on. Just stop lying. They don't think lying is wrong either if they can get away with it.
Next example in the video. White guy gets busted by police officers buying crack from a black dude. He immediately admits ok i paid this guy 30 dollars and i got some crack. Meanwhile the black guy is like i don't sell no drugs i dindu selling no drugs. Police officer asks.
>how much you pay him, 20 and two 5's.
Goes in the black guys wallet, picks up a 20 and two 5's. Black guy keeps trying to lie.
>i had that on me blablabla. I didn't do nuffin what are you doing man i didn't sell no drugs.
Since the police officer is black iirc. He's trying to negotiate with a brother to keep him from going to the station.
It's the direct opposite of how we think. They don't see it as wrong to do it, they are only afraid of the punishment for it/this is what they see as wrong is the punishment not the crime.
How far back should injustices go?
200 years? 2000 years? 20,000 years? 200,000 years?
Does it apply to the people who built civilization or only to niggers?
How about, you know, not stealing?
Good posts user. Reminds me of pic related. Dunno if you have seen it yet but it's a good read. Basically comes down to the idea that blacks do not internalize morality like other races do.
Whoops forgot pic