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Well ... that is because we aren't fucking hipsters who run through the world with a rucksack thinking they'll find their special snowflake meaning in life. our society is our family, which also includes work and you could say that a lot of nords are proud to contribute to that, even though it's getting shittier because of governments being undermined by leftist radicals.
i wouldn't expect americans to relate, i certainly can't to them either. i have never seen so many ignorant, superficial and uneducated people in my life as i did in the states. your live is average and uninteresting, you don't have any culture except consumerism, your entire nation struggles needlessly because of your through and through corrupt and broken government. the most interesting thing i get to hear is that someone got shot around that corner and how the NRA is the best thing ever
t. german
>talks shit about America's
>says he's German
>US flag
>posts in the wrong fucking thread
You're a leaf, aren't you.
Norks or a (((Deep State sub))) obviously fired a nuke at the USA trying to spark a nuclear war. Shit got shot down and now it is being covered up to stop widespread panic.
These warnings for both Japan and Hawaii can't happen by accident.
NK is testing Japan's and Hawaii's response times before unleashing the real deal.
godamn shills are fast
"False" missile alerts
fuck off you shill cunt. Day of the rope will be soon.
Nothing to see here. Move along.
Something BIG is going to happen in a few weeks. Two false alarms isn't a coincidence.
CIA mind games
Wouldn't the more reasonable possibility, aside from the main narrative be, that they were simply testing their defensive technology and the readiness of the people on the ground?
It took them more than 30 minutes to call it of. That is a bit more than it would actually take for a missile to hit the island. So, if you want to know whether the forces on the ground are prepared, you let them go through the entire procedure before calling it of. That way you have information and can assess for future non-drills.
Yeah this did cross my mind too. However from what I gather Hawaii have these tests every month.. so why do this?
Just guessing, that you can see, how people actually react. With a test, people usually don't give their best and civilians don't care that much. If they really think somethings going down, they'll react differently.
Like you would behave differently, if you knew that it is a mock-exam instead of an actual exam.
Possibly because everyone knows they're tests and don't take them seriously. How seriously did you take fire drills in school?
One, fairly off topic thing that keeps crossing my mind is, how fucking many kids do you think are going to be born in September? There must have been so god damn many raw dog, deep dick cream pies that day of people just like "well, might as well go out with a bang"
Brace yourselves the Jews are planning a bomb attack. This will start a war with North Korea. Side note the only reason will goto war with North Korea is because they don’t have a central bank.
The US are going to glass NK sooner or later and missiles launches might happen as retaliation. While I doubt NK can really do any damage to the mainland US, Japan and Hawaii are still exposed.
People would never participate in the exercise if they were told it was one. These are live tests of how people would react to a credible threat of annihilation.
In terms of reactions.. I guess you guys didn't see the Hawaiifag making a post about how he ended up fucking his sister because they both thought 'fuck it why not' as they were going to become atoms anyway.
I am still sceptical it was a test, however I doubt we will ever get to truly find out. The sheer amount of close calls that could have resulted in nuclear holocaust by now must be huge, yet joe public is never told.
sand niggers everywhere.
that was a fucking larp if you didnt realize it so reddit is down the hall and to the left
big if true
Don’t be inept. The Jew is orchestrating this whole entire façade their the ones, who will bomb us and blame North Korea.
>The sheer amount of close calls that could have resulted in nuclear holocaust by now must be huge, yet joe public is never told
Probably. Maybe in some decades after this, shit will be revealed, when the government really don't care anymore and historians can have a field day. But that'll take some time
Zamboni Jabroni gets it
Damn chinks...
This is Hawaii's excuse. Nuclear missile threat in between a test and a tsunami.
We all should start digging now. Follow the Jew for he leaves a trail of corpses where-ever he goes and massive amounts of propaganda. Notice Ops source. Wink-Wink
I doubt the government makes nuclear launch calls based off of automated texts that are sent out
See yourself >>/out/
Germany is fucking trash. All of you walk around with a goofy fucking smile on your face because you're clueless of the real world. You were taken over by a bunch of Jews after WWII and it's obvious. Germany is the Jew's fleshlight. They don't even dignify you as human. You only exist to get fucked. Fucked by the global warming lie, fucked by your childless leaders, fucked by your cultural enrichment. Your nation is the quintessential definition of the term cuck. You have no fight, only bitch. Your engineering is shit yet it seems to be the only thing you're proud of. We don't have the heart to tell you it's shit because that would be like kicking a dying dog. We look at you as a social experiment gone array. Just an example in life's book of lessons. Please, don't talk to us. We just want to observe how fast your population turns into blotted out jungle niggers.
It was pretty funny either way. Piss of with your bullshit reddit 'insults'
Or maybe it will be announced tomorrow at these Fake News awards, who knows, that beautiful bastard Trump doesn't give a fuck. Especially if he has consolidated enough power in the WH.
Deadman switches ensuring M.A.D. are pretty scary things. That automated text would be an extension of some top tier NORAD shit
Neither were accidents.
>U.S. stealthily preparing for war with N. Korea
>Hawaiian islands likely to suffer collateral damage
>Spam eaters wholly unprepared
>[Insert federal agency here] devises plan to kickstart preparations
>Initiate false ballistic missile warning
>Immediate panic and regret from Pineapple Chuckers wishing they had planned ahead for such a day
>Never again.
>Hawaiians start securing shelters and supplies, as well as detailing procedures
>Mission complete.