Bernie would have won.
Bernie would have won
we'll never know will we?
he would have at least taken enough votes away from Trump for the voter fraud to really kick in. the DNC put a shotgun in its mouth and pulled the trigger so their queen could be anointed and in the process systematically destroyed the entire party in one election cycle.
it's fucking delicious
Yet here we are, with Bernie forgotten and God Emperor Trump as our president.
Maybe if he ran as an independent, which was his platform for 30+ years before hijacking the Democrat party's. Or if he ran as an independent after they made it clear they won't let him hijack their ahit
Well I'm glad he didn't
Venezuela is currently feeling the Bern, I'm not trying to do the same
No because Bernie is not a winner.
Bernie let a she hag bitch nudge him out of the way. He let nigger women shove him off stage.
Bernie is a pathetic little Jew shoveling loser.
And will never win anything.
That's the best you've got?
While we dropping red pills lets remind all ITT that they live in the matrix. That race isnt real, that really they are bipedal great ape simians disillusioned by a natural phenomena, in the form of albinism, a disease.
the jewish communist?
which states?
why would he need anything more when he's correct?
He should have won.
A spot on the wall.
If A was stronger than B, and B was stronger than C, then A was stronger than C
A, Trump
B, Clinton
C, Sanders
Come with me OP I'll show you the way out
My liberal dad listens to Bernie Sander’s audiobook every day
If you are white, you do not know what its like to be poor.
He could haved taxed the shit out of the 1% for free college. But i guess trump was more pro america and jobs and money
Oh and the wall etc etc
Bernie was on the cusp of winning Cali, which would have won him the Dem nomination. He dropped out of the race- Stopping the count, in which he was reportedly way ahead- for, uh, his health. The cali count is forever suspended...
ya good luck getting a republican majority congress to pass that bill
that's why he had to step aside
Imagine Bernie leading your country during a war
fuckin lmao I could never vote for this faggot
Oy vey! Bomb 'em with welfare checks.
No. Trump would have generated some nickname for him, exposed how much of a spineless cuck Berno was and made him look ridiculous with the world watching. Bernouts would have an hero'd in the streets and Trump would have still won and Hillary would have still lost in some fashion.
Good old rock. Nothing beats that.
You are a dumbfuck don't you know that the 1% has worked their asses off and thats how they got to where they are? You are where you are because you don't work hard. Stop taking welfare and pull up to your boostraps
In all seriousness taxes don't fund for government spending and Republicans are fucking retarded for thinking that adding to the deficit is actually a bad thing
I don't know. Bernie might have won. People really despise that Hillary bitch, even the people who voted for her don't like her. Bernie couldn't possibly have done as bad as her. She lost states the D's have been winning for years.
No he wouldn't have, no black person would have voted for him. They new the clinton name, bernie would have just looked like "whitey cracker mcgee" and wouldn't have bothered showing up. He would have performed much worse than hillary amongst minorities
If he had more delegates and superdelegates he would have won. Thanks for this insightful thread OP!
the 1% are jewish. checkmate
If what's-her-face hadn't fucked him over he might have legit won the Democratic nomination. He out-demmed Hillary in some ways, by being anti-big banks and actually having a solid congressional record by comparison.
When he left the race, voters stayed home. There could have been a landslide so huge that even the democratic college would have to agree.
This man let Hillary and DW-S take it away from him without a fight and then fucking stumped for the Shill like as good little cuck. What kind of president would he have been when faced with real men at home and abroad?
i voted for bernie and i will a second time in 2020 to kick trump's fat clown ass out of office
Explain white trash
If I was a Dem I'd have been pissed. Hillary organised and skated. who took the fall, Wasserman Smith, that's it. Made me throw up in my mouth a little when Bernie stilled shilled for her after it was revealed.