Why are Indian women dominating global pageants?

A part of me used to hate myself for thinking this way, but I just can't help but find Indian women attractive. When I saw this year's Miss World 2017 is Indian and the fact India's apparently tied with Venezuela in most pageants won, I knew it couldn't be just me. It's surprising considering India is only one country represented in the contest, whereas there are several black and white countries to represent those demographics. We all know those domestic pageants only accept a few girls in each state so it can't be because of population size.

All the Indian women in my university (went to a top 20 school) were quite smart, humble, and beautiful as well (with a few exceptions of course).

Is it just me, or is there something about them that gets you too? (Expecting curry/smell/hairy jokes considering where I am posting this, but will be attentive to the serious posts)

I see girls like that sometimes just going to the mall. Lots of qt indian girls.

They're CUTE.

only americlaps, world renowned for their utterly shit taste in women, have been resisting the poo train for a long time now. it is a simple fact that indian women are the best looking women in the world. I have noticed that indian women living outside of India, in diaspora, are usually much more attractive

I only see 1 of those women winning a pagent

too bad india and pakistan are utter shitholes.

because the attractive ones are damn hot

I think as India combats malnourishment and values going tot he gym as it is starting to now, we'll see a surge in attractive Indian women within their native countries. They aren't at their full potential considering their nourishment

I see the Mila Kunis cloning program is proceeding well.


This is the girl who won (Manushi). She is a 20-year old medical student from India.

How does pajeet keep his women so loyal?

she can poo in my loo any time

Hindu, Buddhist, Jain, Sikh, Muslim and Christian-Indian women tend to be faithful because it is in their culture. Love is equivalent to respect/care rather than infatuation/lust. You can pretty much lose both your legs and still have faith she'll keep you.

Those heels they are all wearing are fabulous!!

I mean to their race.

Theres 700 million of them and these are the 12 hottest ones they could find?


Oh yeah?

you must not have a functioning nose



roller coaster


Because once they discovered waxing they could remove all that nasty arm hair and weird sideburns

Fuck white women

Considering there are 600 million Indian females, with 3/4 of them not eligible due to their age, and then another portion of them too malnourished to even compete, I'd say it's a pretty hot sample. Those are just random girls who didn't compete in the India pageant, even.

Hot Indian girls are REALLY hot. There aren't many of them though.

Indian woman always have really nice hair. They need to take that DNA and put it into white/Asian woman.



they are threatened with beatings and stonings if they aren't loyal.

I've not ever seen one athletic looking Indian woman in my entire life.

Poos are just not beautiful. She has a big schnozz and a moustache.

Cause they look average.

Here is a bigger pic




Joey Tribbiani's sisters

I can tell ya which ones dig a "Texas Persuader"

They're not always the most beautiful but Priyanka was amazing

They're "diverse" but still kind of look white.

>marry a beautiful indian woman
>your sons now have a strong chance to become skinnyfat manlet virgins who can only grow pedophile moustaches

Not worth the risk

strong family if the father is still alive. Indian girl without a father figure = hell on earth

If you have something a hot indian girl wants, you'll get your dick sucked fairly well.

Also, with a pop. of 1.4 billion, you have more choices.

India is basically tied for having the most human beings on this planet

More human beings=nominally higher number of good looking people. If you wanted to compare apples to apples you would have to compare the percentage of the population that is considered good looking for each country.

Let me get that 5 babyyy

So you're saying that the real question is why China doesn't have more winners?

most pajeetas are qts and the great thing is they virtually worship white men as superior i.e., size matters. Discreet also since the ones who come over to study in the West are usually always already arranged to be married off by their families when they return to poo country

Either you are really into the dark hair low cheekbones thing or you've been fucking brainwashed by the multi-cult narrative. At the upper echelons of attractiveness it's all personal preference. I've fucked 2 really hot Indian girls. And they were great. But I didn't really get along with one and the other was a very random situation. So, bye. It's that way with every partner, eventually you're splitting hairs on apparence and its time to move on to personality traits. Indian women are highly intelligent, but in terms of kicking back and shooting the shit: lacking.

dang, paprika is cute

I'd be happy if I had a wife like one of them.
I think our kids would be cool because i'm a quarter jew.


Exotic brown to europeans (brits in particular have lust for indian spice embedded into their genetics at this point, FR is just as bad for anything darker than tan). Pale enough to entice lust on dirty blacks. Inidans would fuck literally anything with a hole so theres no need to show them something special.

Really? The Indian girls who swam at my uni were pretty hot. A lot of Bollywood babes are fit too.

North poos are okay, but south poos need to die.


I'm not brainwashed. An attractive man knows attractive when he sees it. The waist-hip ratio, healthy looking hair, symmetrical faces, and clear skin really gets me. Plus it helps they're smart and faithful. There is a large domestic abuse problem in the United States, and women still manage to divorce their men. Divorce doesn't have to do with beating, as Indian American women who don't even get beat tend to stay. I admire that. They also tend to perform quite well as a demographic in the states

1,6, or 0. Baby needs a new pair-o-shoes.


South Indian women are actually the bustier ones. I prefer them.

i dated a tamil girl for a while. she had an incredible figure - big tits that were incredibly firm, no sag at all, a big ass, wide hips....hnngggg

she was incredibly pretty too. i was really punching above my weight with her